DCM Metrics in Ads Reporting


Leverage this detailed list of all DCM metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better.

Given below is a list of all DCM metrics, along with their descriptions:

DCM Metric Name

Sprinklr Name


Active View: Eligible Impressions

DCM Active View Eligible Impressions

The total number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if the ad unit has a supported creative format and tag type.

Active View: Impressions Distribution (Not Measurable)

DCM Active View Impression Distribution Not Measurable

Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted but failed.

Active View: Impressions Distribution (Not Viewable)

DCM Active View Impression Distribution Not Viewable

Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded, and the ad was deemed non-viewable.

Active View: Impressions Distribution (Viewable)

DCM Active View Impression Distribution Viewable

Percentage of measurable impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded, and the ad was deemed viewable.

Active View: Measurable Impressions

DCM Active View Measurable Impressions

The total number of impressions that were measurable with Active View. An ad is measurable when the Active View tag can capture viewability data about the impression and communicate that data to the DoubleClick servers.

Active View: Not Measurable Impressions

DCM Active View Not Measurable Impressions

The total number of impressions that were not measurable with Active View. An ad is not measurable when the Active View tag fails to capture viewability information about the impression.

Active View: Not Viewable Impressions

DCM Active View Not Viewable Impressions

Total number of impressions that were measured but deemed not viewable.

Active View: % Measurable Impressions

DCM Active View Percentage Measurable Impressions

Percentage of impressions that were measurable with Active View, out of the total number of Active View eligible impressions, calculated as: (measurable impressions ÷ eligible impressions) × 100.

Active View: % Viewable Impressions

DCM Active View Percentage Viewable Impressions

The percentage of viewable impressions out of all measurable impressions, calculated as (Viewable Impressions) / (Measurable Impressions). For example, say the ads on your site had 100 measurable impressions. That means there were 100 impressions where Active View tags were able to measure viewability. If only 10 of those 100 impressions were measured as viewable, then the site would have 10% viewable impressions.

Active View: Viewable Impressions

DCM Active View Viewable Impressions

The number of impressions on the site that were viewable out of all measurable impressions.

Click-through Revenue

DCM Activity Click Through Revenue

The total amount of revenue attributed to click-through conversions. Revenue is calculated for Floodlight sales activities.

Click-through Transaction Count

DCM Activity Click Through Transaction Count

Conversions that are attributed to an ad that was displayed and are clicked.

Activity Delivery Status

DCM Activity Delivery Status

For each placement, the percentage of Floodlight activities (conversions) booked for the specified time period that have actually been delivered, calculated as:\n(Total conversions / Booked activities) x 100%.This value only applies to placements with a CPA cost structure.

Activity Per Click

DCM Activity Per Click

For each Floodlight activity, the average number of activities (conversions) that result from one click, calculated as:Activities ÷ Clicks.

Activity Per Thousand Impressions

DCM Activity Per Thousand Impressions

For each Floodlight activity, the average number of activities (conversions) that result from 1000 impressions, calculated as:Activities ÷ (Impressions ÷ 1000).

Total Revenue

DCM Activity Total Revenue

The total amount of revenue attributed to all conversions in the reporting period, including both click-through and view-through conversions. Revenue is calculated for Floodlight sales activities.

Transaction Count

DCM Activity Total Transaction Count


View-through Revenue

DCM Activity View Through Revenue

The total amount of revenue attributed to view-through conversions. Revenue is calculated for Floodlight sales activities.

View-through Transaction Count

DCM Activity View Through Transaction Count

Conversions that are attributed to an ad that was displayed but not clicked on.

Booke Activities

DCM Booked Activities

The number of Floodlight activities booked for each placement in the report, adjusted for the time period specified. Add this metric to report on placements that are associated with a CPA cost model.

Booked Clicks

DCM Booked Clicks

The number of clicks booked for each placement in the report, adjusted for the time period specified. Add this metric to report on placements that are associated with a CPC cost model.

Booked Impressions

DCM Booked Impressions

The number of impressions booked for each placement in the report (known as "booked impression units"), adjusted for the date range of the report.Example equation: Booked impressions = (booked impression units)/(number of days for which they are booked) x (number of days of the report).

Click Delivery Status

DCM Click Delivery Status

For each placement, the percentage of clicks booked for the specified time period that have actually occurred, calculated as: (Delivered clicks / Booked clicks) x 100%\nThis value only applies to placements with a CPC cost structure.

Click Rate

DCM Click Rate

The percentage of impressions that result in users clicking an ad, calculated as: (Clicks / Impressions) × 100%. For example, if an ad delivers 500,000 impressions and receives 6000 clicks, the click rate is 1.2%. Accredited by the Media Rating Council.

Cost Per Activity

DCM Cost Per Activity

For each Floodlight activity, the media cost per user activity (conversion), calculated as: Total Media Cost / Total Floodlight Activities Recorded.

Cost Per Click

DCM Cost Per Click

The media cost per user click, calculated as: Media Cost / Clicks.

Cost Per Revenue

DCM Cost Per Revenue

The media cost for each unit of revenue recorded, calculated as: Media Cost / Revenue.


DCM Dbm Cost

Cost associated with DoubleClick Bid Manager (Dbm).


DCM Dbm Cost Usd

DBM cost is a composite value that represents the amount of money spent to purchase impressions from exchanges, plus any additional markups from Display & Video 360, partners, or third parties, as well as various other costs.

Effective CPM

DCM Effective Cpm

The amount of revenue per 1000 impressions that is generated by your ads, calculated as: Media cost / (1,000 x Impressions).

Impression Delivery Status

DCM Impression Delivery Status

For each placement, the percentage of impressions booked for the specified time period that have actually occurred, calculated as:(Delivered impressions / Booked impressions) x 100%.This value only applies to placements with a CPM cost structure.

Media Cost

DCM Media Cost

The cost of all impressions, clicks, and activities during the specified date range, based on the schedule and pricing information that was entered for each placement.

Paid Search Action Conversion

DCM Paid Search Action Conversion Percentage

The number of actions divided by the number of paid search clicks. Actions are non-revenue conversions-such as catalog subscriptions-that were recorded by Floodlight counter activities.

Paid Search Actions

DCM Paid Search Actions

The number of non-revenue conversions - such as email subscriptions - that were recorded by Floodlight counter activities and attributed to paid search ads.

Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Action

DCM Paid Search Average Cost Per Action

The average cost per action (CPA) of paid search, which is the amount spent on paid search clicks per action that a customer performs. An action is a non-revenue conversion—such as a catalog subscription—that is recorded by a Floodlight counter activity.

Floodlight: Paid Search Average Cost Per Transaction

DCM Paid Search Average Cost Per Transaction

The average cost per transaction (CPT) of paid search, which is the amount you spend on paid search clicks per transaction that a customer performs. A transaction is a conversion recorded by a Floodlight sales activity; depending on how they\'re set up, sales activities can count a single purchase as more than one transaction.

Floodlight: Paid Search Average CM360 Transaction Amount

DCM Paid Search Average Dfa Transaction Amount

The average amount of money per transaction (that is, conversion) that is recorded by a Floodlight sales activity and attributed to a paid search click. The average amount is calculated by dividing the total sales amount by the total number of transactions (conversions); depending on how they\'re set up, sales activities can count a single purchase as more than one transaction.

Paid Search Average Position

DCM Paid Search Average Position

The average position (or rank) of a paid search ad, which describes how the ad ranks against other ads in terms of where they appear on the search results page. For example, a value of 1 equals position 1, and a value of 1.7 equals an average position between 1 and 2.

Paid Search Click Rate

DCM Paid Search Click Rate

The percentage of paid search impressions that result in users clicking an ad, calculated as: (Paid search clicks ÷ Paid search impressions) × 100%.

Paid Search Clicks

DCM Paid Search Clicks

The number of times that users clicked on a paid search ad during the specified date range, as reported by a search engine.

Paid Search Cost

DCM Paid Search Cost

The total fees for clicks on paid search ads during the specified date range.

Paid Search Impressions

DCM Paid Search Impressions

The number of times a paid search ad was shown.

Paid Search Revenue

DCM Paid Search Revenue

The amount of revenue recorded from Floodlight conversions attributed to paid search ads.

Paid Search Spend Per Transaction Revenue

DCM Paid Search Spend Per Transaction Revenue

The ratio of paid search cost to paid search revenue, calculated as: Paid search cost / Paid search revenue.

Paid Search Transaction Conversion Percentage

DCM Paid Search Transaction Conversion Percentage

The number of transactions (conversions) recorded by Floodlight sales activities divided by paid search clicks.

Paid Search Transaction Revenue

DCM Paid Search Transaction Revenue Per Spend

The ratio of paid search revenue to paid search cost, calculated as: Paid search revenue ÷ Paid search cost.

Paid Search Transactions

DCM Paid Search Transactions

The number of sales conversions attributed to paid search ads, as recorded by Floodlight sales activities.

Paid Search Visits

DCM Paid Search Visits

The number of clicks on paid search ads that DoubleClick Search has successfully recorded and forwarded to an advertiser\'s landing page. Note that search engines report "paid search clicks," while DoubleClick Search reports "paid search visits." The number of clicks differs from the number of visits when landing pages are unavailable, perhaps due to incorrect landing page URLs, connectivity problems, or spam filtering.

Planned Media Cost

DCM Planned Media Cost

The media cost that would be expected based on the pricing information you enter for each placement in DoubleClick for Advertisers.

Revenue Per Click

DCM Revenue Per Click

For each user click, the average amount of revenue recorded by each Floodlight sales activity, calculated as: Revenue ÷ Clicks.

Revenue Per Thousand Impressions

DCM Revenue Per Thousand Impressions

For each user click, the average amount of revenue recorded by each Floodlight sales activity, calculated as: Revenue ÷ (Impressions ÷ 1000).

Rich Media: Average Display Time

DCM Rich Media Average Display Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, that Rich Media creatives were displayed to users during the specified date range. For creatives that include both an in-page element and an external element (Rich Media in-page with floating and Rich Media image with floating), only the display time for the external element is included. For Rich Media expanding creatives, display time is counted even when the creative is not expanded. For Floating with reminder creatives, the display time for the floating element is counted.

Rich Media: Average Explansion Time

DCM Rich Media Average Expansion Time

For Rich Media Expanding creatives, the average amount of time, in seconds, that each expanded creative was displayed in its expanded state. Only one expansion is counted per impression. If a user expands a creative, closes it, and expands it again, the expansion time is cumulative.Once the creative has been displayed for more than 20 minutes, no further expansion time is counted.

Rich Media: Full-Screen Average View Time

DCM Rich Media Average Full Screen View Time

For Rich Media creatives that contain video that can be expanded to full-screen mode, the average amount of time that the video played full-screen. Only one full-screen impression is counted per impression. If a user expands to full-screen mode, then returns to standard mode, then expands to full-screen again, the full-screen time is cumulative. Time is only counted when the video is playing, not when the video is paused.Once the creative has been displayed for more than 20 minutes, no further full-screen time is counted.The full-screen average view time does not take into account Rich Media impressions for which no full-screen impression was recorded.

Rich Media: Average Interaction Time

DCM Rich Media Average Interaction Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, that each user interaction with a Rich Media creative lasted. An interaction is counted when a user moves the mouse cursor over the creative. To ensure that accidental mouse movements aren't counted, interactions that last less than 1 second are discarded.

Rich Media: Video Average View Time

DCM Rich Media Average Video View Time

The average amount of time that an ad clip was played. For example, if a 20-second clip is played by one user for 20 seconds and a second user for 10 seconds, then the average time is calculated as 15.00 seconds. The event is logged when the user plays the ad clip to completion, stops play of the ad clip, or rewinds it. Video Average View Time can\'t be longer than the duration of the ad clip itself.

Rich Media: Backup Images

DCM Rich Media Backup Images

The total number of times that a backup image was served in place of an HTML5 asset during the specified date range.

Rich Media: Click Rate

DCM Rich Media Click Rate

The percentage of Rich Media impressions that result in users clicking an ad, calculated as:(Rich Media clicks ÷ Rich Media impressions) × 100%.

Rich Media: Clicks

DCM Rich Media Clicks

The number of times that users clicked on a rich media creative during the specified date range. A click is recorded even if the user does not actually reach the landing page. For example, if a user clicks on an ad, then closes the browser before the landing page loads, a click is still recorded.

Rich Media: Code Serves

DCM Rich Media Code Serves

The number of times that the code for Rich Media creatives has been served to users during the specified date range.The code serves metric is only relevant for interstitial or video creatives.

Rich Media: Custom Average Time

DCM Rich Media Custom Average Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, of Rich Media custom timers recorded during the specified date range. Custom timers are only reported when added by the creative developer.

Rich Media: Custom Counters

DCM Rich Media Custom Counters

This metric counts the number of times that a user interacts with any part of a Rich Media ad in a specified way (mouse-overs, mouse-outs, click-ins, data loading, keyboard entries, etc.). Anything that can be captured by the creative code can be recorded with a counter. By default, only one counter event is counted per impression (except for exit links, which are counted every time). However, the designer can override this default to allow multiple events to be counted within a single impression.

Rich Media: Custom Exits

DCM Rich Media Custom Exits

Rich Media custom events that take place when a user clicks on or otherwise interacts with a Rich Media creative in a way that takes the user to a new webpage.

Rich Media: Custom Timers

DCM Rich Media Custom Timers

The time during which a user views and interacts with a specified part of a rich media ad. A creative can have multiple timer events, each timed independently.

Rich Media: Total Display Time

DCM Rich Media Display Time

The total amount of time, in seconds, that the Rich Media ad is displayed to users. For ads with multiple assets (for example, a Rich Media In-Page with Floating ad), the total display time is only counted for the out-of-banner asset.

Rich Media: Expansion Time

DCM Rich Media Expansion Time

For Rich Media Expanding creatives, the average amount of time, in seconds, that each expanded creative was displayed in its expanded state. Only one expansion is counted per impression. If a user expands a creative, closes it, and expands it again, the expansion time is cumulative.

Rich Media: Expansions

DCM Rich Media Expansions

The number of impressions of Rich Media Expanding creatives in which the creative was expanded. Only one expansion is counted per impression.

Rich Media: Full-Screen Impressions

DCM Rich Media Full Screen Impressions

The number of Rich Media impressions during which a video played in full-screen mode. Only one full-screen impression is counted per impression, even if the user expands to full-screen mode, then returns to standard mode, then expands to full-screen again.

Rich Media: Full-Screen Video Completions

DCM Rich Media Full Screen Video Completes

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to completion. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it\'s not counted again. Additionally, a completion will be logged even if the user skips some of the video, as long as the endpoint is played.

Rich Media: HTML5 Impressions

DCM Rich Media Html5Impressions

The number of impressions delivered of rich media HTML5 creatives and display creatives with HTML5 assets.

Rich Media: Impressions

DCM Rich Media Impressions

Impressions of Rich Media creatives.

Rich Media: Interaction Rate

DCM Rich Media Interaction Rate

The ratio of Rich Media ad interactions to the number of times the ad was displayed. This number is reached using the following calculation:\nRich Media interactive impressions / Rich Media impressions.

Rich Media: Total Interaction Time

DCM Rich Media Interaction Time

The total amount of time, in seconds, that users interacted with a Rich Media ad. This number is reached using the following calculation.\nRich Media interaction time × Rich Media interactive impressions.

Rich Media: Total Interactions

DCM Rich Media Interactions

The total number of custom and standard events that are triggered when a user interacts with a Rich Media ad. This number is reached by totaling all custom counter, exit, and timer events, as well as standard events triggered upon user interaction, such as video plays, video mutes, Rich Media expansions, Rich Media interactive impressions, and Rich Media closes.

Rich Media: Interactive Impressions

DCM Rich Media Interactive Impressions

The number of impressions that occurred when a user interacted with a Rich Media ad.

Rich Media: Manual Closes

DCM Rich Media Manual Closes

The number of times that a user manually closes a Floating, Expanding, or In-Page with Floating ad.This metric is not tracked automatically by Rich Media. The ad designer must add the necessary event function to a Close button in order for this metric to be tracked.

Rich Media: Video Companion Clicks

DCM Rich Media Video Companion Clicks

Track the first click on any companion banner. This is a unique number and fires a maximum of once per impression. This reporting metric is no longer in use.

Rich Media: Video Completions

DCM Rich Media Video Completions

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to completion. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again.

Rich Media: Video First Quartile Completions

DCM Rich Media Video First Quartile Completes

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to the end of the first quarter of the video's total length. An event is logged once per impression. If the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again. Additionally, if the user skips over the first-quartile point in the video, no first quartile completion is logged.

Rich Media: Video Full-Screen

DCM Rich Media Video Full Screens

The number of impressions for which an ad clip was played in full-screen mode. An event is logged only once per impression.

Rich Media: Video Interaction Rate

DCM Rich Media Video Interaction Rate

The ratio of Rich Media ad interactions to the number of times the ad was displayed. This number is reached using the following calculation:\nRich Media interactive impressions ÷ Rich Media impressions.

Rich Media: Video Intercations

DCM Rich Media Video Interactions

The number of custom and standard events that were triggered when users interacted with Rich Media creatives. This number is reached by totaling all custom counter, exit, and timer events, as well as standard events triggered upon user interaction, such as video plays, video mutes, expansions, and so on.

Rich Media: Video Midpoints

DCM Rich Media Video Midpoints

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to the midpoint of the video's total length. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again. Additionally, if the user skips over the midpoint in the video, no midpoint is logged.

Rich Media: Video Mutes

DCM Rich Media Video Mutes

The number of impressions for which the ad was muted. The action is counted even if the user mutes the ad before the video plays. One mute is counted per impression, even if the user mutes and unmutes the video multiple times. Only video player mutes are counted. Instances where the user muted their computer operating system, or audio hardware, are not counted unless the video player is also controlled by that action.

Rich Media: Video Pauses

DCM Rich Media Video Pauses

The number of impressions for which the user paused the video clip in the ad. Only one pause is counted per impression, even if the user paused and restarted the video multiple times.

Rich Media: Video Plays

DCM Rich Media Video Plays

The number of served video impressions, counted when the video clip was played or started. Only one video play is counted, even if the user stopped and restarted the video. This metric is also known as "video starts."

Rich Media: Video Replays

DCM Rich Media Video Replays

The number of impressions for which a user restarted a video clip after it was stopped or paused. Only one replay is counted per impression, even if the user stopped and restarted the video multiple times.

Rich Media: Video Skips

DCM Rich Media Video Skips

The number of times a user has skipped a video clip that was playing.

Rich Media: Video Stops

DCM Rich Media Video Stops

The number of impressions for which a user stopped a video clip that was playing. Only one stop is counted per impression, even if the user restarted and stopped the video multiple times.

Rich Media: Video Third Quartile Completions

DCM Rich Media Video Third Quartile Completes

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to the end of the third quarter of the video's total length. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again. Additionally, if the user skips over the third-quartile point in the video, no third quartile completion is logged.

Rich Media: Video Unmutes

DCM Rich Media Video Unmutes

The number of impressions for which mute was turned off to allow the video's sound to be played. An unmute is counted even if the user unmutes the ad before the video plays. One unmute is counted per impression, even if the user mutes and unmutes the video multiple times. Only video player unmutes are counted. Instances where the user unmuted their computer operating system, or audio hardware, are not counted unless the video player is also controlled by that action.

Rich Media: Video View Rate

DCM Rich Media Video View Rate

The percentage of the ad clip that was played. For example, if a user plays 20 seconds of a 30-second ad clip, then the rate is reported as 66.66%.

Rich Media: Video Views

DCM Rich Media Video Views

The number of impressions for which a video clip was played. An event is logged only once per impression, even if the video is played multiple times. The user doesn\'t need to play the entire clip; if any portion is played, including if the video was autoplayed, an event is logged.

Roadblock Impressions

DCM Roadblock Impressions

The number of impressions recorded for the primary placement within a roadblock.

Video Companion Clicks

DCM Video Companion Clicks

Track the first click on any companion banner. This is a unique number and fires a maximum of once per impression. This reporting metric is no longer in use.

Rich Media: Video Companion Views

DCM Video Companion Impressions

The number of impressions recorded for companion creatives, which are additional creatives that accompany in-stream video and VPAID creatives.

Rich Media: Full-Screen Video Plays

DCM Rich Media Full Screen Video Plays

The number of impressions for which an ad clip was played in full-screen mode. An event is logged only once per impression.

Click-through Conversions

DCM Activity Click Through Conversions

All conversions in the reporting period that are attributed to a click on an ad.Cross-Environment will also include when Floodlight attributed a click to one device or environment, then recorded a conversion on a different device or environment.

View-through Conversions

DCM Activity View Through Conversions

Conversions that are attributed to an ad that was displayed but not clicked on.Cross-Environment will also include when Floodlight attributed an impression to one device or environment, then recorded a conversion on a different device or environment.

Total Conversions

DCM Activity Total Conversions

All conversion events in the reporting period, including both click-through and view-through conversions.Cross-Environment will also include when Floodlight attributed an impression or click to one device or environment, then recorded a conversion event on a different device or environment.


DCM Impressions

The number of times that a user's browser requested and was sent an ad during the specified date range. An impression is recorded each time the ad servers receive a request and decided to serve an ad, regardless of whether a creative was subsequently delivered.


DCM Clicks

The number of times that users clicked on a creative during the specified date range. A click is recorded even if the user does not actually reach the landing page. For TrueView ads, this is the number of clicks on a call to action that leads to a destination URL. These are clicks that lead outside of the video.

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