LMS in Quality Management Persona


User Learning Stats Widget in Agent Analytics Page

Quality Managers have access to the User Learning Stats widget for specific agents on the Agent Analytics page. This widget displays the count of not started, ongoing, and completed learning content for each agent.

By clicking View All, navigate to the Learning third pane to see detailed information about assigned content, including name, due date, duration, and current status. Filters are applied for Content Type, Status, and Skills to refine the content view.

To assign a new course with deadlines, click Assign at the top right. You can sort the content by Relevance, Modified Time, Creation Time, or Alphabetically, and apply filters for Content Type, Status, and Skills to further refine the content view.

Training Tab

Quality Managers, from the Training tab, have the capability to create new content, edit existing content, import external content, and assign or unassign content to learners.