Publishing - Frequently Asked Questions


This article consists of some commonly asked questions regarding publishing in Sprinklr.

Q. While publishing posts through Sprinklr, do we have any guidelines for the channel regarding media?

A. For media upload while publishing, we have channel-wise guidelines. Please see: Channel Media Guidelines.

Q. Is it possible to use the Smart Scheduling feature when using "Create Message" instead of "Quick Publish"?

A. Yes, the user can use the smart scheduling feature when creating a message instead of QP.

Q. Is it possible to associate a post with more than one campaign?

A. No, there can only be one campaign associated with a post.

Q. When a post is scheduled to recur, will it be in draft or scheduled status?  

A. It is expected that the posts remain in draft status when scheduled for recurring.

Q. Can we publish organic dark posts through sprinklr QP?

A. Yes, we can publish organic dark posts through QP. 

Q. When building tiered approvals - can there be 2 approvers within 1 step, but anyone 1 person needs to approve?

A. This can be achieved using approval queues. In approval queues, any one of the users provisioned to the queue can approve/reject the message. 

Q. Do you know if there is any way to be able to modify the colors in the editorial calendar? 

 A. Yes, using the three dots option on the editorial calendar (top right), then select settings and then color configuration.

Q. Can we limit the number of posts that are created by a user per channel/account?
A. No, it is not possible as of now in sprinklr.

Q. How do users apply approval paths while publishing posts through sprinklr?
A. The user needs to create a tiered approval path in the sprinklr platform setting to utilize the Follow the approval path section in the publishing window.

Q. What is URL shortener and how can we use this?
Shortened URL allows for reducing long links from Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linked In, etc. sites with authority on the Internet. The main purpose of using a URL shortener is to minimize the web page address into something that's easier to remember and track. Sprinklr lets users shorten links to just 19 characters from anywhere in the platform.

Q. How Video optimization work while publishing video in the publisher window?
A. Video optimization tool helps in converting user video file format, compressing it to reduce the file size, and performing other editing tasks, so the video looks perfect. w.r.t channel specifications while publishing a video through Sprinklr. Video optimization in sprinklr is available for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn only.

Q. Can we use emoji or skin tone emoji while publishing posts through Sprinklr?
A. We can use emoji and skin tone as per requirement while publishing posts through sprinklr publishing window. 

Q. Is it necessary for the user to obtain permission before publishing a post?
A. Yes, every user needs some permission for publishing posts via sprinklr publisher. Please refer to Permissions related to publishing article for more details.

Q. How can we use custom thumbnails for video while publishing?

While publishing a post from the publisher, the user can select any image within the post to view a thumbnail for that video. For detailed information, please check Select thumbnail for video while publishing for detailed information.