Line Publishing


LINE supports many types of posts that can be published via Sprinklr including Text, Photo, Video, Audio, and Image Map. You can easily schedule your post and publish it to a specific target audience in LINE from the Publisher. You can also customize the images to be published using the image editor.

To Publish to LINE

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Quick Publish within Engage.

  2. In the Create Post window, search and select the required LINE Account in the Select Accounts field. You can also use Advanced Search to narrow your searches by a series of various filters.

  3. Select the desired Type of Message from the drop-down menu. Publisher_LineAccount_TypeOfMessage.png

  4. You can also publish the post as a broadcast message by checking to Publish this post as Broadcast Message box.Line_BroadcastMessage.png

  5. Click Add Targeting to select a target audience for the post. You can select from a saved audience or create a new audience for targeting.

  6. Select a campaign from the Campaign drop-down menu to associate your post with. You can also set your campaign as default by clicking Set as Default.

  7. You can select URL Shortener to shorten every link that you paste into your message. This helps you make the most of the character limit.

  8. Apply Properties to the post.

  9. Under Approval, set an Approval Type for your post. You can also add an Approval Note.

  10. The preview of the post will render on the right pane. Also, you can click the Preview icon Space_Icon_Preview.png in the bottom left corner if you have minimized the Create Post window.

  11. Click Post in the bottom right corner to publish the post on the selected LINE account immediately. If you are not ready to publish and want to save your post as a draft, click Save as Draft.

  12. You can also schedule your post for a future date and time by clicking the  Schedule Post in the bottom right corner. Select the month, date, and time of publishing. Click Apply to save your changes. 

  13. To continue publishing the post, check the given Publish Another box at the bottom.

To Add Targeting to LINE Post

  1. In the Target Audience window, either Select from Saved Target Audiences to select a pre-existing Audience Targeting asset. Or, select Create New Audience to create a new Gender/Language-based Audience.

  2. In the Select from Saved Target Audiences section, search and select the desired target audience and click Add Selected in the bottom right corner.

  3. In the Create New Audience section, fill in the required details and click Set Target Audience in the bottom right corner. For more information, see Create a New Audience — Field

Create a new audience field description




Select the gender from the drop-down menu. The following options are available:




Search and select the languages from the drop-down list.

Client Profile List

Search and select the client profile list(s) from the drop-down list.

Partner Profile List

Search and select the partner profile list(s) from the drop-down list.

Save this Target Audience for Future

Check the box to save created target audience for the future.

Message type field description




  • Enter the content of your message in the message box. You can also insert Custom Links, Content Placeholders, Text Template, and Youtube Videos to your message. 

  • Next, click the Emoji Picker icon baseline_sentiment_satisfied_alt_black_18dp.png from the Content box to open the emoji menu. Use the icons at the top to browse categories, or search the emoji. Click your chosen emoji, and it'll be added to your message.




Enter a title for your photo post.



Select Photo

 to add a photo from the 

Media Uploader


Upload Photo

 to select media to upload from your device). 


Enter a description of the photo.





Select Video

 to add a video from the 

Media Uploader


Upload Video

 to select media to upload from your device). 


Enter a title for your video post.


Enter a description of the video.





Select Audio

 to add a media from the 

Media Uploader


Upload Audio

 to select media to upload from your device). 

Image Map


Image Grid Type

Select the image grid type from the drop-down menu.

Image - Select Photo/Upload Photo


Select Photo

 to add a photo from the 

Media Uploader


Upload Photo

 to select media to upload from your device). 

Image - Description

Enter a description of the image for the visually impaired.

Section - Label

Enter a label for the highlighted image grid section.

Section - Type

Select the type of section from the drop-down menu. 

Section - Text / Url

Enter the text or URL depending on the section type. This field will appear only when text or URL type is selected.