View Audience Activity Report for Email Marketing on Salesforce


Sprinklr allows you to view the audience activity reports for the sent emails on Salesforce. This capability helps your sales team be updated about any sort of marketing pitch that has been communicated with the customer or how the customer has reacted to the communication. So, this capability makes sure that your sales team is adequately informed before they take the next step with the leads.  

To View Audience Activity on Salesforce

  1. Log in to Salesforce. 

    Salesforce Login

  2. In the search bar, search for the recipient's email address, for which you want audience activity. 
    Salesforce Audience Search

  3. Under the Contacts tab, click the name of the email recipient.
    Salesforce Audience Search

  4. Go to the Activity History tab. 
    Salesforce Audience Activity

  5. Under Subject, click the link for which you need the audience activity details. 

  6. In the Details tab, look for the Subject which includes the activity type like, Email Open, Email Click, etc. In this case it is  Email Click, which means that the recipient opened the email and clicked on a link. 
    Salesforce Audience Activity

  7. In case the audience activity is Email Click, you can see the link on which the recipient clicked.

To View Original Email Content

You can also view the entire email content by clicking on a link that is provided along with the details that includes Email Subject, the clicked link, etc. 

Here's how it looks:

Salesforce Audience Activity

This is how you find it: 

SalesForce Audience Activity