Deflection to Other Channel


In this article we will learn about how admins can configure IVR to deflect customer from IVR to digital channels when customers wait to connect to an agent.

Business Use Case

When customers interact with an IVR system, they often opt to connect with a live agent to report an issue or seek assistance. Throughout this process, there are various situations where customers may require a callback. Here are a few examples:

  • When all agents are busy and are unavailable to take new calls or wait times are high, customers can be given the choice to get deflected to digital channels

  • When brand want to deflect customers for regular queries for self serve.


Sprinklr IVR can be configured in a way which asks customers for confirmation for deflection when they are waiting in the queue for more than the certain timeout period set in the agent node or on the basis of query type.

Sample configuration is shown in the screenshot-

Pre-requisite for configuring this in IVR: Sprinklr Voice should be enabled for the environment and your user should have IVR View, Edit or Create permission

We can configure Deflection node in an IVR using following node-

  • Use decision box to identify which all queries can be directly deflected to digital channel like General enquiry, self serve journey, etc

  • Use Work Queue Properties Node to get work queue related properties from this node if brand want to provide deflection option even before sending to queue if wait time is beyond certain limit

  • Use Decision Box Node to take decision on the basis of estimated time.

  • Use Assign To Agent Node, and set Time out and work queue.

  • Use Deflection Node for deflecting customers to digital. 

Configuration steps 

Get Estimated wait time and offer callback if EWT is more than certain limit-

For fetching the EWT we need to use work queue properties node. To know more about this node visit system action nodes of IVR. You can specify the work queue for which you need EWT and the variable name which will store the information.

Sample configuration is given below-

After this you can use decision box to make decision on the basis of workqueue property IVR.

Sample configuration of decision box is given below-


Note: In the above example, the decision regarding the wait time was based on the variable "workQueueProp.waitTimeInMillis" which represents the value in milliseconds. To set a condition for a one-minute, we used the value 6000.

Assign Agent in case EWT is less than certain limit-

If wait time is less than the certain limit, i.e., in the above example 1 min, you can use assign agent node to assign the call to agent. To know more about this node visit manage customer inflow nodes.

We can specify timeout in the node, It is the maximum time the user will wait in the queue. As soon as this time is exceeded, the user will be removed from the queue and moved to the timeout leg in IVR

For example, if the timeout duration is 25 sec, then the customer will be moved to the timeout leg if they have not been assigned to an agent within 25 sec. 

Sample Configuration is given below-



Deflection option in case EWT is more than certain limit/customer have waited more than timeout in the queue-

Use gather customer response to inquire whether they would prefer to deflect to whatsapp or wait for an available agent. If the customer opts for a deflection we can use Deflection node and if customer chooses to wait for an agent connect that path to assign agent node.

Note: If you connect back the leg to assign agent leg after timeout, it retains the position in the queue.


Configure Deflection Node

Once customer specify that they want to deflect, you can use deflection node to deflect, you can define the Deflection channel, Deflection asset, etc

To know more about this node visit manage customer inflow nodes.  

Note: When adding the deflection feature, make sure that the necessary information is available in the customer's profile for the channel you are deflecting them to. For example, if you are deflecting them to email, ensure that their email address is set in their profile.

If its not present you can use merge profile node to merge and add profile details to the caller profile.