Ad Comment Reporting Limitations & FAQs



  1. You can leverage the Ad Comment Analysis dashboard for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and LinkedIn.

  2. The dashboard will show comments from ads only.

  3. Ad Comment Analysis will not work for Ads using Asset Customizations (placement, location, and language). Check Ads comment moderation overview for more information.

  4. The data will be backfilled for the last 365 days.

  5. Outbound post is not available for tiktok channel and AI analysis is not supported as per channel policy.

  6. You cannot edit or clone the dashboard and widgets.

  7. You need to have Ads license to access this dashboard.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can filter the ad comments based on Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, Ad Variants as well as custom properties.

You can leverage the Ad Comment Analysis dashboard for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

No. Deleted comments are filtered out from the dashboard.

No. The comments will not be translated and will be shown as is.

Only text is analyzed and we don’t have any widget for image analysis.

Currently, there is no special handling in the dashboard itself. You can however set up a rule that looks for those spammy links and auto-hide/delete those comments.

Sprinklr Sentiment Analysis model reads messages in context and extracts opinions/sentiments from the text it reads and categorizes them as positive, neutral, or negative. It makes combined use of Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning (a sub-set of Machine Learning) techniques to analyze and categorize opinions expressed by people across blogs, reviews, social media, forums, news, or through any other sort of text as positive, negative, or neutral according to the sentiments expressed by them. 
For more information, see Sentiment Analysis Overview.

The Time Range filter will filter out the number of comments made within that particular time frame and only show the analysis for those comments.

Yes, Comments on Facebook Dynamic ads will be fetched as well.