Configure Wait Time Queue IVR


Sprinklr IVR enables you to take inputs from customers and cater to their queries when they reach out to you via voice. In this article, we will learn how admins can configure the Wait Time Queue IVR to take relevant actions while a customer is waiting in the queue.

When a customer calls a support line and all agents are busy, the Wait Time Queue IVR enhances their experience by:

  • Informing them of the estimated wait time.

  • Offering the option to request a callback.

  • Providing an alternative to switch to another communication channel, such as chat or email.

  • Sharing relevant queue information while they wait.

  • Using nodes to register callback requests and send messages on different channels.

Configuration Steps

1. Navigate to Voice IVR

Go to Service > Resolve > Voice and select Voice IVR.

2. Create a New IVR

In the IVR flow manager, click the Create IVR button to create a new Wait Time Queue IVR.

3. Select IVR Type

Choose Wait Time Queue IVR from the IVR Type options.

4. Configure New Fields

Upon selecting the IVR type, two new fields will appear:

  • Waiting Music: Upload the audio that will play while the caller is waiting in the queue.

  • Time Duration: Specify the time (in seconds) after which the call will be sent to the Wait Time Queue IVR if not assigned to any agent.

Wait Time IVR has all similar node as Inbound IVR with some extra nodes - 

  1. Hold Action Node - This action sends the caller back to queue from IVR, User can specify the time duration for which caller will wait for assignment in queue and if call is  not assigned then will come back to wait time IVR. User can also specify the wait time music that customer should hear during this duration

  2. Recalculate Work Queue Properties -  This node is used to pull the properties of the queue in which the caller is waiting. This node updates the properties if there is any change while a customer is waiting in the queue.

The Wait Time Queue IVR in Sprinklr provides a robust solution for managing customer expectations and enhancing their experience while they wait in the queue. By configuring options such as waiting music, callback scheduling, and channel deflection, businesses can effectively communicate with customers, reduce frustration, and improve overall satisfaction.