LinkedIn Ads Reporting Metrics


Leverage this detailed list of all LinkedIn metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better. Below is a list of all LinkedIn metrics, along with their descriptions.

LinkedIn Metric Name

Sprinklr Name


Total Engagement

LinkedIn Total Engagements

All member interactions with your ad, both chargeable and free.


LinkedIn External Website Conversions

The total number of times users took the desired action after clicking on or seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group-level attribution or estimation may be used.

Clicks to Landing Page

LinkedIn Landing Page Clicks

The count of clicks that take the user to the creative landing page.


LinkedIn Video Completions

The number of times your video was watched to 97-100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point if the ad was served on LinkedIn (versus on Audience Network).


LinkedIn Video Views

A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. Interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view.


LinkedIn Reactions

The count of positive reactions to Sponsored Content that can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses.


LinkedIn Likes

The count of likes. Sponsored Content only.


LinkedIn Comments

The count of comments. Sponsored Content only.

Lead Form Opens

LinkedIn One Click Lead Form Opens

The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign.


LinkedIn One Click Leads

The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen.


LinkedIn Shares

The count of shares. Sponsored Content only.


LinkedIn InMail Sends

Number of times your Sponsored Messaging ad was sent.

Link Clicks

LinkedIn Link Clicks

The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored Messaging ad. Sponsored Messaging ads only.

Button Clicks

LinkedIn Button Clicks

The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored Messaging ad. Sponsored Messaging ads only.

Banner Clicks

LinkedIn Banner Clicks

The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored Messaging ad. Sponsored Messaging ads only.

Cost Per Open

LinkedIn Cost Per Open

Total spent divided by total opens.

Views @ 25%

LinkedIn Video First Quartile Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 25% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point if the ad was served on LinkedIn (versus on Audience Network).

Views @ 50%

LinkedIn Video Midpoint Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 50% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point if the ad was served on LinkedIn (versus on Audience Network).

Views @ 75%

LinkedIn Video Third Quartile Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 75% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point if the ad was served on LinkedIn (versus on Audience Network).


LinkedIn Opens

Number of times your Sponsored Messaging ad was opened.

Clicks to LinkedIn Page

LinkedIn Company Page Clicks

Clicks to your LinkedIn Page.

Total Conversion Value

LinkedIn Conversion Value

Total value generated by your conversions. Value can be defined when creating conversions (worth of each conversion to you).

Cost per Send

LinkedIn Cost Per Send

Total amount spent divided by the number of sends.

Click Conversions

LinkedIn External Website Post Click Conversions

Total number of times users took a desired action after clicking on your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.

View Conversions

LinkedIn External Website Post View Conversions

Total number of times users took a desired action after seeing your ad. When conversions cannot be attributed to individual users, group level attribution or estimation may be used.


LinkedIn Follows

Total number of clicks to follow your LinkedIn Page.

Full Screen Plays

LinkedIn Video Full Screen Plays

Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video (mobile only) to go into full screen mode.


LinkedIn Video Starts

The count of video ads that were started by users.

Viral Video Full Screen Plays

LinkedIn Video Viral Full Screen Plays

Number of times members click on the full screen button or on the video (mobile only) to go into full screen mode. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.

Viral Clicks

LinkedIn Viral Clicks

The count of clicks on viral impressions. Sponsored Content only.

Viral Comments

LinkedIn Viral Comments

Number of comments your ads received. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.


LinkedIn Viral Company Page Clicks

The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.

Viral Follows

LinkedIn Viral Follows

Number of additional clicks to follow your LinkedIn Page. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections. Sponsored Content only.

Viral Impressions

LinkedIn Viral Impressions

The count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing sponsored content to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Content only.


LinkedIn Viral Landing Page Clicks

The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.


LinkedIn Viral Likes

Number of positive reactions your ads received. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections. Sponsored Content only.


LinkedIn Viral One Click Lead Form Opens

The total count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition.


LinkedIn Viral One Click Leads

The number of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition.

Viral Other

LinkedIn Viral Other Engagements

Other clicks on your ad including: view all comments, see more description, see social count, see list of likes, and more. These result from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.

Viral Reactions

LinkedIn Viral Reactions

Number of positive reactions your ads received. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.

Viral Shares

LinkedIn Viral Shares

The number of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.


LinkedIn Viral Total Engagements

The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Content only.

Viral Video Completions

LinkedIn Viral Video Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 97-100% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.

Viral Video Views @ 25%

LinkedIn Viral Video First Quartile Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 25% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.

Viral Video Views @ 50%

LinkedIn Viral Video Midpoint Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 50% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.


LinkedIn Viral Video Starts

The count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE.

Viral Video Views @ 75%

LinkedIn Viral Video Third Quartile Completions

Number of times your video was watched to 75% of its length, including watches that skipped to this point. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.

Viral Video Views

LinkedIn Viral Video Views

2 or more continuous seconds of playback while the video is at least 50% on screen, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. These are resulting from a user sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections.


Linkedin Frequency

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.


LinkedIn Comments (Deprecated)

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.


LinkedIn Company Views (Deprecated)

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.


LinkedIn Content Views (Deprecated)

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.


LinkedIn Likes (Deprecated)

This metric/dimension is deprecated by channel/Sprinklr and the data would be available till the last date metric was active.


LinkedIn Likes (Deprecated)

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.


LinkedIn Shares (Deprecated)

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.


LinkedIn Update Views (Deprecated)

This metric has been deprecated by LinkedIn Channel. Metrics data will be available in Sprinklr till the last date metrics was available.

Download Clicks

LinkedIn Download Clicks

The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in an ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g., if the user rejects a browser download prompt). This metric is only available for ad formats supporting media downloads.

Viral Download Clicks

LinkedIn Viral Download Clicks

The number of times users have indicated the intent to download the media in a viral ad by clicking the download icon. This may or may not result in an actual download (e.g., if the user rejects a browser download prompt). Only available for ads supporting media downloads

Document First Qurtile Completion

LinkedIn Document First Qurtile Completion

The number of times users reached the first quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions. 

Document Mid-point completion

LinkedIn Document Mid-point completion

The number of times users reached the second quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions. 

Document Third Qurtile Completion

LinkedIn Third Qurtile Completion

The number of times users reached the third quartile of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions. 

Document Completion

LinkedIn Documet Completion

The number of times users reached 100% of the document’s length, including those that skipped to this point. This metric is only available for document ads and not all dimensions. 

Average Frequency

Linkedin Average Frequency

LinkedIn Average Frequency measures how often a user sees your ad over a specified period, calculated by dividing total impressions by unique users. It helps gauge ad repetition and potential audience saturation.


LinkedIn Cost Per 1,000 member accounts reached

LinkedIn CPM represents the cost to reach 1,000 member accounts with your ad, calculated by dividing total ad spend by impressions (in thousands). It indicates the cost-effectiveness of your ad in achieving visibility.