Create Template Messages for LINE


Sprinklr provides Template Messages that are rendered by LINE. When agents or bots share the LINE template message, customers will view the rendered templates via the LINE app.

What are Template Messages?

LINE Template Messages are messages with predefined layouts which you can customize. The following type of LINE Template messages are available in Sprinklr:

  • Card

  • Confirm

  • Carousel

  • Image Carousel

To Create a LINE Template Message in Asset Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Assets within Engage.

  2. In the top right corner of the Asset Management window, click Add Asset and select Add Omni Chat Templates from the dropdown.

  3. In the Create New Asset window, enter a Name and optional Description for your asset under the Basic Details section.

  4. Under the Asset Specific section, select any one of the following as the Template Type from the dropdown menu and LINE from the Channel dropdown. For more information, see LINE Template Message — Field Descriptions.

    • Card

    • Confirm

    • Carousel

    • Image Carouse

  5. Under Asset Details, select CampaignsSub CampaignsStatusAvailable fromVisible fromExpires onTags, RestrictedBrands, PersonaCustomer Journey StageAutomated Tags, and Information

  6. Under Asset Sharing, select the Workspaces and Users/Users Groups you want to share your asset with. Check the Visible in all workspaces box to make it visible in all workspaces.

  7. Next, apply the desired Properties to the asset.

  8. Click Save in the bottom right corner to create the template.  

LINE Template Message — Field Descriptions

Image Aspect Ratio

Select the Image Aspect Ratio from the drop-down menu.  The aspect ratio options are available: 

  • Rectangle

  • Square

Button Element
Upload Image
Click the Image Uploader icon Space_Icon_Campaign Image Uploader.png and select the desired image from DAM, or Media Valet or Upload a new image. 
Image Size

Select the Image Size from the drop-down menu.  The aspect ratio options are available:

  • Contain

  • Cover

Image Background Color

By default, it is set as #ffffff. If you wish, you can change the image background color.


Enter the title for the Button element.

Alt Text

Enter the alt text for the template.


Enter the description for the template.

Default Action

Enter a label for the default action.


Select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Action Button 1

Enter a label for the action.


Select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Add New Button

If you wish, click to add more action buttons.

Confirm Element
Enter the title for the Confirm Element.
Alt Text

Enter the alt text for the Image.

Action Button 1

Enter a label for the default action.


Select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Action Button 2
Alt Text

Enter the alt text for the template.

Image Aspect Ratio

Select the Image Aspect Ratio from the drop-down menu.  The aspect ratio options are available: 

  • Rectangle

  • Square

Image Size

Select the Image Size from the drop-down menu.  The aspect ratio options are available:

  • Contain

  • Cover

Carousel Element 1
Upload Image
Click the Image Uploader icon Space_Icon_Campaign Image Uploader.png and select the desired image from DAM, or Media Valet or Upload a new image.
Enter the title for the Carousel Element.
Enter the description for the Carousel Element.
Image Background Color

By default, it is set as #ffffff. If you wish, you can change the image background color.

Default Action

Enter a label for the default action.


Select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Action Button 1

Enter a label for the action.


Select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Add New Button

If you wish, click to add more action buttons.

Carousel Element 1
Add New Carousel Element

If you wish, click to add more carousels.

mage Carousel
Alt Text

Enter the alt text for the template.

Image Element 1
Upload Image
Click the Image Uploader icon Space_Icon_Campaign Image Uploader.png and select the desired image from DAM, or Media Valet or Upload a new image.
Action Button 1

Enter a label for the action.


Select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Add New Image Element

If you wish, click to add more action buttons.