How to View Outbound Post Custom Fields in Ads Manager


Outbound Properties are those custom fields that are tagged at the Post level. Based on a user's workflow, custom fields can be tagged at multiple levels. Previously, Ads Manager only allowed tagging of custom fields at the Paid Initiative, Ad Set, and Ad Variant levels.

Now, with more visibility, you can view and tag Outbound level custom properties for your Ad Posts directly within Ads Manager. Tagging outbound post properties allow you to categorize your ad posts and view their performance according to your customized business logic.

This capability is available for all channels excluding Snapchat and TikTok (non-Spark Ads), as these channels do not have the concept of Outbound Posts.

To Tag Outbound Custom Properties in Ads Manager

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. On the Ads Manager window, navigate to the Ads section from the top dashboard bar.

Navigate to the Ads section

3. Click the View and Edit icon alongside the desired Ad you wish to tag.

4. In the Edit pane to the right, click the Engagement tab from the right rail.

Engagement tab in View and Edit rail

5. Under Outbound Post Properties, you can view and edit the outbound level properties linked to the post associated with the Ad as desired. Please scroll down to see Outbound Custom Properties — Validations while setting the properties.

Set the Outbound Post Properties

6. Once you have set the properties, click Review Changes in the bottom-right corner.

7. On the Review Changes window, click Apply Changes in the bottom-right corner.



Post is linked to multiple Ads

If you set an outbound custom field through Ads Manager / Bulk Import, and the post is linked to multiple Ads, then the latest change would override all the previously applied changes. You will receive the following warning message in the Review window when changes are made:

"Please note that the outbound custom property <name> is being used in one or more Ads and the changes made will reflect across all the Ads linked to this post.

On applying the changes, it will reflect in the audit log of all the Ads linked to the Post."

Replaced the Post used in an Ad

If you replace the post used in an ad (Post A with Post B), then the custom properties of the latest post (Post B) will override all the previously applied custom properties, and the changes will reflect in the audit log.

Simultaneously apply different values to the same Outbound custom field

If you simultaneously apply different values to the same Outbound custom field from Ads Manager, then the following error message will be displayed with the Apply Changes button disabled in the Review window:

"Please note that you are simultaneously trying to apply different values to the Outbound custom property <name>. We recommend using the same values and trying again."

Changes to Outbound properties from Sprinklr Social / Organic side

If you make changes to Outbound properties from the Sprinklr Social / Organic side, then the changes will automatically be synced across all the outbound custom properties displayed in Ads Manager and Ads Reporting and reflect across all the Ads that use this Post.

Snapchat and Tiktok Ads

For Snapchat and TikTok, the concept of Outbound Post is not relevant, and hence, the Engagement tab will not be shown in Ads Manager.

Facebook Post Types:

  • Placement Asset Customization

  • Language Customization

  • Location Asset Customization

  • Dynamic Product Ads

  • Dynamic Creative

The following disclaimer will be shown within the Outbound Post Properties section in the Engagement pane:

Please note that for [Placeholder] posts, only one of the post variations (denoted as Parent) has been mapped to the Ad, and the other child variations have not been linked due to Facebook limitations. As a result, you will be able to update Outbound custom property only to the parent post variation, and not to the child posts.

Facebook Inline Posts created natively

  • If the post has any comments, you can update the Outbound properties similar to that of any other post.

  • If the post doesn’t have any comments, it cannot be fetched, and hence, for such posts, no Outbound custom properties will be displayed in the Engagement section. You will see the below notification:

    Please note that this post has been created inline using Facebook, and will be imported into Sprinklr only after the post receives at least one comment. As a result, you will be able to update the outbound custom properties only after this post starts receiving comments.