Frequently Asked Questions
tiktok business
frequently asked questions
15 hours ago
, by [Redesign] Sprinklr Help Center
In this article we will cover the most frequently asked questions about TikTok Business.
These metrics are refreshed in T+24 hours (UTC time) from the post being published at TikTok's end itself.
TikTok Follower % By Country
TikTok Follower % By Gender
Net number of followers gained on specified day
Total profile views within the specified day
Total video views on specified day
Total likes across videos posted within the specified day
Total comments across videos posted within the specified day
Total shares across videos posted within the specified day
Number of followers online (hourly time-series data) within specified day
Total unique users who viewed a video
Percentage of users who watched the complete video
Total watchtime of video (in seconds) aggregated across all views
Average watchtime of video (in seconds) across all views
Different sources for video impressions
Percentage breakdown of country location of viewers
Some of these metrics could be missing or show discrepancies from native metrics as seen in real-time. TikTok has confirmed that metrics updation for values returned by API could be delayed by up to 24-48 hours.
All requested daily metrics - likes, comments, shares, followers-count, profile-views, video-views, audience-activity.
Note: Metrics objects will only be returned for dates after TikTok Business account was created. There can be upto a 24 hour delay in metrics availability. |
If a client, for example, has posted a TikTok video that was originally published natively as organic content, and later boosted (sponsored) the post. Do the post-level metrics returned for this post after boosting include paid engagement (views, impressions, etc.) as well?
Yes, the business account post-level metrics returned by the API include both organic and paid engagement.
Separating out only paid engagement data from the metrics shown in Sprinklr’s dashboards in not supported by TikTok APIs currently.
Yes, the Business Account Comments APIs support fetching comments on organic posts that are later boosted.
Sprinklr updates incoming comments on owned videos in near real-time, with only upto a couple of minutes delay observable in the Engagement dashboards.
3 Seconds - 600 Seconds
Format: .mp4, .mov, and .webm
Maximum video file of 1 GB can be uploaded to publish in TikTok (between 3-60 seconds in length).
23 FPS - 60 FPS
Yes, please refer to Boost TikTok Organic Posts for more information.
No, we cannot fetch the TikTok posts where fans have mentioned brand TikTok Business account due to API limitation.
TikTok account access token gets refreshed Daily, until the Refresh Token expires, in which case users will need to re-add their TikTok Business account in Sprinklr.
Changing TikTok Password or Username natively will not be fetched into Sprinklr automatically due to API limitation. You will need to re-add the account after making any native changes.
TikTok Business account de-activates when the refresh token expires. Refresh token expires automatically for a TikTok Business account after 365 days of initial issuance.
You do not need to remove/deactivate the account from Sprinklr. You will have to add the account again.