Manage Activities in Sprinklr WFM
Activities in Sprinklr WFM are the various tasks and engagements that agents undertake during their working hours. This section outlines the essential steps for managing Activities, including:
Creating Activities
Editing Activities
Deleting Activities
View Audit Log of Activities.
Create Activities
Prerequisites for creating Activities:
Sprinklr WFM must be enabled for the environment.
You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.
Create permission under the Activities section in the Workforce Management module.
Scenario: A new training program is introduced for customer service representatives. The Administrator creates a new “Training” activity to schedule and track training sessions, ensuring all representatives complete the program.
Follow these steps to create an Activity:
Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.
Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.
Go to Shift Activity to open the Activities Record Manager.
Click the Create Activity button at the top-right of the page to open the Create Activity page.
Fill in the required fields on the Create Activity page. Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory. Below are the descriptions of all the fields on this page:
Name: Enter the name of the Activity. (Required)
Description: Briefly describe the Activity.
Activity Impact: Choose whether the Activity will be Productive or Unproductive. Select 'Productive' for Activities where agents actively work on tasks that contribute to SLA calculations (such as training and overtime). Select 'Non-Productive' for Activities like breaks or meals that do not impact SLA metrics. (Required)
Activity Type: Select the type of Activity. (Required)
Paid Activity: This indicates that the agent will receive compensation for the Activity.
Unpaid Activity: This indicates that the agent will not receive compensation for the Activity.
Agent Status: Select the agent's default status during the Activity. Multiple statuses can be selected. (Required)
Activity Color: Choose a color for the Activity for easy identification. You can choose a color using the color picker or by entering a hexadecimal code. (Required)
Default Activity Duration: Enter the duration of the Activity. You can enter the time in either minutes or hours.
Default Activity Priority: Specify the priority for the Activity. The priority set here will determine which Activity is given preference if multiple Activities overlap on an agent’s schedule. You can enter any number between 1 and 100, with a lower number indicating higher priority. For example, if you assign a priority of 10 to 'Training' and a priority of 20 to 'Meeting,' 'Training' will take precedence over 'Meeting' if both activities are scheduled simultaneously. (Required)
Click the Save button at the bottom right of the page to create the Activity.
This completes the process of creating an Activity.
Edit Activities
Prerequisites for editing Activities:
Sprinklr WFM must be enabled for the environment.
You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.
Edit permission under the Activities section in the Workforce Management module.
Scenario: The duration of lunch breaks needs to be adjusted due to a change in company policy. The Administrator edits the existing “Lunch Break” activity to extend the duration from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, ensuring compliance with the new policy.
Follow these steps to edit an Activity:
Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.
Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.
Go to Shift Activity to open the Activities Record Manager.
Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Activity you want to edit. This will show a list of options.
Select Edit from the list of options to open the Edit Activity page.
Update the necessary details for the selected Activity. The fields are the same as those used when creating an Activity.
After entering the updated details, click the Save button at the bottom right of the Edit Activities page to save the Activity.
This completes the process of editing an Activity.
Delete Activities
Prerequisites for deleting Activities:
Sprinklr WFM must be enabled for the environment.
You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.
Delete permission under the Activities section in the Workforce Management module.
Scenario: A training program for new customer service representatives has concluded. The Administrator deletes the “New Hire Training” activity to streamline the schedule and ensure that only current and relevant activities are displayed.
Follow these steps to delete an Activity:
Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.
Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.
Go to Shift Activity to open the Activities Record Manager.
Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Activity you want to delete. This will show a list of options.
Select Delete from the list of options to open the Delete Activity dialog box.
Select Submit to delete the Activity. This action cannot be undone.
This completes the process of deleting an Activity.
View Audit Log of Activities
Audit log of Activities allows you to track all changes made to Activities. It stores a comprehensive history of every change, including date and time stamps, along with details of the user who made the changes. This ensures full transparency and traceability, enabling managers to review and verify activities, maintain accountability.
Prerequisites for viewing audit log of Activities:
Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.
You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.
View permission under the Activities section in the Workforce Management module.
Follow these steps to view the audit log of Activities:
Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.
Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.
Go to Shift Activity to open the Activities Record Manager.
Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Activity for which you want to view the audit log. This will show a list of options.
Select View Audit Logs from the list of options to open the Activity window from the Third Pane.
You can view all the changes made to the Activity from the Third Pane. You can refresh the data, sort it by the date of updates in ascending or descending order, and copy the URL of the Activity for easy sharing.