Google Ads Reporting Metrics


Leverage this detailed list of all Google Ads metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better. Given below is a list of all Google Ads metrics, along with their descriptions.

Metric Name in Sprinklr

Google Ads Metric Name


Google Active View Impressions

Viewable impr.

How often your ad has become viewable on a Display Network site.

Google Active View Measurability

Measurable impr.

The ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the number of served impressions.

Google Active View Measurable Cost

Measurable cost

“Measurable cost” is the total cost of all impressions that appeared in locations on websites or apps that could be measured for viewability.

Google Active View Measurable Impressions

Measurable impr.

An impression is counted whenever your ad is served. Measurable impressions represent the number of times your ad appeared in locations on websites or apps that could be measured by Active View technology.

Google Active View Viewability

Viewable rate

The percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions).

Google Active View avg. CPM

Avg. viewable CPM

Your average cost-per-thousand impressions, or avg. CPM, reports the average amount that you’ve been charged for 1,000 viewable impressions. This metric can give you more insight into the cost of your impressions because it doesn't include non-viewable impressions.

Google Active Viewable CTR

VIewable CTR

Shows how often people clicked your ad after it became viewable.

Google All Conversion Rate

Conv. rate

Conversion rate shows how often, on average, an ad interaction leads to a conversion. It’s “Conversions” divided by the interactions with your ad.

Google All Conversions Estimate


The estimated number of conversions per ad click. Estimated Total Conversions will provide you with a holistic view of all of the conversions driven by your Google search advertising.

Google All conv. value

Conv. value

Conversion value is the sum of conversion values for your conversions. This metric is useful only if you entered a value for your conversion actions.

Google Average Cost (Cost per Interaction)

Avg. cost

Average cost is the average amount you've paid per interaction. This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.

Google Average Cpc

Avg. CPC

The average amount that you\'ve been charged for a click on your ad. Average cost-per-click (avg. CPC) is calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks. Average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC) is the amount you've paid for your ad divided by its total clicks. If your ad receives 2 clicks, one costing $0.20 and one costing $0.40, your average CPC for those clicks is $0.30.

Google Average Cpe

Avg. CPE

Average cost-per-engagement is the average amount that you've been charged for an ad engagement. It's the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number of ad engagements.

Google Click Through Rate (Clicks/Video Views)


The number of clicks you received divided by the number of video views.

Google Cost Per All Conversions

Cost / all conv.

Cost per all conversions shows the average cost of a conversion included in the "All conversions” column. It’s your total cost divided by “All conv.”

Google Cost Per Conversion

Cost / conv.

Cost per conversion shows the average cost of a conversion. It’s your cost divided by your conversions.

Google Cross Device Conversions

Cross-device conv.

Cross-device conversions measure transactions that are started on one device or browser and completed on another.

Google Engagement Rate

Engagement rate

Engagement rate is used to measure how often people engage with your ad after it's been shown to them. Use it to help you figure out how effective your ad is. Engagement rate is the number of engagements divided by total impressions.

Google Engagements


An engagement occurs when a consumer engages with an ad, for example viewing at least 10 seconds of or clicking on a video ad. Engagements can help you understand how well your ad is performing. Relevant, highly-targeted ads with attractive content can encourage viewers to engage more deeply with your brand.

Google Gmail Clicks To Website

Gmail clicks to website

The number of clicks to a website from Gmail sponsored promotions.

Google Gmail Forwards

Gmail forwards

The number of people who forwarded your expanded ad to someone else as an email message.

Google Gmail Saves

Gmail saves

The number of people who saved your ad by clicking the star icon or blue Save button at the bottom of the message.

Google Interaction Rate

Interaction rate

"Interaction rate" measures how often people interact with your ad after it's shown to them. This helps measure your ad's effectiveness.

Google Interactions


An interaction is the main action associated with an ad format. These include clicks for text and Product Shopping ads, views for video ads, and more.

Google Percent New Visitors/Sessions


The percentage of new visitors per session.

Google Search Impression Share

Search impr. share

"Search impression share" is the impressions you’ve received on Google search sites divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.

Google Search Lost Impression Share (budget)

Search lost IS (budget)

"Search lost impression share (budget)" estimates how often your ad didn't show on Google search sites due to low budget.

Google Search Lost Impression Share (rank)

Search lost IS (rank)

Search lost impression share (rank) estimates how often your ad didn't show on Google search sites due to poor Ad Rank. Ad Rank determines your ad position and whether your ad is able to show at all. It's calculated using your bid, ad and website quality, context of the search, Ad Rank Thresholds, and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats.

Google Store Visits



Google Total conv. value

All conv. value

All conversion value shows the combined value for each conversion action.

Google Value / conv.

Value / conv.

Value per conversion is approximately how much, on average, each of your conversions is worth. It’s the conversion value divided by “Conversions.”

Google Value Per All Conversions

Value / all conv.

Value per all conversions is approximately how much, on average, each conversion in your "All conv." column is worth. It’s “All conv. value” divided by “All conv.”

Google Video Quartile25 Rate


How often the ad video is played to 25% completion compared to how often the ad is shown.

Google Video Quartile50 Rate


How often the ad video is played to 50% completion compared to how often the ad is shown.

Google Video Quartile75 Rate


How often the ad video is played to 75% completion compared to how often the ad is shown.

Google View Through Conversions

View-through conv.

View-through conversions (“View-through conv.”) are conversions that are recorded when users view (but don’t interact with) an ad and then later convert. These conversions are counted based on a period of time called a view-through conversion window.

Google Video Quartile100

Video played to 100%

The number of 100% completion of views.

Google Video Views


A view is counted when the following occurs, and varies by format: a person watches 30 seconds of your video (or the duration, if it's shorter than 30 seconds) or interacts with your video.

Google Average Cpv

Avg. CPV

Average cost-per-view (avg. CPV) is the average amount you paid each time someone viewed your video ad. It equals the total cost of all views divided by the total number of views. This differs from maximum CPV, which is the most you're willing to pay for an ad view.

Google Video View Rate

View rate

"View rate" measures the percentage of people who watched your video after they first saw the video or thumbnail. It equals the number of views your ad receives divided by the number of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for in-feed video ads.

Google Video Quartile100 Rate


How often the ad video is played to 100% completion compared to how often the ad is shown.

Google Video Quartile25

Video played to 25%

The number of 25% completion of views.

Google Video Quartile50

Video played to 50%

The number of 50% completion of views.

Google Video Quartile75

Video played to 75%

The number of 75% completion of views.

Google Average Cpm

Avg. CPM

Average cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) is the average amount that you've been charged for 1,000 impressions.

Google Conversions


"Conversions" shows the number of conversions you received after ad interactions (such as text ad clicks or video ad views) from all actions you've included in this column.

User Match


You must have the ability to place the Google-supplied match pixel tag on the user\'s browser. You may choose to place this pixel along with served ads, or on web properties under your control.

Google Bounce Rate (Deprecated)

Bounce rate

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel, “Bounce rate” is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. This metric is imported from your Google Analytics accounts and is calculated based only on visits that originated from Google Ads clicks.

Google All conv. value

All cons.value

All conversion value (“All conv. value”) shows the combined value for each conversion action.

Google All Conversions Estimate

All conv.

All conversions ("All conv.") is the total number of conversions that Google Ads measures for each conversion action.

Google Ad Average Target CPA (Micros)

Ad Average Target CPA (Micros)

The average Target CPA, or unset if not available (for example, for campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tCPA). 

Google Ad Average Target Roas 

Ad Average Target Roas 

The average Target ROAS, or unset if not available (for example, for campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tROAS). 

Google Conversion Lifetime Value (New Customer) 

Conversion Lifetime Value (New Customer) 

New customers' lifetime conversion value. If you have set up customer acquisition goal at either account level or campaign level, this will include the additional conversion value from new customers for biddable conversions. If your campaign has adopted the customer acquisition goal and selected "bid higher for new customers", these values will be included in "conversions_value" for optimization 

Google Conversion Lifetime Value (All New Customer) 

Conversion Lifetime Value (All New Customer) 

All of new customers' lifetime conversion value. If you have set up customer acquisition goal at either account level or campaign level, this will include the additional conversion value from new customers for both biddable and non-biddable conversions.