Sharing Project Views



If you have Owner, Admin or Creator permissions for a Portfolio you can create and share Project views with other users or teams. This allows you to share specific Project views with specific teams or users as per your requirements.

Share a New Project View

When creating a new Project view, you're given the option to share with Everyone, Only Me or Selected Collaborators.

Sharing it with Everyone will make the view visible to everyone with access to the Project. The Only Me option creates a private view only visible to you. The Selected Collaborators option allows you to share the view with specific users or teams.

To create and share a new Project view, click View on the top right corner of your window, scroll down to Create View and click the + icon next to the view type you wish to create.



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Share an Existing Project View

1. Click View on the top right corner of your Project's window.

2. Click the Options icon next to the view you want to share and then select Edit.


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3. You'll get a pop-up that allows you to change the name of the Project view and edit the share settings.

4. Share the view with everyone or click Selected Collaborators to choose specific users or teams to share the view with.

5. Once you're done, click Update View to save your changes.


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