Meta Pixels


In the world of digital advertising, the ability to measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns is critical to achieving success. One of the most popular tools for tracking ad performance on Facebook is the Meta Pixel.

Additionally, Facebook offers the option to set up custom conversions to help you optimize and track specific actions on your website. In this article, we'll explore what the Meta Pixel is, how it works, and how Custom Conversions can take your tracking to the next level.

Use Cases

By implementing the Meta pixel, you can achieve the following benefits:

  • Reach the right audience: The Meta pixel can help you ensure that your ads are shown to the right people. You can use it to find new customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services. Additionally, you can target people who have already visited a specific page or taken a particular action on your website.

  • Drive more sales: With the Meta pixel, you can set up automatic bidding to reach people who are more likely to take an action that you care about, such as making a purchase. This can help you increase your sales and revenue.

  • Measure the impact of your ads: The Meta pixel provides valuable insights into the results of your advertising efforts. By tracking the actions people take on your website after seeing your ads, you can better understand the impact of your ads and optimize your campaigns for better results.

Types of Pixels

  • Meta Pixel - The Facebook pixel allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website.

  • Custom Conversion - Custom conversions on Facebook allow you to optimize for and track actions without having to add anything to your Facebook pixel base code. They also allow you to optimize for and track actions that are different from the 9 standard events that come with the Facebook Pixel. You can create only 20 custom conversions per ad account.

To Setup Pixels

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

  2. On the Tools and Settings window, click Pixels within Channel Specific Settings.

  3. In the top right corner of the Pixels window, click Add Pixels.
    Clicking Add Pixels in the Pixels window of Advertising Tools and Settings

  4. Enter the parameters for your Pixel as required. For Custom Conversion pixel, you can set the following parameters:

    Custom Conversion

    Parent Pixel

    Select the pixel, that is the source of this traffic.

    Custom Conversion Pixel Type

    Select the category that best fits the custom conversion pixel from the dropdown menu.

    Pixel Description

    Enter a description of your conversion pixel.

    Conversion Value

    Enter a conversion value to better understand the total value of your advertising.

    Inclusion Rules

    Select the set of events to target. You can add Events and URLs as parameters while creating the rule. These rules will define how you would like to segment your Facebook Pixel.

    Click Add another Rule to add multiple rules.

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner to complete the process.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Facebook ad account. 

  3. In the Campaign Details section, select Conversions as your campaign objective from Select Objective for your Campaign.

  4. Under Campaign Name, enter a name for your campaign or use a naming convention.

  5. Under Choose where you want to drive traffic, then select a pixel or event to track conversions, select from:

    1. Website or Messenger

    2. Offer

  6. Select a Conversion Pixel from the drop-down menu to track conversions.


    • Once a Conversion Pixel is added at the campaign level, you won't be required to select it at the ad variant level.

    • You can select Pixel custom events from the Pixel dropdown and see the type of event along with the event name and Parent Pixel name in subtext.

  7. For Website or Messenger, select an event you want to track from the Event drop-down menu. The event you select will be similar to the action that you want to optimize with your conversion pixel. For Offer, select the Facebook Page where you want to promote the offer.Setting Facebook Conversion Pixel for Conversions Objective in Ads Composer

  8. Click Next.

    selecting Conversion Event for Respective Conversion Pixel within Ads Composer

  9. ​In the Target Audience section, select from an existing target audience, or click Create New Audience to create a new target audience for your Ad. Click Next.

  10. In the Budget and Schedule section, select the Conversion Window under Enter the Bidding details for all Ad Sets.

    1. You can change the conversion window for both the View and Click windows to 1, 7, or 28 days. However, the default Facebook attribution window settings show actions taken within 7 days after clicking or 1 day after viewing your ad.

    2. Your attribution window determines the actions (clicks or views) to be used for attributing results to ads and the lookback period after those actions occur during which ad results are counted.

  11. Click Next.

    Setting the Conversion Window

  12. ​In the Advanced Configuration section, the Conversion Pixel selected at the campaign level will automatically be appended to individual ad variants and cannot be changed.
    Automatically Append Conversion Pixels at ad variant level for Facebook

  13. ​Follow the prompted steps and publish the campaign.

To View Insights

Once you have published your ad campaign, you will be redirected to the Ads Manager window.

  1. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired campaign and select View & Edit.

  2. In the Edit pane to the right, click Analytics from the right navigation pane.

  3. From the Analytics window, select a conversion pixel metric for which you want to view insights from the drop-down menu to the top. You can now view how your campaign is performing. In this section, you can track your conversion data corresponding to your ad.
    Analysing the Performance of Conversion Pixel on the Campaign Level

  1. On the Ads Manager window, hover over the Options icon  alongside the desired campaign and select View Insights.

  2. From the Select Dashboard to View Insights pop-up window, select the desired dashboard to view insights and click Open. Here you can further track your conversion data.

    Analysing Conversion Data within Ads Reporting

Event — Supported Metrics


Are Conversion Metrics Supported?



Add to Cart


Example - Facebook Add to Cart Value (Facebook Pixel)

Submit Application






Complete Registration


Example - Facebook Complete Registration Value (Facebook Pixel)





Example - Facebook Purchase Value (Facebook Pixel)

Start Trial


Add to Wishlist


Example - Facebook Add to Wishlist Value (Facebook Pixel)

Initiate Checkout


Example - Facebook Checkouts Value (Facebook Pixel)



View Content


Example - Facebook View Content Value (Facebook Pixel)

Find Location


Add Payment Info


Example - Facebook Add Payment Info Value (Facebook Pixel)

Customize Product




Example - Facebook Lead Value (Facebook Pixel)​

Custom Conversions Limitations

The maximum number of custom conversions per ad account is 100.