General Ads Reporting Metrics


Metrics Name


Ad Set Lifetime Outbound Clicks

Total number of outbound clicks on your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Outbound Clicks CTR

Click through rate of the outbound clicks so far on your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Reach

Total reach obtained so far on your Ad set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (ARS)

Total amount you've spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (AUD)

Total amount you've spent so far in Australian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (BRL)

Total amount you've spent so far in Brazilian Real for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CAD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Canadian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CHF)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Swiss Franc currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CLP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Chilean peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CNY)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (COP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Colombian Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CZK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (DKK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in danish krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (EUR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Euro currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (GBP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in British Pound currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (HKD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (IDR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (INR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Indian Rupee currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (JPY)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Japanese Yen for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (MXN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Mexican Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (MYR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (NOK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (NZD)

The total amount you\'ve spent so far in NewZealand Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (PEN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Sol currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (PHP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Philippine peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (PLN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Polish Zloty currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (RUB)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Russian Ruble currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (SEK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Swedish Krona currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (TRY)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Turkish Lira currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (TWD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in New Taiwan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Spent (USD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in US Dollars currency

Ad Set Lifetime Unique Outbound Clicks

The number of people who performed an outbound click for your Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Unique Outbound Clicks CTR

Click through rate for unique outbound clicks

Ad Set Lifetime Video Views to 100%

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%

Ad Set Lifetime Video Views to 25%

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%

Ad Set Lifetime Video Views to 50%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%

Ad Set Lifetime Video Views to 75%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%

Ad Set Lifetime Video Views to 95%

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%

Ad Set Pacing Control Daily Spent Deviation

Daily spent deviation on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Expected Daily Spent

Expected Daily spent deviation on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Expected Spent

Expected spent on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Remaining Forecasted Optimization Goal

Remaining Forecasted Optimization Goal deviation on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Spent vs Ideal Pacing Percentage

Spent vs Ideal Pacing Percentage on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Time Elapsed Percentage

Time elapsed percentage on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Total Forecasted Optimization Goal

Total Forecasted Optimization Goal deviation on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Yesterday Spend Deviation

Yesterday Spend Deviation deviation on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Yesterday Spent

Yesterday Spent deviation on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Rate Benchmark Percentage Deviation

Percentage Deviation from benchmarked value on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Rate Benchmark Value

Benchmark Value of each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Remaining Budget

Budget left for your Ad Set

Ad Set Remaining Client Budget

Budget of Client left for Ad Set

Ad Stat Lifetime Outbound Clicks

The lifetime sum of outbound clicks of your ad stat

Ad Stat Lifetime Outbound Clicks CTR

The lifetime percentage of outbound clicks of your ad stat

Ad Stat Lifetime Unique Outbound Clicks

The lifetime sum of people who saw your ad stat and performed an outbound click

Ad Stat Lifetime Unique Outbound Clicks CTR

The lifetime percentage of people who saw your ad stat and performed an outbound click

Ad Study Impressions

Number of Impressions on your Ad Study

Ad Study Impressions Cumulative

Total number of Impressions on your Ad Study

Ad Study Spend Cumulative

Total amount spend on your Ad Study

Ad Variant Cost Benchmark Percentage Deviation

Percentage deviation of actual cost to the benchmarked amount of your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Cost Benchmark Value

Amount set as the benchmarked value of your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Unique Clicks

The number of unique clicks taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it based on audience interests.

Ad Variant Lifetime 30-Sec Video Views

The number of times that your video was played for at least 30 seconds

Ad Variant Lifetime App Store Clicks

Total number of app store clicks

Ad Variant Lifetime Avg. Duration of Video Viewed

Total duration of video views divided by total number of video views

Ad Variant Lifetime Clicks

Total number of clicks on your ad

Ad Variant Lifetime Deep Link Clicks

Total number of deep link clicks

Ad Variant Lifetime Frequency

Frequency for your ads

Ad Variant Lifetime Impressions

Total number of impressions

Ad Variant Lifetime Interest Frequency

The average number of times your ad was served to each person based on audience interests.

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent

Total amount you\'ve spent so far for your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (ARS)

Total amount you've spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (AUD)

Total amount you've spent so far in Australian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (BRL)

Total amount you've spent so far in Brazilian Real for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CAD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Canadian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CHF)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Swiss Franc currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CLP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Chilean peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CNY)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (COP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Colombian Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CZK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (DKK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in danish krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (EUR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Euro currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (GBP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in British Pound currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (HKD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (IDR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (INR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Indian Rupee currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (JPY)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Japanese Yen for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (MXN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Mexican Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (MYR)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (NOK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (NZD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in NewZealand Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (PEN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Sol currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (PHP)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Philippine peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (PLN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Polish Zloty currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (RUB)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Russian Ruble currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (SEK)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Swedish Krona currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (TRY)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Turkish Lira currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (TWD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in New Taiwan currency for the lifetime of your Ad variant

Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (USD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in US Dollars currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Ad Variant Lifetime Video Views to 100%

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%

Ad Variant Lifetime Video Views to 25%

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%

Ad Variant Lifetime Video Views to 50%

The number of times your video was viewed to 50%

Ad Variant Lifetime Video Views to 75%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%

Ad Variant Lifetime Video Views to 95%

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%


Total amount you've spent so far on your Ad Entity


Total number of impressions

Volume of Paid Initiatives

Number of paid initiatives/campaigns

Spent using Stop Loss

Total amount spent using Stop Loss

Spent using Smart Budget Allocation

Total amount spent using Smart Budget Allocation

Ads Activated by Ad Rotation

Number of Ads activated by Ad Rotation

Ads Paused by Ad Rotation

Number of Ads paused by Ad Rotation

Number of times budget modified

Number of times budget modified

Ads Activated by Stop Loss

Number of Ads activated by Stop Loss

Ads Paused by Stop Loss

Number of Ads paused by Stop Loss

Number of times bid modified

Number of times bid modified

Spent using Smart Ad Rotation

Total amount spent using Smart Ad Rotation

Spent using Smart Bidding

Total amount spent using Smart Bidding

Spent (USD)

Total amount you've spent so far in US Dollars currency on your Ad Entities

Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)

Amount spent for every 1000 impressions

Pacing Control Days Elapsed

Difference in Start Date and End Date

Pacing Control Days Remaining

Number of days remaining

Total Results for Objective

This metric depicts the results of the default metric for your objective. For example, Link Clicks for Traffic objective, Video Views for Video Views objective, etc. To know exact metric and objective mapping, refer article \'List of Metrics Used to Map Campaign Objective\' on Knowledge Portal.

Conversion Rate For Objective

Total results for your objective divided by no of impressions

Cost Per Result

Total Spent divided by Total Results For Objective


Total number of clicks on your ad

Click Through Rate

Total number of clicks divided by the number of impressions

Pacing Control Budget

Budget on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Pacing Control Spent

Amount spent on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Pacing Control Daily Budget

Daily Budget on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Pacing Control Remaining Today Budget

Daily budget - Today Spent

Pacing Control Hours Elapsed

Current time - Start time of campaign

Pacing Control Today Spent

Amount spent today on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Pacing Control Yesterday Spent

Amount spent yesterday on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Days Elapsed

Start date - Current Date

Pacing Control Average Daily Spent

Total Spent till now / Days elapsed

Pacing Control Required Daily Spent

Pacing Control Total Lifetime Budget / Total Duration (in days)

Pacing Control Expected Spent

Time Elapsed(%) * Total Budget

Pacing Control Remaining Budget

Total budget - Spent

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Duration (Days)

Start date - Current Date

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Days Remaining

End date - current date

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Spent

Spent on each paid initiative tagged to the Pacing Control

Pacing Control Duration (in days)

Start date - Current Date

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Average Daily Spent

Total Spent till now / Days elapsed

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Calculated Budget

Calculated Budget for each paid initiative tagged to the Pacing Control

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Required Daily Budget

Pacing Control Total Lifetime Budget / Total Duration (in days)

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Remaining Budget

Total budget - Spent

Pacing Control Expected Goal Metric Value

Expected Goal Metric Value for each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Cost Per Click

Total amount spent divided by the no. of clicks

Engagement Rate

Track how actively involved with your content your audience is

Results per Amount Spent

Total amount spent divided by total results

Spend Cap

Overall limit on how much your ad account can spend.

Daily Reach

Total daily reach obtained so far


Number of times a consumer engages with an ad

Daily Budget

This is the amount you\'ve indicated you\'re willing to spend on a specific ad set per day on average. Each ad set will have a separate budget, so keep this in mind if you have more than one active ad set in your account.


Total reach obtained so far

Stop Loss Lifetime CPA

Total spent divided by total actions for Stop Loss

Ad Variant Lifetime Reach

Total reach of your ad

Volume of Ad Sets

Number of ad-sets

Daily Cost Per 1,000 People Reached

Daily Amount spent for every 1000 people reached

Volume of Ad Posts

Total number of ad posts

Spent (INR)

Total amount you've spent so far in Indian Rupee currency on your Ad Entities

Positive Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total count of Positive Sentiment of Paid & Organic

Negative Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total count of Negative Sentiment of Paid & Organic

Neutral Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total count of Neutral Sentiment of Paid & Organic

Paid Initiative Lifetime Reach

Total reach obtained so far

Volume of Ad Variants

Number of ad-variants

Volume of Ad Variants Created

Number of ad-variants

Total Spend USD (Adoption Data)

Total amount spend in US Dollar

Spent (EUR)

Total amount you've spent so far in Euro currency on your Ad Entities

Total Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total count of Sentiment of Paid & Organic

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent

Total amount you've spent so far on your Paid Initiative during its lifetime

Negative Sentiment Percentage

Total negative sentiment divided by total sentiment

Client Spent

Amount spent by client

Ad Set Pacing Control Average Daily Spent

Average Daily Spent on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Remaining Budget

Remaining Budget on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Spent

Spent on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Positive Sentiment Percentage

Total positive sentiment divided by total sentiment

Ad Set Pacing Control Calculated Budget

Calculated Budget for each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Days Elapsed

Days Elaspsed on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Deviation Rate (Percentage)

Deviation Rate on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Paid Initiative Lifetime Frequency

Frequency for your ads

Ad Set Pacing Control Days Remaining

Days Remaining on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Duration (Days)

Duration in days for each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Ideal Pacing Percentage

Ideal Pacing Percentage for each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Spent Percentage

Spent percentage on each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Ad Set Pacing Control Required Daily Budget

Daily Budget required for each Ad Set tagged to the Pacing Control

Neutral Sentiment Percentage

Total negative sentiment divided by total sentiment

Daily Unique Clicks

Number of people who clicked on your ad

Cost Per Ad Post

Cost per ad post

Total Post Assets

Total Number of Post Assets in the Creative Library (includes those made and not made in ACL)

Volume of Approvals

Total number of approvals

ACL created Post Assets

Total Number of Post Assets that were created through the ACL

Volume of entities submitted for Approval

Number of total entities submitted for Approval

Cumulative Post Spent

Total amount spent till now for the post

Scheduled Exports

Number of exports scheduled automatically

Paid Initiative Time Elapsed Percentage

Difference in Start Time and End Time calculated on most granular level i.e. milliseconds and then divided by total time in milliseconds

Published Post Assets made from ACL

Total Number of Post Assets that are being used in Ads (includes only Post Assets made in ACL)

Spent (AUD)

Total amount you've spent so far in Australian Dollar currency on your Ad Entities

Appsflyer Cohort Revenue Sum within 30 DAY (User-acquisition) Install post Click

Revenue generated by the users who installed within 30 days

Appsflyer Cohort Revenue Sum within 7 DAY (User-acquisition) Install post Click

Revenue generated by the users who installed within 7 days

Ad Set Bid Amount Metric

Bid amount for your ad set

Ad Set Time Elapsed Percentage

Difference in Start Time and End Time calculated on most granular level i.e. milliseconds and then divided by total time in milliseconds

Ad Study Spend

Total spend on your Ad Study

Cumulative Cost Per Click

Total cost per click

Cumulative Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)

Total cost per 1000 impressions

Spent (ARS)

Total amount you've spent so far in Argentina Pesos currency on your Ad Entities

Spent (GBP)

Total amount you've spent so far in British Pound currency on your Ad Entites

Appsflyer Cohort Revenue Sum 0 DAY (User-acquisition) Install post Click

Revenue generated by the users who installed within 0 days

Appsflyer Cohort Revenue Sum 10 DAY (User-acquisition) Install post Click

Revenue generated by the users who installed within 10 days

Appsflyer Cohort Revenue Sum 3 DAY (User-acquisition) Install post Click

Revenue generated by the users who installed within 3 days

ACL approved Post Assets

Total Number of Post Assets in ACL that are approved

Total estimated savings by campaign Smart budget Configurations

Total estimated savings in Campaigns where PBA is applied

Ad Set Lifetime Spent

Total amount you\'ve spent so far

Cost Per 1,000 People Reached

Amount spent to reach per 1000 people

Number of Actions (Adoption Data)

Number of actions performed by the user

Total Published Post Assets

Total Number of Post Assets that are being used in Ads (includes Post Assets made in ACL & other sources)

Pacing Control Daily Spend Limit

Daily spend limit on each campaign tagged to the Pacing Control

Spent (BRL)

Total amount you've spent so far in Brazillian Real currency on your Ad Entities

Spent (JPY)

Total amount you've spent so far in Japanese Yen on your ad entities

Actions 1 Day After Clicking

The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it 1 day after clicking. Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions.

Actions 1 Day After Viewing

The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it 1 days after viewing. Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions, 1 day after viewing.

Actions 28 Days After Clicking

The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it 28 days after clicking. Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions.

Actions 28 Days After Viewing

The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it 28 days after viewing. Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions.

Actions 7 Days After Clicking

The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it 7 days after clicking. Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions.

Actions 7 Days After Viewing

The number of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn\'t click on it 7 days after viewing. Actions include Page likes, app installs, conversions, event responses and more. For example, 2 Page likes and 2 comments would be counted as 4 actions.

Ad Rotation Pause Actions

Total Number of Ad Rotation Pause actions

Ad Rotation Play Actions

Total Number of Ad Rotation Play actions

Ad Set Client Daily Budget

Daily budget of client for Ad Set

Ad Set Client Lifetime Budget

Lifetime budget of client for Ad Set

Ad Set Daily Budget

Daily budget of Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Unique Clicks

Number of people who clicked on your ad

Ad Set Lifetime 30-Sec Video Views

The number of times that your video was played for at least 30 seconds

Ad Set Lifetime App Store Clicks

Total number of app store clicks

Ad Set Lifetime Avg. Duration of Video Viewed

Total duration of your video views divided by the total number of times your video was viewed

Ad Set Lifetime Budget

Lifetime budget of Ad Set

Ad Set Lifetime Clicks

Total no of clicks so far

Ad Set Lifetime Cost Per Outbound Clicks

Total amount spent divided by no of outbound clicks

Ad Set Lifetime Cost Per Unique Outbound Clicks

Total amount spent divided by no of unique outbound clicks

Ad Set Lifetime Deep Link Clicks

Total number of deep link clicks (A type of destination URL in an ad that takes people to a specific page in an app)

Ad Set Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within two days. This metric is only available for assets that are part of the Brand Awareness, Post Engagement and Video Views objectives

Ad Set Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Lower Bound

Lower bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn't see your ad set

Ad Set Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Upper Bound

Upper bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn't see your ad set

Ad Set Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate

The number of people who are likely to remember your ad two days after seeing it divided by the number of people you\'ve reached, expressed as a percentage.

Ad Set Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift Rate Lower Bound

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is a metric available for campaigns with a brand awareness, video views or the Page post engagement objective.

Ad Set Lifetime Frequency

Frequency for your ads

AppsFlyer Application Start

Start date of application

Brand Lift

The estimated number of users in a sample survey whose perception of your brand changed as a result of your ads

Buyers Reached

Number of buyers reached through your campaign in a given time frame

Buyers Reached Cumulative

Number of buyers reached through your campaign during lifetime

Case Close Time

Time a case is closed

Case Creation Time

Time at which case is created

Case Resolution Time

Difference in creation and close time

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent

Total amount client spent so far for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (ARS)

Total amount client spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (AUD)

Total amount client spent so far in Australian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (BRL)

Total amount client spent so far in Brazilian Real for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CAD)

Total amount client spent so far in Canadian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CHF)

Total amount client spent so far in Swiss Franc currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CLP)

Total amount client spent so far in Chilean peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CNY)

Total amount client spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (COP)

Total amount client spent so far in Colombian Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (CZK)

Total amount client spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (DKK)

Total amount client spent so far in danish krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (EUR)

Total amount client spent so far in Euro currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (GBP)

Total amount client spent so far in British Pound currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (HKD)

Total amount client spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (IDR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (INR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indian Rupee currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (JPY)

Total amount client spent so far in Japanese Yen for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (MXN)

Total amount client spent so far in Mexican Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (MYR)

Total amount client spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (NOK)

Total amount client spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (NZD)

The total amount client spent so far in NewZealand Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (PEN)

Total amount client spent so far in Sol currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (PHP)

Total amount client spent so far in Philippine peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (PLN)

Total amount client spent so far in Polish Zloty currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (RUB)

Total amount client spent so far in Russian Ruble currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (SEK)

Total amount client spent so far in Swedish Krona currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (TRY)

Total amount client spent so far in Turkish Lira currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (TWD)

Total amount client spent so far in New Taiwan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Set Lifetime Spent (USD)

Total amount client spent so far in US Dollars currency for the lifetime of your Ad Set

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent

Total amount client spent for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (ARS)

Total amount client spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (AUD)

Total amount client spent so far in Australian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (BRL)

Total amount client spent so far in Brazilian Real for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CAD)

Total amount client spent so far in Canadian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CHF)

Total amount client spent so far in Swiss Franc currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CLP)

Total amount client spent so far in Chilean peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CNY)

Total amount client spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (COP)

Total amount client spent so far in Colombian Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (CZK)

Total amount client spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (DKK)

Total amount client spent so far in danish krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (EUR)

Total amount client spent so far in Euro currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (GBP)

Total amount client spent so far in British Pound currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (HKD)

Total amount client spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (IDR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (INR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indian Rupee currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (JPY)

Total amount client spent so far in Japanese Yen for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (MXN)

Total amount client spent so far in Mexican Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (MYR)

Total amount client spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (NOK)

Total amount client spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (NZD)

The total amount client spent so far in NewZealand Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (PEN)

Total amount client spent so far in Sol currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (PHP)

Total amount client spent so far in Philippine peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (PLN)

Total amount client spent so far in Polish Zloty currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (RUB)

Total amount client spent so far in Russian Ruble currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (SEK)

Total amount client spent so far in Swedish Krona currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (TRY)

Total amount client spent so far in Turkish Lira currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (TWD)

Total amount client spent so far in New Taiwan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Ad Variant Lifetime Spent (USD)

Total amount client spent so far in US Dollars currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent

Total amount client spent for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (ARS)

Total amount client spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (AUD)

Total amount client spent so far in Australian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (BRL)

Total amount client spent so far in Brazilian Real for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CAD)

Total amount client spent so far in Canadian Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CHF)

Total amount client spent so far in Swiss Franc currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CLP)

Total amount client spent so far in Chilean peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CNY)

Total amount client spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (COP)

Total amount client spent so far in Colombian Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CZK)

Total amount client spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (DKK)

Total amount client spent so far in danish krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (EUR)

Total amount client spent so far in Euro currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (GBP)

Total amount client spent so far in British Pound currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (HKD)

Total amount client spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (IDR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (INR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indian Rupee currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (JPY)

Total amount client spent so far in Japanese Yen for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (MXN)

Total amount client spent so far in Mexican Peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (MYR)

Total amount client spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (NOK)

Total amount client spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (NZD)

The total amount client spent so far in NewZealand Dollar for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (PEN)

Total amount client spent so far in Sol currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (PHP)

Total amount client spent so far in Philippine peso currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (PLN)

Total amount client spent so far in Polish Zloty currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (RUB)

Total amount client spent so far in Russian Ruble currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (SEK)

Total amount client spent so far in Swedish Krona currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (TRY)

Total amount client spent so far in Turkish Lira currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (TWD)

Total amount client spent so far in New Taiwan currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (USD)

Total amount client spent so far in US Dollars currency for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Spent (ARS)

Total amount client spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Ad Variant

Client Spent (AUD)

Total amount client spent so far in Australian Dollar

Client Spent (BRL)

Total amount client spent so far in Brazilian Real

Client Spent (CAD)

Total amount client spent so far in Canadian Dollar

Client Spent (CHF)

Total amount client spent so far in Swiss Franc currency

Client Spent (CLP)

Total amount client spent so far in Chilean peso currency

Client Spent (CNY)

Total amount client spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency

Client Spent (COP)

Total amount client spent so far in Colombian Peso currency

Client Spent (CZK)

Total amount client spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna

Client Spent (DKK)

Total amount client spent so far in danish krone currency

Client Spent (EUR)

Total amount client spent so far in Euro currency

Client Spent (GBP)

Total amount client spent so far in British Pound currency

Client Spent (HKD)

Total amount client spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency

Client Spent (IDR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency

Client Spent (INR)

Total amount client spent so far in Indian Rupee currency

Client Spent (JPY)

Total amount client spent so far in Japanese Yen

Client Spent (KRW)

Total amount client spent so far in South Korean won currency

Client Spent (MXN)

Total amount client spent so far in Mexican Peso currency

Client Spent (MYR)

Total amount client spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency

Client Spent (NOK)

Total amount client spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency

Client Spent (NZD)

The total amount client spent so far in NewZealand Dollar

Client Spent (PEN)

Total amount client spent so far in Sol currency

Client Spent (PHP)

Total amount client spent so far in Philippine peso currency

Client Spent (PLN)

Total amount client spent so far in Polish Zloty currency

Client Spent (RUB)

Total amount client spent so far in Russian Ruble currency

Client Spent (SEK)

Total amount client spent so far in Swedish Krona currency

Client Spent (SGD)

Total amount client spent so far in Singapore Dollar currency

Client Spent (TRY)

Total amount client spent so far in Turkish Lira currency

Client Spent (TWD)

Total amount client spent so far in New Taiwan currency

Client Spent (USD)

Total amount client spent so far in US Dollars currency

Client Spent (ZAR)

Total amount client spent so far in South African Rand

Conversions Reached

Total conversions reached during that time frame

Conversions Reached Cumulative

Total conversions reached during lifetime

Conversions Reached Percent

The number of conversions divided by the number of total ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period

Conversions Reached Percent Cumulative

The number of conversions divided by the number of total ad interactions that can be tracked to a conversion during lifetime

Cost Per Brand Lift

The average cost for a lifted user who's now thinking about your brand after viewing your ads

Cost Per Brand Lift Cumulative

The cumulative average cost for a lifted user who's now thinking about your brand after viewing your ads

Cost Per Daily Unique Click

Total amount spent divided by the no. of Unique clicks

Count (Strategy Group)

Count of documents matching the criteria specified.

Cumulative Impressions

Total number of impressions

Daily Unique Click Through Rate

Number of people who clicked on your ad divided by number of impressions

Estimated Audience Reach

The number of people who saw your ads at least once

Flashtalking Sales Value

The sales value of the order as provided by the advertiser on confirmation page

Lifetime Cost per Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

Lifetime cost for the estimated incremental number of people who recall your ad divided by the number of people that your ad reached

Mediaplex Clicks

Number of clicks on your ad

Mediaplex Impressions

The amount spent for every 1000 People estimated to recall your ad in the lifetime of an Ad.

Mediaplex ROI

The total number of clicks on your ad. This may include offsite clicks to your website, Page likes, post comments, event responses or app installs.

Monthly Budget

The number of times your ad was served. On our mobile apps an ad is counted as served the first time it\'s viewed. On all other Facebook interfaces, an ad is served the first time it\'s placed in a person\'s News Feed or each time it\'s placed in the right column.

Nextdoor Conversions

Return on Investment (ROI) of the paid initiative.

Num Export Count For Dashboard

Number of times a dashboard is exported

Num Export Count For Widget

Number of times a widget is exported

Number of channels supported by Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Number of channels supported by Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Number of dashboards viewed

Number of dashboards viewed

Number of exports for Pivots

Number of exports for Pivots

Number of external dashboards viewed

Number of external dashboards viewed

Number of levels in pivots

Number of levels in pivots

Number of metrics used in multi channel widgets

Number of metrics used in multi channel widgets

Number of metrics used in single channel widgets

Number of metrics used in single channel widgets

Number of metrics used in unified widgets

Number of metrics used in unified widgets

Number of paid widgets viewed

Number of paid widgets viewed

Number of pivots shared

Number of pivots shared

Number of pivots shared

Number of pivots shared

Number of pivots viewed

Number of pivots viewed

Number of third party analytics solutions integrated with Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Number of third party analytics solutions integrated with Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Number of third party analytics solutions supported by Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Number of third party analytics solutions supported by Sprinklr Ads Reporting

Number of third party metrics used in pivots

Number of third party metrics used in pivots

Number of third party metrics used in widgets

Number of third party metrics used in widgets

Number of unified widgets created in paid dashboards viewed

Number of unified widgets created in paid dashboards viewed

Number of widgets filtered with Custom Fields/Sprinklr Campaigns

Number of widgets filtered with Custom Fields/Sprinklr Campaigns

Number of widgets viewed in advertising

Number of widgets viewed in advertising

Pacing Control Daily Spent Deviation

Pacing Required Daily Budget - Pacing Control Daily Spent

Pacing Control Forecasted Spend to Meet Goal

Cost per Optimization Goal * Pacing Control Goal Metric Value

Pacing Control Remaining Daily Spend

Daily Budget - Spend till now on that day

Pacing Control Remaining Forecasted Optimization Goal

Remaining Budget / Cost per Optimization Goal

Pacing Control Projected Delivery % Based off past 3 days

Depicts your projected delivery percentage based off past 3 days i.e. ((Remaining days * (Pacing Control 3 day run rate)) + spent) * 100 / total budget 

Pacing Control Projected Delivery % Based off Yesterday 

Depicts your projected delivery percentage based off yesterday spent i.e. ((Remaining days * (Pacing Control Yesterday Spent)) + spent) * 100 / total budget 

Pacing Control Required Daily Budget

Pacing Control Total Lifetime Budget / Total Duration (in days)

Pacing Control Spent vs Ideal Pacing Percentage

Spend to Date/Total Budget) – (Days Elapsed/Total Days in Flight

Pacing Control Time Elapsed Percentage

Difference in Start Time and End Time calculated on most granular level i.e. milliseconds and then divided by total time in milliseconds

Pacing Control Total Forecasted Optimization Goal

Current Optimization Goal + Remaining Forecasted Optimization Goal

Pacing Control Yesterday Spend Deviation

Pacing Required Daily Budget - Pacing Control Yesterday Spent

Paid Case Count

Number of paid cases

Paid Initiative Client Daily Budget

Daily Budget of client for Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Client Lifetime Budget

Lifetime Budget of client for paid initiative

Paid Initiative Daily Budget

Daily Budget for your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime 30-Sec Video Views

The number of times that your video was played for at least 30 seconds

Paid Initiative Lifetime App Store Clicks

The total number of App Store clicks as a result of your ad.

Paid Initiative Lifetime Avg. Duration of Video Viewed

Total duration of video viewed divided by number of times video was viewed

Paid Initiative Lifetime Budget

Total lifetime budget for paid initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Clicks

Total no of clicks so far

Paid Initiative Lifetime Cost Per Outbound Clicks

Total amount spent divided by number of outbound clicks

Paid Initiative Lifetime Cost Per Unique Outbound Clicks

Total amount spent divided by number of unique outbound clicks

Paid Initiative Lifetime Deep Link Clicks

Total number of deep link clicks (A type of destination URL in an ad that takes people to a specific page in an app)

Paid Initiative Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people)

An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within two days. This metric is only available for assets that are part of the Brand Awareness, Post Engagement and Video Views objectives

Paid Initiative Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Lower Bound

Lower bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn't see your paid intiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Estimated Ad Recall Lift (people) Upper Bound

Upper bound on the difference between the predicted recall of people who saw your ad compared to people who didn't see your paid intiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Impressions

Total number of impressions

Paid Initiative Lifetime Outbound Clicks

Total number of outbound clicks

Paid Initiative Lifetime Outbound Clicks CTR

Click through rate outbound clicks

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (ARS)

Total amount spent so far in Argentine Peso for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (AUD)

Total amount spent so far in Australian Dollar for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (BRL)

Total amount spent so far in Brazilian Real for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CAD)

Total amount spent so far in Canadian Dollar for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CHF)

Total amount spent so far in Swiss Franc currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CLP)

Total amount spent so far in Chilean peso currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CNY)

Total amount spent so far in Chinese Yuan currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (COP)

Total amount spent so far in Colombian Peso currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (CZK)

Total amount spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (DKK)

Total amount spent so far in danish krone currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (EUR)

Total amount spent so far in Euro currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (GBP)

Total amount spent so far in British Pound currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (HKD)

Total amount spent so far in Hong Kong Dollar currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (IDR)

Total amount spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (INR)

Total amount spent so far in Indian Rupee currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (JPY)

Total amount spent so far in Japanese Yen for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (MXN)

Total amount spent so far in Mexican Peso currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (MYR)

Total amount spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (NOK)

Total amount spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (NZD)

The total amount spent so far in NewZealand Dollar for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (PEN)

Total amount spent so far in Sol currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (PHP)

Total amount spent so far in Philippine peso currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (PLN)

Total amount spent so far in Polish Zloty currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (RUB)

Total amount spent so far in Russian Ruble currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (SEK)

Total amount spent so far in Swedish Krona currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (TRY)

Total amount spent so far in Turkish Lira currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (TWD)

Total amount spent so far in New Taiwan currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Spent (USD)

Total amount spent so far in US Dollars currency for the lifetime of your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Unique Clicks

Number of people who clicked on your ad

Paid Initiative Lifetime Unique Outbound Clicks

The number of people who performed an outbound click for your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Lifetime Unique Outbound Clicks CTR

Click through rate of unique outbound clicks so far

Paid Initiative Lifetime Video Views to 100%

The number of times your video was viewed to 100%

Paid Initiative Lifetime Video Views to 25%

The number of times your video was viewed to 25%

Paid Initiative Lifetime Video Views to 50%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%

Paid Initiative Lifetime Video Views to 75%

The number of times your video was viewed to 75%

Paid Initiative Lifetime Video Views to 95%

The number of times your video was viewed to 95%

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Daily Spent Deviation

Pacing Required Daily Budget - Pacing Control Daily Spent (of your Paid Initiative)

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Expected Daily Spent

Pacing Control Total Lifetime Budget / Total Duration (in days)

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Expected Spent

Time Elapsed(%) * Total Budget

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Remaining Forecasted Optimization Goal

Remaining Budget / Cost per Optimization Goal

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Spent vs Ideal Pacing Percentage

Spend to Date/Total Budget) – (Days Elapsed/Total Days in Flight

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Time Elapsed Percentage

From Start Time to Present Time) v/s Total Time (difference in Start Time and End Time calculated on most granular level i.e. milliseconds and then divided by total time in milliseconds

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Total Forecasted Optimization Goal

Current Optimization Goal + Remaining Forecasted Optimization Goal

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Yesterday Spend Deviation

Pacing Required Daily Budget - Pacing Control Yesterday Spent

Paid Initiative Pacing Control Yesterday Spent

Amount spent yesterday

Paid Initiative Remaining Budget

Remaining budget for your Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Remaining Client Budget

Remaining budget of client for Paid Initiative

Pixel Fires

When a pixel is delivered on a page.

Product Negative Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total paid & organic negative sentiment of your product

Product Negative Sentiment Percentage

Total negative sentiment divided by total sentiment

Product Neutral Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total paid & organic neutral sentiment of your product

Product Neutral Sentiment Percentage

Total neutral sentiment divided by total sentiment

Product Positive Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total paid & organic positive sentiment of your product

Product Positive Sentiment Percentage

Total positive sentiment divided by total sentiment

Product Total Sentiment Count (Paid + Organic)

Total paid & organic sentiment of your product

Responders Control Cumulative

Results per Amount Spent (CPA)

Spend divided by total results

Spent (CAD)

Total amount you've spent so far in Canadian Dollar on your Ad entities

Spent (CHF)

Total amount you've spent so far in Swiss Franc on your Ad entities

Spent (CLP)

Total amount you've spent so far in Chiliean Peso on your Ad entities

Spent (CNY)

Total amount you've spent so far in Chinese Yuan on your Ad entities

Spent (COP)

Total amount you've spent so far in Colombian Peso on your Ad entities

Spent (CZK)

Total amount you've spent so far in Czech Republic Koruna on your Ad entities

Spent (DKK)

Total amount you've spent so far in Danish Krone on your Ad entities

Spent (HKD)

Total amount you've spent so far in Hongkong Dollar on your Ad entities

Spent (IDR)

Total amount you've spent so far in Indonesian Rupiah on your Ad entities

Spent (KRW)

Total amount you've spent so far in South Korean won on your Ad Entities

Spent (MXN)

Total amount you've spent so far in Mexican Peso on your Ad entities

Spent (MYR)

Total amount you've spent so far in Malaysian Ringgit on your Ad entities

Spent (NOK)

Total amount you've spent so far in Norwegian Krone currency on your Ad entities

Spent (NZD)

Total amount you've spent so far in NewZealand Dollar on your Ad Entities

Spent (PEN)

Total amount you've spent so far in Sol on your Ad Entities

Spent (PHP)

Total amount you've spent so far in Philippine pes on your Ad Entities

Spent (PLN)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Polish Zloty currency

Spent (RUB)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in Russian Ruble currency

Spent (SEK)

Total amount you've spent so far in Swedish Krona on your Ad entities

Spent (SGD)

The total amount you've spent so far in Singapore Dollar on your Ad entities

Spent (TRY)

Total amount you've spent so far in Turkish Lira on your Ad entities

Spent (TWD)

Total amount you\'ve spent so far in New Taiwan dollar currency

Spent (ZAR)

Total amount you've spent so far in South African Rand on your Ad Entities

Spent Via Sprinklr (Created only) (Adoption Data)

Total Spent Value of only Sprinklr Created Campaigns

Spent using Ad Scheduling

Total Spent using Ad Scheduling

Total Bid Changes

Total change in Bid

Total Budget Changes

Total change in budget

Total estimated savings by ad set Smart budget Configurations

Total estimated savings in Ad Sets where PBA is applied

Total number of Segment Audiences

Total number of Segment Audiences

Unified Ad Level Clicks

Sum of Paid & Organic Clicks on Ad Level

Unified Ad Level Engagements

Sum of Paid & Organic Engagement on Ad Level

Unified Ad Level Impressions

Sum of Paid & Organic Impressions on Ad Level

Unified Ad Level Spent

Sum of Paid & Organic Spent on Ad Level

Unified Clicks

Sum of Paid & Organic Clicks

Unified Impressions

Sum of Paid & Organic Impressions

Unified Mobile App Installs

Number of unique app installs

Unified Post Engagements

Sum of Paid & Organic Engagements for your Post

Unique Clicks

Number of people who clicked on your ad

Volume of Ad Set Tags

Total number of Paid Initiative Tags

Volume of Ad Variant Tags

Total number of Ad Varaint Tags

Volume of Paid Initiative Tags

Total number of Paid Initiative Tags