How to Update Saved Audiences in the Audience Manager


While editing a Saved Audience (add link Actions in Ads Manager) from the Audience Manager, please note the following:

  • Any changes made to the audience will automatically update the relevant targeting fields for all applicable ActivePaused, or Draft Ad Sets where this audience is applied. 

  • For any Deleted or Archived Ad Sets, there will be no change to the targeting fields but the Audience IDs associated with these Ad Sets will be removed.

  • You can create Special Ad Category Saved Audiences (add link) and also update them from the Audience Manager.

  • The Sprinklr Targeting ID will remain the same, i.e. there will be no change in updating any saved audience.

  • On clicking Save, you will be notified when all the applicable Ad Sets have been successfully updated.

  • This capability is available for all channels within Sprinklr.

To learn more about updating Saved Audiences, please work with your Success Manager.

Updating Saved Audiences within Audience Manager