Create Time Off Requests


Requesting time off is a critical process for agents to ensure minimal disruption to operations. This article outlines the steps for agents to request time off efficiently.

Prerequisites for creating Time Off requests:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • Create Request permission under the Time Off Request section in the Workforce Management module.

Follow these steps to create a Time Off request:

  1. Select My Requests from the Left Pane to open the My Request Dashboard page.

  2. Click the Leave Request button at the top right of the page to open the Time Off Request page. You can view your accrued Time Off balance on the right half of Time Off Request page.

  3. Fill in the required fields on the Time Off Request page. Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory. Below are the descriptions of the fields on this page:

    1. Time Off Type: Select the type of Time Off you want to apply from the available types for the Workspace. The Time Off type determines the details of the Time Off, such as whether it is paid or unpaid. (Required)

    2. Time Off Length: Choose whether the Time Off is for a Full Day or a Partial Day. (Required)

    3. Time Off Duration: Enter the duration for the Time Off. The unit of duration (Hours or Days) is determined by the selected Time Off type. (Required)

    4. Reason: Mention the reason for the Time Off.

  4. Click the Add Request button to request multiple Time Offs.

  5. Click the Request button at the bottom right of the page to submit the Time Off request(s).

The Time Off request(s) will be sent to the Workforce Manager for approval or rejection, completing the process of creating Time Off requests.