Portfolios Window



The Portfolios window is the central hub from which you can view and manage all Portfolios created by or shared with you. This window consists of the Top Bar and the Central Screen. Favorite Projects, Shared Projects and any pinned Portfolios appear at the top of the Central Screen. The Top Bar consists of a Local Search bar which you can use to search for particular Portfolios or Projects, a Refresh button and a Create Portfolio button to create new Portfolios.


A screenshot of a project

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Actions in the Portfolios Window

Clicking the View Portfolio button on a Portfolio card will take you to the Portfolio's Project view where you can view all Projects within that Portfolio. The Pin/Unpin button allows you to pin a Portfolio to the top of your window. These buttons are visible to all users that the Portfolio is shared with.


A screenshot of a project

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Admins and Owners also have the options to Share the Portfolio with others and Add Project to create a new Project within the Portfolio


A screenshot of a project

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Only Owners have the option to Rename or Delete a Portfolio.


A screenshot of a project

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Users with Read Only permissions can only pin/unpin or view a Portfolio.