Manage Shifts in Sprinklr WFM


Shifts refer to the specific time periods during which agents are scheduled to work. They are strategically planned to ensure customer service operations run smoothly and continuously. This section outlines the essential steps for managing Shifts, including:

  1. Creating Shifts

  2. Editing Shifts

  3. Cloning Shifts

  4. Sharing Shifts

  5. Deleting Shifts.

Create Shifts

Prerequisites for creating Shifts:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Create permission under the Shift section in the Workforce Management module.

Scenario: A new campaign requires additional support during peak hours. The Administrator creates new Shifts to cover the increased traffic, ensuring adequate staffing during busy periods.

Follow these steps to create a Shift:

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Go to Shifts to open the Shifts Record Manager.

  4. Click the Create Shift button at the top-right of the page to open the Create Shift page.

  5. Fill in the required fields on the Create Shift page. Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory. Below are the descriptions of the fields on this page:

    • Shift Name: Enter the name of the Shift. (Required)

    • Code: This field will automatically generate a unique alphanumeric code for the Shift, such as SHIFT-69, for easy identification. However, you can also enter your own unique code if needed. (Required)

    • Earliest Start Time: Enter the earliest time from which the Shift can start. (Required)

    • Latest Start Time: Enter the latest time from which the Shift can start. (Required)

    • Increment: Specify the time interval between the Earliest Start Time and the Latest Start Time at which the Shift can commence. (Required)

      Note: The time specified in the Latest Start Time cannot be less than the Earliest Start Time.

      This allows the Shift to have a flexible start time, with the interval defined by the difference between the Latest Start Time and the Earliest Start Time fields. For example, you have entered 9:00 AM in the Earliest Start Time field, 9:40 AM in the Latest Start Time field, and 10 Minutes in the Increment field. In this scenario, the Shift can start at 9:00 AM, 9:10 AM, 9:20 AM, 9:30 AM, or 9:40 AM.

      Note: The increment value must be a factor of the difference between the earliest and latest times. For example, if the difference is 30 minutes, valid options could be 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, or 30 minutes.

      Note: If the Earliest Start Time and the Latest Start Time fields have the same value, the Shift can start only at the specified time, and hence, the Increment field will become inaccessible.

    • Duration: Specify the duration of the Shift in hours or minutes.

    • Timezone: Select the appropriate time zone for the Shift.

    • Default Agent Status when Working: Select the default statuses for agents during the shift from the available options.

    • Base Activity: Enter the Base Activity of the Shift, which will be used in the Scheduling landing page to define the base activity when this shift is assigned to an agent. By default, it is set to "Working".

    • Shift Color: The shift color is set to the "#54BEEE" hexadecimal code by default. You can customize it by either selecting a color from the color picker or entering the hexadecimal code of the desired color.

      Note: While viewing a Schedule Scenario, customized Shift Color will be visible on Custom View only.

    • Tags: Select the relevant tags from the Tags field.

Proceed with the subsequent steps:

  • Visible in all workspaces: Select this checkbox if you want to share the Shift with all available Workspaces.

  • Workspaces: Select the Workspaces that you want to share this Shift with.

  • User/User Groups: Select the User(s)/User Group(s) you want to share the Shift with.This field will be accessible only if the Visible to all users checkbox is not selected.

  • Click the Next button at the bottom right of the page to open the Create Activities page.

  • Fill in the required fields on the Create Activities page. Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory:

    • Activity: Select the Activity from the list.

    • Min. Duration: Enter the minimum duration for the Activity. You can use hours and minutes as units. (Required)

    • Max. Duration: Enter the maximum duration for the Activity. You can use hours and minutes as units. (Required)

    • Duration Increment: Specify the increments by which the Activity duration can vary within the interval between the Max. Duration and Min. Duration. (Required)

      Note: The increment value must be a factor of the difference between the earliest and latest times. For example, if the difference is 30 minutes, valid options could be 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, or 30 minutes.

The Auto Position field allows you to choose if the Activities will be automatically assigned based on Staffing level in Shift duration or manually at some specific fixed time or relative time. If the Auto Position switch is toggled on, the Activity can be assigned within the Shift duration based on the interval specified in the Min. Length From Shift Start and Max. Length From Shift Start fields.

Specify the minimum time after the Shift start time that the Activity can be assigned in the Min. Length From Shift Start field, and the maximum time in the Max. Length From Shift Start field. Specify the number of times the Activity will be assigned within this interval in the Occurrence field. Enter the intervals after the Min. Length From Shift Start value at which the Activity can be assigned in the Activity Start Increment field.

Note: Toggling on the Auto Position switch automatically selects the Relative option in the Type Of Timing field.

For instance, consider you have a Shift named Shift-69 that starts at 9:00 AM and ends at 5:00 PM. You have entered ‘2’ in the Occurrence field, ‘4 hours’ in the Min. Length From Shift Start field, ‘6 hours’ inthe Max. Length From Shift Start field, and ‘30 minutes’ in the Activity Start Increment field. This means the Activity will be assigned twice during the Shift. It can be assigned between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM and can be assigned at either 1:00 PM, 1:30 PM, 2:00 PM, 2:30 PM, or 3:00 PM.

Note: The increment value must be a factor of the difference between the earliest and latest times. For example, if the difference is 30 minutes, valid options could be 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, or 30 minutes.

If the Auto-position switch is toggled off, the Activity can be assigned by manually providing the type of timing as Fixed or Relative in the Type Of Timing field. For the Fixed type Activity, specify the exact time at which the Activity should start in the Start Time field.

For Relative type Activity, the Activity can be assigned within the Shift duration based on the interval specified in the Min. Length From Shift Start and Max. Length From Shift Start fields. Specify the minimum time after the Shift start time that the Activity can be assigned in the Min. Length From Shift Start field, and the maximum time in the Max. Length From Shift Start field. Enter the intervals after the Min. Length From Shift Start value at which the Activity can be assigned in the Activity Start Increment field.

In the Priority field, enter the activity's priority (it must be an integer between 1 and 100). A lower number indicates higher priority. For example, if Activity-69 has a priority of 6 and Activity-RKP has a priority of 9, Activity-69 will have a higher priority than Activity-RKP and will therefore take precedence.

Click the +Add Activity button to add and configure more Activities to the Shift. Click the Create button at the bottom right of the page to create the Shift with the entered configurations.

This completes the process of creating a Shift and configuring the required Activities.

Clone Activity Input

The clone functionality helps to clone and copy all input fields related to activity insertion within the Shift Creation Form.

Enable/Disable Shifts

Prerequisites for enabling/disabling Shifts:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Edit permission under the Shift section in the Workforce Management module.

Follow these steps to enable/disable a Shift:​

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Go to Shifts to open the Shifts Record Manager.

  4. Click the toggle switch in the Active column to enable or disable the Shift.

This completes the process of enabling or disabling Shifts in Sprinklr WFM.

Edit Shifts

Prerequisites for editing Shifts:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Edit permission under the Shift section in the Workforce Management module.

Scenario: Agents request a change in their Shift. The Administrator edits the Shift to accommodate their request, maintaining overall coverage and agent satisfaction.

Follow these steps to edit a Shift:​

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Go to Shifts to open the Shifts Record Manager.

  4. Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Shift you want to edit. This will show a list of options.

  5. Select Edit from the list of options to open the Edit Shift page.

  6. Update the necessary details for the selected Shift. The fields are the same as those used when creating a Shift.

  7. After entering the updated details, click the Update button at the bottom right of the Edit Activities page to save the Shift with new details.

This completes the process of editing a Shift.

Clone Shifts

Prerequisites for cloning Shifts:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Edit permission under the Shift section in the Workforce Management module.

Scenario: A successful Shift pattern needs to be replicated for later use. The Administrator clones the existing Shift, making minor adjustments as needed to streamline the scheduling process and maintain consistency.

Follow these steps to clone a Shift:​

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Go to Shifts to open the Shifts Record Manager.

  4. Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Shift you want to clone. This will show a list of options.

  5. Select Clone from the list of options to open the Clone Shift dialog box.

  6. In the Shift Name field, enter the name by which the cloned Shift will be called.

  7. Click the Clone button at the bottom right of the dialog box to create a cloned version of the Shift.

This completes the process of cloning a Shift.

Share Shifts

Prerequisites for sharing Shifts:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Share permission under the Shift section in the Workforce Management module.

Scenario: The weekly schedule needs to be communicated to all agents. The Administrator shares the finalized Shift schedule with the team, ensuring everyone is informed of their assigned Shifts.

Follow these steps to share a Shift:​

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Go to Shifts to open the Shifts Record Manager.

  4. Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Shift you want to share. This will show a list of options.

  5. Select Edit from the list of options to open the Edit Shift page.

  6. Scroll down to the Share Settings section, where you can select the User/User Group(s) with whom the Shift has to be shared.

    1. Visible to all users: Select this checkbox if you want to share the Shift with all available Users.

    2. Users/User Groups: Select the User(s)/User Group(s) you want to share the Shift with. This field will be accessible only if the Visible to all users checkbox is not selected.

  7. Click the Next button at the bottom right of the page to open the Edit Activities page.

  8. Click the Update button at the bottom right of the Edit Activities to save your share settings.

This completes the process of sharing a Shift.

Delete Shifts

Prerequisites for sharing Shifts:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Delete permission under the Shift section in the Workforce Management module.

Scenario: A planned Shift is no longer needed due to a change in campaign strategy. The Administrator deletes the unnecessary Shift from the schedule, preventing overstaffing and optimizing resource allocation.

Follow these steps to delete a Shift:

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Go to Shifts to open the Shifts Record Manager.

  4. Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Shift you want to delete. This will show a list of options.

  5. Select Delete from the list of options to open the Delete Shift Config dialog box.

  6. Click the Submit button to delete the Shift. This action cannot be undone.

Audit Trail for Shifts

The Audit Trail feature allows you to track all changes within the Shifts. It logs every activity, from minor updates to major changes, complete with date and time stamps along with details of the user who has made changes for full transparency and traceability.

Prerequisites for Audit Trail Support: 

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment. 

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App and Shifts. 

Follow these steps to access Audit Trail for Forecast Scenario:

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Go to Settings.

  3. Select Shifts.

  4. Hover over the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon corresponding to the Shift for which you want to view the Audit Trail.

  5. Click View Audit Logs.

    The Audit logs will appear in the right pane.

Manage Audit Log

  • Refesh: Click Refresh option to refersh the log.

  • Sort: Allows you to sort the log in both descending and ascending order.

  • Copy URL: Copy URL option helps to copy the page URL.

Best Practices for Effective Shift Management

  • Avoid Overlaps: When creating Shifts, ensure there is no overlap unless it is intentional, such as for handovers. Overlapping shifts can lead to scheduling errors and miscommunication among agents.