Set up Web Analytics to Track Link Attribution and Link Clicks


Advocacy Admins can effortlessly monitor website traffic by utilizing Web Analytics, specifically tracking the visitors accessing the website through links embedded in the posts shared by Advocates. 

Why Web Analytics is Important 

  • With Web Analytics, Advocacy Admins can monitor how their post is performing after being shared by Advocates, whether it is leading to an increase/decrease in link clicks, and if users are performing the desired action after seeing the post. 

  • When the performance of each advocacy post vis-a-vis link clicks can be tracked, better performing posts can be amplified and distributed to a wider set of audience using amplification tools like Email Newsletters, Broadcasting to MS Teams, Slack, etc. 

Ultimately, this functionality benefits Admins by facilitating the reporting of Link Clicks [How many times was the link clicked?] and enabling the attribution of each individual click to various entities, such as User Id, Post ID, publishers, assets, social channels and more. 

Steps to Set up Web Analytics

There are mainly two parts to setting up Web Analytics profile for Advocacy. 

  • URL Shortener 

  • UTM Parameters setup 

URL Shortener 

Tools that convert links into shortened versions to save space, improve shareability and add UTM parameters. 


The first step in configuring a Web Analytics profile is setting up a URL shortener in Sprinklr. Navigate to the following article to understand how to configure a URL shortener in Sprinklr.  

After this, add this URL shortener in the Admin Console to ensure that URLs are shortened automatically and UTM parameters are added automatically.

UTM Parameter Set up 

To create a web analytics profile and set up UTM parameters, navigate to the Web Analytics section in Sprinklr 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click Analytics within Integrate.  

  2. In the top right corner of the Web Analytics window, click Add Analytics Profile and create your web analytics profile. 

  3. Select Advocacy as the Module Type and select the Analytics Profile type according to preference.

    A screenshot of a web analytics

Description automatically generated

  4. In the parameter setup add the required parameters. It is recommended to add the following parameters in your Advocacy Web Analytics profile:  
    Community User ID 
    Consumer Post ID 
    Parent Asset ID 
    Post ID  

  5. Click Save to finish creating the profile. 

Domain Configuration 

To ensure that your Web Analytics profile actually gets applied to URLs published by users, you need to ensure that the URL domain setup is completed. This ensures that the UTM Parameters only get applied to links that match this condition 

  1. Navigate back to main Web Analytics page and click Edit Domain Analytics for client.

  2. Specify the domain next to the Analytics profile that you just created. For example, in the screenshot below, the ‘ACME Analytics’ profile will get applied to all URLs that have inside them. Adding ‘*’ ensures that the Web Analytics profile gets applied to all URLs   


  • If a shortener is being used, you need to check the Plan Limit and ensure you have sufficient quota for the month. If quota is filled, click data will stop getting captured 

  • Every time an advocate shares a post, a unique URL is generated, so if 1000’s of shares is taking place and the URL shortener plan you have subscribed to has a limit lower than that threshold, it can cause limit exhaustion and consequent errors when advocates try to share.