Google DV360 Ads Reporting Metrics


Leverage this detailed list of all DV360 metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better. Below is a list of all DV360 metrics, along with their descriptions.

DV 360 Metric Name

Sprinklr Metric Name

Metric Description

Active View: % Measurable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: % Measurable Impressions

The percentage of measurable impressions with Active View out of the total number of Active View eligible impressions.

Active View: % Viewable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: % Viewable Impressions

The percentage of viewable impressions out of all measurable impressions.

Active View: Eligible Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Eligible Impressions

The total number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if the ad unit has a supported creative format and tag type.

Active View: Measurable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Measurable Impressions

The total number of impressions that were measurable with Active View. An ad is measurable when the Active View tag can capture viewability data about the impression and communicate that data to the Google Marketing Platform servers.

Active View: Not Measurable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Not Measurable Impressions

The total number of impressions that were not measurable with Active View.

Active View: Not Viewable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Not Viewable Impressions

The total number of impressions that were measured but deemed not viewable.

Active View: Viewable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Viewable Impressions

The number of viewable impressions on the site out of all measurable impressions.

Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (15 sec. cap) Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (15 sec. cap) Impressions

The number of impressions that were considered audible and had 100% of their pixels in View for whichever came first: 15 seconds or half of the duration of the ad. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%.

Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (15 sec. cap) Measurable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (15 sec. cap) Measurable Impressions

The number of impressions that could be measured for audio and had 100% of pixels in View for whichever came first: 15 seconds or the ad's midpoint.

Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (15 sec. cap) Rate

Google DV360 Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (15 sec. cap) Rate

The percentage of impressions that were considered audible and had 100% of their pixels in View for whichever came first: 15 seconds or half of the duration of the ad. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%.

Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (TrueView) Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (TrueView) Impressions

The number of non-skipped TrueView impressions that were considered audible and had 100% of their pixels in View for whichever came first: 15 seconds or half of the duration of the ad. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%.

Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (TrueView) Measurable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (TrueView) Measurable Impressions

The number of non-skipped TrueView impressions that could be measured for audio and ha 100% of pixels in View for whichever came first: 15 seconds or the ad's midpoint.

Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (TrueView) Rate

Google DV360 Active View: Audible & Fully On-Screen for Half of the Duration (TrueView) Rate

The percentage of non-skipped Trueview impressions that were considered audible and had 100% of their pixels in View for whichever came first: 15 seconds or half of the duration of the ad. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%.

Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion

Google DV360 Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion

The number of measurable impressions that were played to video completion and audible and visible at the time of completion. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

Active View: Average Viewable Time (Seconds)

Google DV360 Active View: Average Viewable Time (Seconds)

The average time, in seconds, the ad appeared on the screen. Only viewable impressions are counted toward this metric.

Active View: Custom Metric Measurable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Custom Metric Measurable Impressions

The total number of impressions that were measurable with Active View based on the custom criteria defined.

Active View: Custom Metric Viewable Impressions

Google DV360 Active View: Custom Metric Viewable Impressions

The number of viewable impressions on the site out of all measurable impressions based on the custom criteria defined.

Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Measurable)

Google DV360 Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Measurable)

Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted but failed.

Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Viewable)

Google DV360 Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Viewable)

Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded, and the ad was deemed non-viewable.

Active View: Impression Distribution (Viewable)

Google DV360 Active View: Impression Distribution (Viewable)

Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded, and the ad was deemed viewable.

Active View: % Audible and Visible at Completion

Google DV360 Active View: % Audible and Visible at Completion

The percentage of not skipped measurable impressions that were audible and visible at the completion of the video. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

Active View: % Visible 10 Seconds

Google DV360 Active View: % Visible 10 Seconds

The percent of measurable video impressions that were visible for at least 10 seconds. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds

Google DV360 Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds

The number of measurable video impressions that were visible for at least 10 seconds. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

AdLingo Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 AdLingo Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of AdLingo for using their services.

Audio Client Cost eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Audio Client Cost eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete audio impression, based on the Client Cost spent.

Audio Media Cost eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Audio Media Cost eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete audio impression, based on the Media Cost spent.

Audio Mutes (Audio)

Google DV360 Audio Mutes (Audio)

The number of impressions for which the ad was muted. The action is counted even if the user mutes the ad before the audio content plays. One mute is counted per impression, even if the user mutes and unmutes the audio content multiple times. Only audio player mutes are counted. Instances where the user muted their computer operating system, or audio hardware, are not counted unless the audio player is also controlled by that action.

Audio Revenue eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Audio Revenue eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete audio impression, based on the Revenue.

Audio Unmutes (Audio)

Google DV360 Audio Unmutes (Audio)

The number of times an audio clip has been unmuted. This is logged once per View, such that if a person mutes and un-mutes the audio multiple times, the subsequent unmutes aren't counted.

Audio Unmutes (Video)

Google DV360 Audio Unmutes (Video)

The number of times a video has been unmuted. This is logged once per View, such that if a person mutes and un-mutes a video multiple times, the subsequent unmutes aren't counted.

Average Display Time

Google DV360 Average Display Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, that Rich Media creatives were displayed to users during the specified date range.

Average Interaction Time

Google DV360 Average Interaction Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, that each user interaction with a Rich Media creative lasted. An interaction is counted when a user moves the mouse cursor over the creative.

Begin to Render Eligible Impressions

Google DV360 Begin to Render Eligible Impressions

The number of impressions that were eligible for begin to render measurement.

Begin to Render Impressions

Google DV360 Begin to Render Impressions

The number of impressions where the image assets were downloaded (for display), or the video assets were buffered (for video), and have started to appear on screen.

Billable Cost (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Billable Cost (Advertiser Currency)

Billable cost is the amount of money invoiced to partners for using Display & Video 360.

Billable Impressions

Google DV360 Billable Impressions

The number of impressions that reached the intended or guaranteed audience. In a campaign with an audience guarantee, impressions that don't reach the agreed upon audience won't be considered billable.

Card Clicks

Google DV360 Card Clicks

The number of clicks on any cards that serve alongside your YouTube ad, such as shopping cards. These clicks lead to a landing page outside of the video.

% Clicks Leading to Conversions

Google DV360 % Clicks Leading to Conversions

The Rate at which clicks led to conversions (based on the number of Post-Click Conversions), calculated as the product of PC Conversions / Clicks.



The number of times a person has clicked on an ad.

Client Cost (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost (Advertiser Currency)


Client Cost eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each conversion, based on the Client Cost.

Client Cost eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-click conversion, based on the Client Cost.

Client Cost eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Client Cost.

Client Cost eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPC you paid, based on the Client Cost spent.

Client Cost eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on Client Cost.

Client Cost Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Client Cost Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Client Cost.

CM 360 Post Click Revenue + Cross-Environment

Google DV360 CM 360 Post Click Revenue + Cross-Environment

The cost amount passed by a Floodlight Sales tag, after a post-click conversion.

CM 360 Post-Click Revenue

Google DV360 CM 360 Post-Click Revenue

The cost amount passed by a Floodlight Sales tag, after a post-click conversion.

CM 360 Post-View Revenue

Google DV360 CM 360 Post-View Revenue

The cost amount passed by a Floodlight Sales tag, after a post-view conversion.

CM 360 Post-View Revenue + Cross-Environment

Google DV360 CM 360 Post-View Revenue + Cross-Environment

The cost amount passed by a Floodlight Sales tag, after a post-view conversion.

Companion Clicks (Audio)

Google DV360 Companion Clicks (Audio)

The number of clicks recorded for companion creatives for audio creatives.

Companion Impressions (Audio)

Google DV360 Companion Impressions (Audio)

The number of impressions recorded for companion creatives for audio creatives.

Complete Listens (Audio)

Google DV360 Complete Listens (Audio)

The number of impressions for which an audio clip played to completion. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again. Additionally, a completion will be logged even if the user skips some of the audio, as long as the endpoint is played.

Completion Rate (Audio)

Google DV360 Completion Rate (Audio)

The percentage of audio impressions that played to completion.

Conversions per 1000 Impressions

Google DV360 Conversions per 1000 Impressions

The number of conversions for every 1000 impressions purchased.

Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency

Google DV360 Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency

The average frequency at which an ad is seen by users (measured as cookies, not individuals) in a given demographic bucket. A frequency of 1 means that a user was seeing an ad for the first time, a frequency of 2 means it was seen twice, and so on.

Cookie Reach: Impression Reach

Google DV360 Cookie Reach: Impression Reach

The number of unique cookies you've reached, per creative utilized in a given insertion order.


Google DV360 Counters

This custom metric counts the number of times that a user interacts with any part of a Rich Media ad in a specified way (mouse-overs, mouse-outs, click-ins, data loading, keyboard entries, etc.). Anything that can be captured by the creative code can be recorded with a counter.

CPM Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 CPM Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency)

Line item CPM Cost 1 × Impressions / 1000.

CPM Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 CPM Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency)

Line item CPM Cost 2 × Impressions / 1000.

CPM Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 CPM Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency)

Line item CPM Cost 3 × Impressions / 1000.

CPM Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 CPM Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency)

Line item CPM Cost 4 × Impressions / 1000.

CPM Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 CPM Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency)

Line item CPM Cost 5 × Impressions / 1000.

Click Rate (CTR)

Click Through Rate

The percentage of time people clicked on an ad.

Custom Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Custom Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency)


Custom Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Custom Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency)


Custom Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Custom Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency)


Custom Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Custom Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency)


Custom Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Custom Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency)


Data Fees (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Data Fees (Advertiser Currency)

The fees for using third-party audience segment data, based on the third-party audience lists targeted by your line items.

Engagement Rate

Google DV360 Engagement Rate

The number of engagements that your ad receives (for example, clicks on card teasers and icons) divided by the number of times your ad is shown.



The number of engagements that your ad receives (for example, clicks on card teasers and icons).


Google DV360 Exits

Rich Media custom events that take place when a user clicks on or otherwise interacts with a Rich Media creative in a way that takes the user to a new webpage.


Google DV360 Expansions

The number of impressions of Rich Media Expanding creatives in which the creative was expanded. Only one expansion is counted per impression.

Agency Trading Desk Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Agency Trading Desk Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Agency Trading Desk for using their services.

Data Management Platform Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Data Management Platform Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Data Management Platform for using their services.

Integral Ad Science Pre-Bid Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Integral Ad Science Pre-Bid Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Integral Ad Science Pre-Bid for using their services.

DoubleVerify Pre-Bid Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 DoubleVerify Pre-Bid Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of DoubleVerify Pre-Bid for using their services.

ShopLocal Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 ShopLocal Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of ShopLocal for using their services.

TrustMetrics Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 TrustMetrics Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of TrustMetrics for using their services.

MediaCost Data Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 MediaCost Data Fee (Advertiser Currency)


Integral Ad Science Video Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Integral Ad Science Video Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Integral Ad Science Video for using their services.

MOAT Video Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 MOAT Video Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of MOAT Video for using their services.

Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings for using their services.

Third-Party Ad Server Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Third-Party Ad Server Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Third-Party Ad Server for using their services.

comScore vCE in DoubleClick Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 comScore vCE in DoubleClick Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of comScore vCE in DoubleClick for using their services.

Adloox Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Adloox Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Adloox for using their services.

Adloox Pre-Bid Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Adloox Pre-Bid Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Adloox Pre-Bid for using their services.

DoubleVerify Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 DoubleVerify Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of DoubleVerify for using their services.

Adsafe Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Adsafe Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Adsafe for using their services.

AdXpose Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 AdXpose Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of AdXpose for using their services.

Vizu Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Vizu Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Vizu for using their services.

Aggregate Knowledge Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Aggregate Knowledge Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Aggregate Knowledge for using their services.

Teracent Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Teracent Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Teracent for using their services.

Evidon Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Evidon Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Fee Collected on the behalf of Evidon for using their services.

First-Quartile (Audio)

Google DV360 First-Quartile (Audio)

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to the end of the first quarter of the audio content's total length. An event is logged once per impression. If the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again.

Gmail Conversions

Google DV360 Gmail Conversions

The number of Floodlight activity conversions for Gmail ads.

Gmail Post-Click Conversions

Google DV360 Gmail Post-Click Conversions

The number of Floodlight activity conversions after the user clicked the expanded Gmail ad to visit the advertiser landing page. These won't be included in the standard post-click conversions metric.

Gmail Post-View Conversions

Google DV360 Gmail Post-View Conversions

The number of Floodlight activity conversions after the user viewed a collapsed Gmail ad. These won't be included in the standard post-view conversions metric.

% Viewable Composition Impressions

Google DV360 % Viewable Composition Impressions

The percentage of total unique audience viewable impressions made up by the demographic.

% Impressions Leading to Conversions

Google DV360 % Impressions Leading to Conversions

The Rate at which impressions led to conversions.



The number of times that a user's client (browser or mobile device) sent a ping to our ad server that creative content was requested and has started to download during the specified date range.

Interactive Impressions

Google DV360 Interactive Impressions

The number of impressions that occurred when a user interacted with a Rich Media ad. Interactive impressions are captured when the user:

Clicks an exit link, makes the ad display in full-screen mode, mouses over the ad for at least 1 continuous second and expands the ad.

Post-Click Conversions

Google DV360 Post-Click Conversions

The number of times a person has landed on a success page, after clicking on an ad.

Post-View Conversions

Google DV360 Post-View Conversions

The number of times a person has landed on a success page, after viewing an ad. Post-view conversions can also be thought of as "post-impression" conversions.

Media Cost (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost (Advertiser Currency)

Media cost is the raw cost for impressions purchased from an exchange.

Media Cost eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each conversion, based on the Media Cost paid.

Media Cost eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-click conversion, based on the Media Cost spent.

Media Cost eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Media Cost spent.

Media Cost eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPC you paid, based on the Media Cost spent.

Video Media Cost eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Video Media Cost eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Media Cost spent.

Media Cost eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on the Media Cost spent.

Media Cost Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Cost Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Media Cost spent.

Media Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Fee 1 (Advertiser Currency)

Media Fee 1 % × Media Cost.

Media Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Fee 2 (Advertiser Currency)

Media Fee 2 % × Media Cost.

Media Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Fee 3 (Advertiser Currency)

Media Fee 3 % × Media Cost.

Media Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Fee 4 (Advertiser Currency)

Media Fee 4 % × Media Cost.

Media Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Media Fee 5 (Advertiser Currency)

Media Fee 5 % × Media Cost.

Midpoint (Audio)

Google DV360 Midpoint (Audio)

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to the midpoint of the audio content's total length. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again.

Pauses (Audio)

Google DV360 Pauses (Audio)

The number of impressions for which the user paused the audio clip in the ad. Only one pause is counted per impression, even if the user paused and restarted the audio content multiple times.

Platform Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Platform Fee (Advertiser Currency)

The fee for using Display & Video 360.

Platform Fee Rate

Google DV360 Platform Fee Rate

The fee rate for using Display & Video 360.

Post-Click Conversions + Cross-Environment

Google DV360 Post-Click Conversions + Cross-Environment

The number of times a user has converted after clicking on an ad on any of their devices.

Post-View Conversions + Cross-Environment

Google DV360 Post-View Conversions + Cross-Environment

The number of times a user has converted after viewing an ad on any of their devices.

Premium Fee (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Premium Fee (Advertiser Currency)

The fees for any premium features used.

Profit (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Profit (Advertiser Currency)

This is the difference between how much you charged and your costs for running a campaign.

Profit eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Profit eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on the Profit earned.

Profit Margin

Google DV360 Profit Margin

Your ratio of profitability, calculated as the product of Profit / Revenue. Higher numbers correspond to higher profitability.

Profit Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Profit Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Profit earned.

Provisional Impressions

Google DV360 Provisional Impressions

For OMID enabled mobile app display inventory, Impressions will soon only be counted when at least 1 pixel of the creative is on screen. Provisional Impressions can be compared with the existing Impressions metric to see the impact of this change.

Revenue (Advertiser Currency)


Revenue refers to the amount of money spent to purchase impressions and deliver ads through Display & Video 360.

Revenue eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Revenue eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each conversion, based on the Revenue.

Revenue eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Revenue eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-click conversion, based on the Revenue.

Revenue eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Revenue eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Revenue.

Revenue eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Revenue eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPC you paid, based on Revenue.

Video Revenue eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Video Revenue eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Revenue.

Revenue eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Revenue eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for impressions.

Revenue Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Revenue Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Revenue.

Rich Media Engagements

Google DV360 Rich Media Engagements

The number of times that users engaged with an interactive element in a rich media creative.


Google DV360 Scrolls

The number of times that a user has scrolled through a rich media creative.

Complete Views (Video)

Google DV360 Complete Views (Video)

The number of times a video has been played to its end.

First-Quartile Views (Video)

Google DV360 First-Quartile Views (Video)

The number of times a video has been played to 25% of its entire length.

Fullscreens (Video)

Google DV360 Fullscreens (Video)

The number of times a video has been viewed in full screen mode.

Midpoint Views (Video)

Google DV360 Midpoint Views (Video)

The number of times a video has been played to 50% of its entire length.

Audio Mutes (Video)

Google DV360 Audio Mutes (Video)

The number of times a video has been muted. This is logged once per View, such that if a person mutes and un-mutes a video multiple times, the subsequent mutes aren't counted.

Pauses (Video)

Google DV360 Pauses (Video)

The number of times a video has been paused. This is logged once per View, such that if a person pauses a video multiple times, the subsequent pauses aren't counted.

Starts (Video)

Google DV360 Starts (Video)

The number of times a video has been played. This is logged once per View, such that if a person stops playing video and then restarts it, the restart isn't counted.

Skips (Video)

Google DV360 Skips (Video)

The number of times a video has been skipped.

Third-Quartile Views (Video)

Google DV360 Third-Quartile Views (Video)

The number of times a video has been played to 75% of its entire length.

Starts (Audio)

Google DV360 Starts (Audio)

The number of served audio impressions, counted when the audio clip was played or started by the user. Autoplays are not counted as part of audio plays. Only one audio play is counted, even if the user stopped and restarted the audio content. This metric is also known as "audio starts."

Stops (Audio)

Google DV360 Stops (Audio)

The number of times the audio clip has been stopped.

Store Visit Conversions

Google DV360 Store Visit Conversions

For TrueView in-stream ads: The number of times people visited your physical store within 30 days of either clicking on your ad or viewing your ad (based on YouTube: Views).

For bumper ads: The number of times people visited your physical store within 30 days of either clicking on your ad or being exposed to your ad (based on impressions).

Third-Quartile (Audio)

Google DV360 Third-Quartile (Audio)

The number of impressions for which an ad clip played to the end of the third quarter of the audio content's total length. An event is logged once, and if the user restarts the clip, it's not counted again.


Google DV360 Timers

Custom Rich Media events that record the time between two other events.

Total Audio Media Cost eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Audio Media Cost eCPCL (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each completed audio impression, based on the Total Media Cost.

Total Conversions + Cross-Environment

Google DV360 Total Conversions + Cross-Environment

The sum of all Post-View Conversions + Cross-Environment and Post-Click Conversions + Cross-Environment.

Total Conversions

Google DV360 Total Conversions

The aggregate total of all Post-View Conversions and Post-Click Conversions.

Total Display Time

Google DV360 Total Display Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, that Rich Media creatives were displayed to users during the specified date range.

Total Interaction Time

Google DV360 Total Interaction Time

The average amount of time, in seconds, that each user interaction with a Rich Media creative lasted. An interaction is counted when a user moves the mouse cursor over the creative.

Total Media Cost (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost (Advertiser Currency)

The total media cost is the combined price of buying impressions (media cost), combined with the fees for using any third-party audience segment data (data fees) and any partner costs, such as the fees for using Display & Video 360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.

Total Media Cost eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost eCPA (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each conversion, based on the Total Media Cost paid.

Total Media Cost eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost eCPA (PC) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-click conversion, based on the Total Media Cost spent.

Total Media Cost eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost eCPA (PV) (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Total Media Cost spent.

Total Media Cost eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost eCPC (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPC you paid, based on the Total Media Cost spent.

Total Video Media Cost eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Video Media Cost eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Total Media Cost spent.

Total Media Cost eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on the Total Media Cost spent.

Total Media Cost Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Media Cost Viewable eCPM (Advertiser Currency)

The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Total Media Cost spent.

Tracked Ads

Google DV360 Tracked Ads

This number is identical to impressions. It represents:The number of times that a user's client (browser or mobile device) sent a ping to our ad server that creative content was requested and has started to download during the specified date range.

Cookie Unconsented Clicks

Google DV360 Cookie Unconsented Clicks

The number of Floodlight impressions where the the user did not consent for cookies.

Youtube: Revenue eCPE (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Youtube: Revenue eCPE (Advertiser Currency)

For YouTube ads, the average cost you paid for engagements.

Cost / Conversion (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Cost / Conversion (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each conversion.


Google DV360 Conversions

The number of times users converted based on a 30-day lookback window. View-through conversions are not included in the conversions or total conversions metrics. You can use the separate View-through conversions metric to see this data.

This count is likely to be higher than the conversions for other types of line items in Display & Video 360 because with YouTube & partners buys, a "conversion" is counted each time a user converts, rather than just once per user per line item. For instance, if a user viewed your ad once and then made 3 purchases, 3 Conversions would be counted.

For YouTube video action campaigns, engagements that convert are also included using a 3-day lookback window.

View Conversion Rate

Google DV360 View Conversion Rate

How often, on average, a YouTube view leads to a conversion. It's Conversions / YouTube: Views.

Youtube: Revenue eCPV (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Youtube: Revenue eCPV (Advertiser Currency)

For YouTube ads, the average cost you paid for views, based on Revenue.

Earned Likes

Google DV360 Earned Likes

The number of users who have "liked" the video in your YouTube ad.

Earned Playlist Additions

Google DV360 Earned Playlist Additions

The number of times users add the video in your YouTube ad to a playlist.

Earned Shares

Google DV360 Earned Shares

The number of times users have shared the video in your YouTube ad.

Earned Subscribers

Google DV360 Earned Subscribers

The number of users that have subscribed to your channel after seeing an ad. This type of earned action provides unique value because the content from the YouTube channels the users have subscribed to and the channel avatars themselves may be viewed on the YouTube home page.

Earned Views

Google DV360 Earned Views

The number of times a YouTube viewer watches subsequent videos on your YouTube channel or Watch pages after seeing your ads. This type of earned action increments whether or not someone chooses to watch the same video again or any other video on your channel.

Engagement Rate

Google DV360 Engagement Rate

The number of engagements your ad receives (for example, clicks on card teasers and icons) is divided by the number of times your ad is shown.


Google DV360 Engagement


Total Conversion Value (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Total Conversion Value (Advertiser Currency)

The value of all conversions that have occurred, based on the default of $1 per conversion.

YouTube: View Rate

Google DV360 YouTube: View Rate

The percentage of time your ad is viewed, relative to the total number of times your ad is shown (video and thumbnail impressions).

View through Conversion

Google DV360 View through Conversion

The number of conversions that occur before a YouTube: View is counted.

YouTube: Views

Google DV360 YouTube: Views

The number of times your youtube ad has been viewed.

Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency

Google DV360 Unique Reach: Average Impression Frequency

The average frequency at which an ad is seen by unique users (across devices) during the reporting period. The user estimate is based on unique cookies, mobile device IDs, and aggregated sign-in data.

Unique Reach: Click Reach

Google DV360 Unique Reach: Click Reach

The estimated number of unique users (across devices) who clicked an ad during the reporting period. The click estimate is based on unique cookies, mobile device IDs, and aggregated sign-in data.

Unique Reach: Impression Reach

Google DV360 Unique Reach: Impression Reach

The estimated number of unique users (across devices) who saw an ad during the reporting period. The impression estimate is based on unique cookies, mobile device IDs, and aggregated sign-in data.

Unique Reach: Total Reach

Google DV360 Unique Reach: Total Reach

The estimated number of unique users (across devices) who saw or clicked an ad during the reporting period. The total estimate is based on unique cookies, mobile device IDs, and aggregated sign-in data.

Vendor Blocked Ads

Google DV360 Vendor-Blocked Ads

The number of ads blocked by your third-party provider based on Campaign Manager 360's automated third-party verification.

Video Client Cost eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

Google DV360 Video Client Cost eCPCV (Advertiser Currency)

The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Client's Cost.

Companion Clicks (Video)

Google DV360 Companion Clicks (Video)

The number of clicks recorded for companion creatives for video creatives.

Companion Impressions (Video)

Google DV360 Companion Impressions (Video)

The number of impressions recorded for companion creatives for video creatives.

Completion Rate (Video)

Google DV360 Completion Rate (Video)

The percentage of video impressions that played to completion.