Create Shift Bid Requests


Sprinklr WFM’s Shift Bidding functionality empowers agents to actively participate in the scheduling process, enhancing work-life balance and job satisfaction. Agents can select their preferred shifts, making the entire scheduling process more inclusive.

Prerequisites for creating Shift Bid requests:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • Create permission under the Shift Trade section in the Workforce Management module.

Follow these steps to create a Shift Bid request:

  1. Select My Schedule from the Left Pane to open the My Schedule page.

  2. Click the Place Bids button at the top right of the page to open the page and place your bids. The button is accessible only if the bidding period has started and is open.​

  3. Agents will get a filter option at the top right to sort the shifts according to the duration of the shift.

  4. You can view the Shift Patterns created by the Workforce Managers and arrange the Shift Patterns based on your preferences.

  5. Click the Submit button at the bottom right of the page to submit your Shift Pattern preferences for the Shift Bid request. You can also click the Save as Draft to save your preferences ​in a Draft state and revisit again in the bidding period.

    Note: Agents cannot update or place the bids again once the Shift Bid request is submitted.

After submitting the Shift Bid, a banner will appear on the page. Click the View button on the banner to see the selected preferences in the Shift Bid request.

Receiving Notifications

  • In the preview bid state, agents receive a notification that the preview is available and the bidding period will be open for which duration.​

  • During the bidding period, agents receive a notification when the bidding period is about to end and if they would like to place the bids or make changes to drafted bids.​

  • Once the bidding period has ended, agents receive a notification that the period is now closed and they may not edit, place or submit any bids now.​

  • Agents can receive a notification from their supervisors asking them to resubmit their bids in case of system errors or if they’ve requested to make amends in their bids.

This completes the process of creating Shift Bid requests.