Advanced Keyword Query


Before You Start

Operators for Keyword Queries

Following are some operator examples and their results:



Find Messages


Search for the term "hello".

social sprinklr

Search for phrases "social" and "sprinklr".


social AND sprinklr

Search for "social" and "sprinklr" anywhere within the complete message, irrespective of the keywords between them.


social OR sprinklr

Search for "social" or "sprinklr".


"social media" NOT "facebook"

Search for results that contain "social media" but not "facebook".


"social media"~10

Search for "social" and "media" within 10 words of each other.


Some other operators which are supported by Sprinklr are:

  • Proximity - It is used to define proximity or distance between 2 keywords only, whereas, Near can be used to define proximity between two keywords as well as keyword lists. For more information, see Apply Proximity Settings in Keywords.

  • Onear (Ordered Near) - It sets the order in which the keywords will appear. For example: Keyword-List1 ONEAR Keyword-List2 will ensure keywords from Keyword-List1 appear first and then Keyword-List2 keywords will follow.

Syntax For Keyword Queries

Use of Parenthesis: 

While parentheses are not necessary, they can be helpful for grouping operations in complex queries. For example: phone AND (Apple OR Samsung) .Use of parentheses within brackets isolates different operations.


You can also use parentheses within brackets to set off additional operations within the Advanced Query field. The end result should look similar to the result summary of a basic query, built using multiple operations within a single section.

  • Parentheses nested within brackets intend to set off different operations as isolated processes. An Advanced Query that states [(internet of things OR iot OR internet of things) AND (robots OR robot OR #robot)] your query will return results that contain ANY of the first three terms and the second three terms.

  • However, if you build an Advanced Query that states [internet of things OR iot OR internet of things AND robots OR robot OR #robot], your query will return any result that contains the phrase "internet of things" or the word "iot" or the word "robot" or the hashtag #robot or specifically the phrase "internet of things" within the same message as the word "robots". 


Use of Quotation marks:

Quotation marks are used for exact match phrases. Single-word queries don't require parentheses or quotation marks. 

Note: Use straight quotation marks (" ") for outlining phrases, not curved marks (“ ”). 

Parentheses group keywords or phrases joined by operators. Examples: "Phil Schiller" AND "Apple Marketing" "Phil Schiller" AND (Apple OR Marketing) 

Punctuation within Quotation Marks: Including punctuation in quotation marks returns results with the punctuated query only. Excluding punctuation returns results for both punctuated and non-punctuated queries. 

For example, "Pamela A. Wickham" will match only "Pamela A. Wickham," while "Pamela A Wickham" will match both "Pamela A Wickham" and "Pamela A. Wickham." 


Note: You cannot use a “NOT” statement within an “OR” statement.