Social Login (Advocacy)


If you want to allow users to sign-up and login to the platform using any of their social accounts, you can enable the social login option. 

Sprinklr Advocacy supports sign-up and login with various social channel accounts such as: 

  • LinkedIn 

  • Twitter 

  • Instagram 

  • Facebook 

  • TikTok 

Steps to Configure Social Sign on

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Admin Console within Engage.  

  2. Hover over the Options icon alongside the desired Advocacy Community and select View Sites.  

  3. Hover over the Options icon alongside the desired Site and select Build Site

  4. Click the Overview tab. Under Social Channels, add the social apps for which the social login needs to be set up. 

  5. Click the Login tab. Select Social as the Authentication Type

  6. There are several elements that you can edit to make changes to the content as well as layout of the login page of your Advocacy site 

  7. Modify the HTML-CSS code to add the social channels you want to show on the login page.