Create and Use LinkedIn Lead Forms


LinkedIn Lead Forms allow you to collect leads from your LinkedIn ads and come pre-filled with LinkedIn profile data on potential leads. You can create lead forms for LinkedIn directly within Sprinklr and also download complete and accurate leads. This will allow you to seamlessly and efficiently receive data on potential customer leads to increase conversions, target your audience, and increase sales.

In this article, we will guide you on following topics:

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. Select Lead Forms within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. Click Create LinkedIn Lead Form in the top-right corner of the Lead Forms window.
    Create LinkedIn Lead Forms in Ads Settings

  4. In the LinkedIn Lead Form pop-up window, fill in the details. For more information, see LinkedIn Lead Form — Field Descriptions.
    Enter the details of your LinkedIn Lead Form

  5. In the right-hand pane of the LinkedIn Lead Form window, you will have a preview of your lead form. You can switch the view between Desktop and Mobile as well.

  6. After you have completed, click Save in the bottom-right corner.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options iconSpace_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired LinkedIn Lead Generation campaign and select Go to. Select Ad(s) from the options to navigate to the Creatives section.
    Go to LinkedIn Ads section in Ads Manager

  3. Click the View and Edit icon Hyperspace View And Edit alongside the desired ad variant you want to attach a lead form to.

  4. From the Edit pane on the right side, click the Creatives tab beneath the ad variant details.

  5. In the right-hand corner of the Lead Form field, click Add New Lead Form.


    You can also Clone an existing Lead Form from the selection menu and make changes as per your requirement.

    Click Clone to the far right-hand side of an existing Lead Form.

    Create a new LinkedIn Lead Form from Ads Manager

  6. In the LinkedIn Lead Form pop-up window, fill in the details. For more information, see LinkedIn Lead Form — Field Descriptions.

  7. After you have completed, click Save in the bottom-right corner.

  8. In the bottom-left corner of the Ads Manager window, click Review Changes to review your changes.

  9. On the Review Ad Variant Changes window, click Save in the bottom right corner to save the changes.

    Note: You will be able to see the preview of Lead Forms in your Ads Manager by clicking the “View Lead Form” option in the preview URLs.

Below are the steps:

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options iconSpace_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired LinkedIn Lead Generation campaign and select Go to. Select Ad(s) from the options to navigate to the Creatives section.

  3. Click the View and Edit icon Hyperspace View And Edit alongside the desired ad variant you want to attach a lead form to.

  4. From the Edit pane on the right side, click the Creatives tab beneath the ad variant details. 

  5. Click on Edit. Scroll down to find the Add New Lead Form option. From the drop-down menu, select the lead form you want to clone and click on the Clone option on the right side. 

  6. In the new LinkedIn Lead Form pop-up window, the form details will be auto-imported from the cloned Lead Form. 

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. Select Lead Forms within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. In the Lead Forms window, hover over the Options icon Space_Icon_Options (Vertical).png corresponding to the desired LinkedIn Lead Form and select from the given options:

    • Edit - Edit the details of the lead form and save the changes.

    • Clone - Clone an existing lead form to easily create a new form.


  • The Edit and Clone options are only available for LinkedIn Lead Forms.

  • Clone is also available from the Ads Composer and Ads Manager workflows.

Manage LinkedIn Lead Forms in Ads Settings

6. After you have completed, click Save in the bottom-right corner.

Lead Generation Forms can be created and attached to new campaigns when the Lead Generation objective is selected during the campaign creation flow.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. Select your LinkedIn Ad account.

  3. In the Campaign Details section, select Lead Generation as your Campaign Objective.

  4. Enter the other details for your Lead Generation campaign and proceed to the Creatives section. For more information, see Compose LinkedIn Ads.

  5. In the Creatives section, click Create new creative and build your creative.

  6. From the Lead Form drop-down menu, select the lead form you want to use in your creative.

    Note: You can build a lead form from scratch in the Ads Composer or Clone an existing Lead Form from the drop-down menu.

    • To Build from Scratch - In the right-hand corner of the Lead Form field, click Add New Lead Form to create a new lead form. On the LinkedIn Lead Form window, fill in the details.

    • To Clone - Click Clone to the far right-hand side of an existing Lead Form and make changes as per your requirement.

    For more information, see LinkedIn Lead Form — Field Descriptions.

    Select Lead Form for your LinkedIn Lead Generation campaign in Ads Composer

  7. After you have completed, click Save in the bottom-right corner and proceed to publish your campaign.

You can generate test leads for LinkedIn Lead Generation forms to ensure that the data is captured and available in your leads report. On downloading the Leads report from Sprinklr, you will have an additional column to identify the test leads. Test lead previews are only applicable for lead forms that are used in Ads.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options iconSpace_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired LinkedIn Lead Generation campaign and select Go to. Select Ad(s) from the options to navigate to the Creatives section.

  3. Click the View and Edit icon Hyperspace View And Edit alongside the desired Ad having a lead form attached.

  4. In the Ad Preview pane to the right, click the More Options icon Hyperspace View And Edit above the preview and select Test Lead Form URL. You will be redirected to the preview of the ad creative on the channel where you will have an option to fill the form.
    Generate Test Leads

LinkedIn Lead Forms allow you to collect leads from your LinkedIn ads and come pre-filled with LinkedIn profile data on potential leads. With Lead Forms in Sprinklr's Ads Tools and Settings, you can now download complete and accurate leads for LinkedIn directly from Sprinklr, allowing you to seamlessly and efficiently get data on potential customer leads.

For more information, see Lead Forms in Sprinklr Marketing (Ads).

Form Details
Ad Account

Select an Ad Account from the drop-down menu.

Form Name

Enter the name of your form.


Select the language of your form.

Offer Headline
Enter a headline for your form.

Limit of 60 characters.
Offer Details
Provide more information about the product.

Limit of 160 characters.
Privacy Policy URL
Provide your privacy policy URL.

This web page should be solely dedicated to your privacy policy. A link to the URL will appear on your form.

Privacy Policy Text

Enter the terms and descriptions of your privacy policy.

This text should include your primary use description which states what you intend to do with the member's information that they are choosing to submit on the Lead Form.

Lead Details & Custom Questions

Profile Information

Select form fields from the drop-down menu to identify the information you would like members to provide.

By default, First name, Last name, and Email address are pre-filled on the Lead Gen Form but can be unselected. You can select up to 12 fields.

Custom Questions - Add Custom Question

Click to add a custom question having a single line input or multiple choice to appear in your form.

You can add up to 3 custom questions. If you’ve selected Multiple Choice, you must enter the answer options (up to 10).

Custom Checkboxes - Add Custom Checkboxes

Click to add a mandatory/non-mandatory custom checkbox to appear in your form. This can be used to get a members’ specific consent for any additional ways you intend to use their information.

You can add up to 5 custom checkboxes.


  • Profile Information and Custom Questions - Add Custom Question are mandatory fields for the Lead to fill out.

  • For Custom Checkboxes, you can define the mandatory fields to be filled out by the Lead.

Enter your custom thank you message.

Limit of 300 characters.
Landing Page URL

Select a destination URL to connect members to your website, or other destination of choice.

Thank you message call-to-action

Select a call-to-action button to attach to your thank you message from the following:

  • Visit Company Website

  • Learn More

  • View Now

  • Download Now

  • Try Now

This CTA drives members to your website or content of choice.

Hidden Fields (Optional)

Add Hidden Field

Click to add additional fields to your form for tracking purposes. You can add up to 20 hidden fields.

Hidden fields will not show to members when they view your form, and will not collect any additional personal data about the submitting member.