Create Shift Trade Requests
Prerequisites for creating Shift Trade requests:
Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.
Create permission under the Shift Trade section in the Workforce Management module.
Follow these steps to create a Shift Trade request:
Select My Requests from the Left Pane to open the My Request Dashboard page.
Click the down arrow button next to the Leave Request button at the top right of the page to show the Request Shift Trade button.
Click the Request Shift Trade button to open the Request Trade page.
Fill in the required fields on the Request Trade page. Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory. Below are the descriptions of the fields on this page:
Trade Type: Choose if you want to create an Open or Direct Shift Trade. Open Shift Trade allows all agents to participate in the trades, while Direct Shift Trade enables only the selected agent to participate in the trade. (Required)
Agent: Select the agent you want to initiate the Shift Trade with. This field is visible only if the Direct Shift Trade option is selected. (Required)
My Shift: Enter the shift you are currently assigned and want to trade. (Required)
Desired Shift: Enter the shift you want to take in exchange for your current shift. (Required)
Trade Terms: Mention your conditions and requirements that must be met for the Shift Trade.
Click the Request button at the bottom right of the page to submit the Shift Trade request.
The Shift Trade request will be sent for approval or rejection. This completes the process of creating a Shift Trade request.
Note: When initiating a Shift Trade request, you have the option to indicate that you want to trade a day off instead of a shift. In this case, specify the particular day off you're willing to give up and the desired day off you would like in return.
Accept/Reject Shift Trade Request
Agents can navigate to the Requests Dashboard to find a list of all the received requests organized in the respective column. Within the dashboard, agents can review each request, assess its details, and then proceed to either accept or reject it based on their availability and preferences.
If the approval is required by the administrator, the request will be sent to the administrator for review and approval. The administrator can access the request through their dashboard, review the details, and then approve or reject it based on the needs of the team and the organization.
An administrator (or other authorized user) who is not the direct manager of an agent can approve or reject leave requests or other types of requests on behalf of the direct manager and they will receive a notification as soon as someone takes action on requests from their reporting team.