Manage Staffing Presets


Staffing Presets are predefined configurations of staffing metrics, such as shrinkage, concurrency, and average handling time. Staffing Presets can be defined for individual channels, such as voice calls, live chat, and video chat. They can be specified as a fixed value or configured based on the day of the week and time of day.

Create Staffing Presets

Prerequisites for creating Staffing Presets:

  • Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment.

  • You must have access to the Workforce Manager Persona App.

  • Create permission under the Staffing Preset section in the Workforce Management module.

Follow these steps to create a Staffing Preset:

  1. Go to the Workforce Manager Persona App on the Launchpad.

  2. Select Settings from the Left Pane to open the Governance page.

  3. Select Staffing Presets to open the Staffing Presets record manager.

  4. Click the Create Preset button at the top right corner of the record manager to open the page to create Staffing Preset.

  5. Fill in the required fields on the page. Fields marked with a red dot are mandatory. Below are the descriptions of the fields on this page:

    1. Name: Enter the name of the Staffing Metric. (Required)

    2. Description: Briefly describe the Staffing Metric.

      Share Settings

    3. Visible in all workspaces: Select this checkbox if you want Staffing Preset to be visible in all available Workspaces.

    4. Workspaces: Select the Workspace(s) in which you want the Staffing Preset to be visible. This field is accessible only if the Visible in all workspaces field is not selected.

    5. User/User Groups: Select the User(s)/User Group(s) you want to share the Staffing Preset with. This field is accessible only if the Visible in all workspaces field is not selected.

  6. Click the Next button at the bottom right of the page to open the Preset Details page.

  7. Select the channel for which you want to create the Staffing Preset in the Channel Type field.

  8. Enter the value for each staffing preset on this page. The values can be specified as constant value or for day of the week and time of day.

    1. Day of Week & Time of Day: The Day of Week & Time of Day option allows you to set different values depending on the day and time of the week. Refer to the Select Multiple Metric Values section below for more details on how to select multiple metric values.

    2. Constant Value: This Constant Value option allows you to set a single value that always applies uniformly.

      Note: It is mandatory to configure the Average Handle Time and Minimum Service Level sections to create Staffing Presets.

  9. Click the Create button at the bottom right of the page to save the details and create the Staffing Preset.

Select Multiple Metric Values

If you have selected the Day of Week & Time of Day option while adding details for the metrics, you can add multiple values for the same metric.

Follow these steps to add additional metric values and choose the interval:

  1. Click the Add (+) button to add a new metric value.

  2. Click the Edit button to select the metric value, then click on the selected slot(s) to add this value.

  3. Click the Color Selection button to change the color coding of the selected metric value.

  4. Click the Remove (x) button to delete a metric value. Deleting metric values will also remove them from the selected intervals.

Note: After selecting all the desired time intervals for a particular value, click the Edit button of the next value and repeat the process of selecting the slots for that value.

​​Configurable Metrics


Expressed as a percentage. Shrinkage refers to the percentage of time that employees are not available to handle customer interactions due to breaks, meetings, training, or other non-productive activities.

Average Handling Time (AHT)

Expressed as seconds. AHT represents the average duration it takes for a customer service agent to handle a customer interaction from start to finish. It includes time spent talking to the customer, as well as any additional tasks required after the call ends.

Max Average Speed of Answer (ASA)

Expressed in seconds, ASA represents the maximum time it takes for an interaction to be answered by an available agent, on average, across all types of interactions, during a specified period. It measures the responsiveness of the support system to incoming queries or requests.

Min Service Level

The Service Level Goal sets the target percentage of all interactions that should be addressed within a specified time frame, known as the Service Level Time.


Occupancy is expressed as a percentage, indicating how many agents are available to handle interactions, taking into account both their productive and non-productive time.

Validations for the Metrics


Metric Type


Average Handling Time


AHT> 0 sec, hr, mins <=30 days ( can be added upto 2 decimal places).

Min Service Level

Minimum Service Level Goal and Minimum Service Level Time

Min SL Goal Value >0% and <100%

Min SL Time Value >0 sec and <=20 days(can be added upto 2 decimal places).

Concurrency Section

Numeric input

Concurrency Value >0 and <=100(Enter value between 1 and 100).

Shrinkage Section


Shrinkage Value >= 0% and <=100%(Enter value upto 2 decimals).

Maximum Occupancy


Max Occ Value > 0% and <100%(Enter value upto 2 decimals).

Average Speed of Answer


ASA Value > 0 sec, min, hr and AHT Value <= 30 days(Input should be considered upto 2 decimals only)

Actions on a Preset

Once you've created a preset, you have the flexibility to modify, share, replicate, or delete it as needed. You can also choose to disable the preset by toggling a switch. This action temporarily suspends the preset's functionality without erasing its settings.