Line Reporting Metrics


LINE Metrics



Volume of LINE Brand Initiated Conversations

The count of conversations that were started by the brand.

Volume of LINE Brand Replies

The count of replies from the brand to a message.

LINE Message Broadcast

The number of Broadcast Messages sent.

LINE Account Blocked Count

The number of users blocking the LINE Official Account. The number decreases when a user unblocks the account​.

LINE Account Followers

The total number of followers. It only counts when a user added this LINE Official Account as a friend for the first time. The number doesn't decrease even if a user later blocks the account or when they delete their LINE account.​

LINE Auto Response Messages Count

The number of auto-response messages sent via LINE Official Account Manager.

LINE Broadcast Message Count

The total number of broadcast messages sent on a given day.

LINE Broadcast Message Count via Sprinklr

The number of Broadcast Messages sent through Sprinklr.​​

LINE Chat Screen Message Count

The number of messages sent from the LINE Official Account Manager Chat screen.​​

LINE Media Unique Played

The number of unique users who started playing any video or audio in the message. This metric will be displayed as null if the property value is 20 or lower.

LINE Media Unique Played 100%

The number of users who played the entirety of any video or audio in the message.

LINE Message Delivered

The number of messages delivered. However, if all messages have not been sent, they will be null.

LINE Message Unique Clicks

The number of unique users who opened any URL in the message. This metric will be displayed as null if the property value is 20 or lower.

LINE Message Unique Impressions

The number of users who opened the message, meaning they displayed at least 1 bubble. This metric will be displayed as null if the property value is 20 or lower.

LINE Multicast Messages Count via Sprinklr

The number of Multicast Messages sent through Sprinklr.​​​

LINE Narrowcast Messages Count via Sprinklr

The number of Narrowcast Messages sent through Sprinklr​​​.

LINE Push Messages Count via Sprinklr

The number of Push Messages sent through Sprinklr​​​.

LINE Reachable Targets

The number of users that the LINE official account can reach through targeted messages based on gender, age, and/or region. This number only includes users who are active on LINE or LINE services and whose demographics have a high level of certainty.​

LINE Reply Message Count via Sprinklr

The number of replies sent through Sprinklr​​​​.

LINE Targeted Messages Count

The number of targeted messages sent.

LINE Welcome Message Count

The number of Greeting Messages sent​.

LINE Message Multicast

The number of Multicast Messages sent.

LINE Message Push

The number of Push Messages sent.

LINE Message Reply

The number of Reply Messages sent.