Track and Analyse Link Click Data


If you have set up a Web Analytics profile for Advocacy, then Sprinklr will capture and display Click Count data in the Reporting module. This article will cover the overview of the major capabilities and general reporting widgets that are used to report on Clicks data. 

Why is Tracking Link Clicks important? 

  • With Web Analytics, Advocacy Admins can monitor how their post is performing after being shared by Advocates, whether it is leading to an increase/decrease in link clicks, and if users are performing the desired action after seeing the post. 

  • When the performance of each advocacy post vis-a-vis link clicks can be tracked, better performing posts can be amplified and distributed to a wider set of audience using amplification tools like Email Newsletters, Broadcasting to MS Teams, Slack, etc. 

How to set up Click Data related reporting widgets 

The most common metric to add in Clicks related reporting widgets is the Click Count Trend metric. You can also add different filters to filter down these clicks by channels or bot/non-bot type clicks.  

You can then add this metric alongside other dimensions and metrics to get in-detailed data around Clicks data. 

Community User: This gives data on how many clicks each individual user is generating on their posts shared from Advocacy. 

Adding this alongside dimensions like Shared Posts will give you the data on how many clicks were received on individual posts shared by users.

You can also plot the UTM parameters you added to get data on individual parameter level.


Note: Add dimensions like Community User, Shared Post, Actual Post, etc. in different combination with each other alongside Click Count Trend metric to get the required data.