TikTok Ads Reporting Metrics


Leverage this detailed list of all the TikTok metrics available in Sprinklr's Ads Reporting to operate the reporting dashboard better. Given below is a list of all TikTok metrics, along with their descriptions.

Metric Name in the Native Platform

Metric Name in Sprinklr




Tiktok CPA

The average amount of money you've spent on conversion. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)


TikTok Follows

The number of new followers that were gained withing one day of user seeing the ad. This metric is only for spark ads.

CVR (%)

Tiktok CVR (%)

The percentage of results you received out of all the clicks of your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)


Tiktok Result

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome based on the optimization goal you selected. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the results. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)

Cost Per Result

Tiktok Cost Per Result

The average cost for each result from your ads. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the cost per result. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)

Real-Time Result

Tiktok Real-time Result

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome based on the optimization goal you selected. As a campaign may have different optimization goals, the total number of results is not supported in the campaign section now, please go to the ad group section to view the result. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)

Real-Time Cost Per Result

Tiktok Real-time Cost Per Result

As a campaign may have different optimization goals, the total number of results is not supported in the campaign section now, please go to the ad group section to view the cost per Result. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)

Result Rate (%)

Tiktok Result Rate (%)

The percentage of results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the result rate. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)

Real-time Result Rate (%)

Tiktok Real-time Result Rate (%)

As a campaign may have different optimization goals, the total number of results is not supported in the campaign section now, please go to the ad group section to view the Result Rate. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)

Secondary Goal Result

Tiktok Secondary Goal Result

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. As one campaign may have a number of different secondary goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)

Cost per Secondary Goal Result

Tiktok Cost per Secondary Goal Result

The average cost for each secondary goal result from your adverts. As one campaign may have a number of different secondary goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)

Secondary Goal Result Rate (%)

Tiktok Secondary Goal Result Rate (%)

The percentage of secondary goal results you achieved out of all of the installs of your adverts. As one campaign may have a number of different secondary goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred)

CTR Destination(%)

TikTok Click Through Rate (Destination)

The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click(Destination).

CTR (All)

TikTok CTR (All)

The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click(All)

CPC (Destination)

TikTok Cost Per Click

The average amount of money you've spent on a click (Destination).


TikTok Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)

The average cost to reach 1,000 unique users. This metric is estimated.

Profile Visit Rate

Profile Visits Rate

The rate of profile visits per impression the paid ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for Boosted TikToks.

Clicks on music disc

Clicks on Music Disc

The number of clicks on the official music in your Boosted TikTok ad during the campaign. Available only if you are on the allowlist for the Boosted TikTok feature.

2-Second Video Views

TikTok 2s Video Views

The number of times your video played for at least 2 seconds. Replays will not be counted.

6-Second Video Views

TikTok 6s Video Views

The number of times your video played for at least 6 seconds, or completely played. Replays will not be counted.

Video Average Watch Time Per Person

TikTok Average Watch Time Per User

The average time your video was played per person, including any time spent replaying the video. This metric is estimated.

Video Average Watch Time Per Video View

TikTok Average Watch Time per Video View

The average time your video was played per single video view, including any time spent replaying the video.

Paid Comments

TikTok Comments

The number of comments your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.


TikTok Conversions

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome based on the objective and settings you selected. (The total count is based on when you were billed)

Cost per 1,000 people reached

TikTok Cost Per 1000 People Reached (Estimated)

The average cost to reach 1,000 unique users. This metric is estimated.

Paid Follows

TikTok Follows

The number of followers


TikTok Frequency

The average number of times each person saw your ad.

Paid Likes

TikTok Likes

The number of likes your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

Profile Visit

TikTok Profile Visits

The number of profile visits the ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for Boosted TikToks.

Real-time CPA

TikTok Real-time CPA

The average amount of money you've spent on a conversion. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)

Real-time CVR (%)

TikTok Real-time CVR

The percentage of results you received out of all the clicks of your ads. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)

Real-time Conversions

TikTok Real-time Conversions

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the objective and settings you selected. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened)

Paid Shares

TikTok Shares

The number of shares your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

Video Views

TikTok Video Views

The number of times your video starts to play. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 100%

TikTok Video Views at 100%

The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 25%

TikTok Video Views at 25%

The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 50%

TikTok Video Views at 50%

The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

Video Views at 75%

TikTok Video Views at 75%

The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

'Clicks (Destination)

TikTok Clicks (Destination)

The number of clicks on your ads that led users to advertiser-specified destinations like websites, apps, or to the app store.

Clicks (All)

TikTok Clicks (All)

The overall amount of engagement on your ad. Includes paid likes, comments, shares, follows, and clicks. Clicks in the 'Total Engagement' metric also include music, hashtag, anchor, and interactive add on clicks.

In-App Event

App Install

Tiktok App Install

The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per App Install

Tiktok Cost per App Install

The average cost for each app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unique Registration

Tiktok Unique Registration

The number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Registration

Tiktok Cost per Unique Registration

The average cost for each unique registration that is attributed to your ad. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unique Registration Rate (%)

Tiktok Unique Registration Rate (%)

The percentage of unique registration events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Registration

Tiktok Cost per Registration

Cost per Registration (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Unique Purchase

Tiktok Cost per Unique Purchase

The average cost of each unique purchase. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unique Purchase Rate (%)

Tiktok Unique Purchase Rate (%)

The percentage of unique purchase event out of all the app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Purchase

Tiktok Cost per Purchase

Cost per Purchase (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Purchase Value

Tiktok Total Purchase Value

Total Purchase Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Purchase ROAS

Tiktok Purchase ROAS

Return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchase events. (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Add to Cart

Tiktok Unique Add to Cart

The number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Add to Cart

Tiktok Cost per Unique Add to Cart

The average cost for each unique add to cart event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unique Add to Cart Rate (%)

Tiktok Unique Add to Cart Rate (%)

The percentage of unique add to cart events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Add to Cart

Tiktok Cost per Add to Cart

Cost per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Add to Cart

Tiktok Value per Add to Cart

Value per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Checkout

Tiktok Unique Checkout

The number of unique times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Checkout

Tiktok Cost per Unique Checkout

The average cost for each unique checkout event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unique Checkout Rate (%)

Tiktok Unique Checkout Rate (%)

The percentage of unique checkout events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Checkout

Tiktok Cost per Checkout

Cost per Checkout (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Checkout

Tiktok Value per Checkout

Value per Checkout (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique View Content

Tiktok Unique View Content

The number of unique times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique View Content

Tiktok Cost per Unique View Content

The average cost for each unique view content event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

View Content Rate (%)

Tiktok View Content Rate (%)

The percentage of unique view content events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Total View Content

Tiktok Total View Content

Total View Content. The total count is based on when you were billed.

Cost per View Content

Tiktok Cost per View Content

Cost per View Content (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per View Content

Tiktok Value per View Content

Value per View Content (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Day 1 Retention

Tiktok Unique Day 1 Retention

The number of unique day 1 retentions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Day 1 Retention

Tiktok Cost per Unique Day 1 Retention

The average cost for each unique day 1 retention event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Day 1 Retention Rate (%)

Tiktok Day 1 Retention Rate (%)

The percentage of unique day 1 retention events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Day 1 Retention (Total No.)

Tiktok Day 1 Retention (Total No.)

Day 1 Retention (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Day 1 Retention

Tiktok Cost per Day 1 Retention

Cost per Day 1 Retention (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Add Payment Info

Tiktok Unique Add Payment Info

The number of unique times a user added payment info in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Add Payment Info

Tiktok Cost per Unique Add Payment Info

The average cost for each unique add payment info event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Add Payment Info Rate (%)

Tiktok Add Payment Info Rate (%)

The percentage of unique add payment info events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Total Add Payment Info

Tiktok Total Add Payment Info

Total Add Payment Info. The total count is based on when you were billed.

Cost per Total Add Payment Info

Tiktok Cost per Total Add Payment Info

Cost per Add Payment Info (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Add to Wishlist

Tiktok Unique Add to Wishlist

The number of unique times users added items to a wishlist in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Add to Wishlist

Tiktok Cost per Unique Add to Wishlist

The average cost for each unique add to wishlist event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Add to Wishlist Rate (%)

Tiktok Add to Wishlist Rate (%)

The percentage of unique add to wishlist events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Total Add to Wishlist

Tiktok Total Add to Wishlist

Add to Wishlist (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Add to Wishlist

Tiktok Cost per Add to Wishlist

Cost per Add to Wishlist (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Add to Wishlist

Tiktok Value per Add to Wishlist

Value per Add to Wishlist (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Add to Wishlist Value

Tiktok Total Add to Wishlist Value

Total Add to Wishlist Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Add To Wishlist (Onsite)

Tiktok Total Add to Wishlist (Onsite)

The number of 'Add to Wishlist' events attributed to your TikTok ads for Onsite Events.

Cost per Add To Wishlist (Onsite)

Tiktok Cost per Add to Wishlist (Onsite)

The average cost of each 'Add to Wishlist' event attributed to your TikTok ads for Onsite Events

Add To Wishlist Rate (Onsite)

Tiktok Add to Wishlist Rate (Onsite)

The percentage of 'Add to Wishlist' events out of all click events attributed to your TikTok ads for Onsite Events

Value per Add To Wishlist (Onsite)

Tiktok Value pe Add to Wishlist (Onsite)

The average value returned from each 'Add to Wishlist' event attributed to your TikTok ads for Onsite Events

Total Add To Wishlist Value (Onsite)

Tiktok Add to Wishlist Value (Onsite)

The total value returned from 'Add to Wishlist' events attributed to your TikTok ads for Onsite Events

Unique Launch App

Tiktok Unique Launch App

The number of unique times a user launched your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Launch App

Tiktok Cost per Unique Launch App

The average cost for each unique launch app event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Launch App Rate (%)

Tiktok Launch App Rate (%)

The percentage of unique launch app events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Launch App (Total No.)

Tiktok Launch App (Total No.)

Launch App (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Launch App

Tiktok Cost per Launch App

Cost per Launch App (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Complete Tutorial

Tiktok Unique Complete Tutorial

The number of unique times a user completed a tutorial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Complete Tutorial

Tiktok Cost per Unique Complete Tutorial

The average cost for each unique complete tutorial event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Complete Tutorial Rate (%)

Tiktok Complete Tutorial Rate (%)

The percentage of unique complete tutorial events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Complete Tutorial (Total No.)

Tiktok Complete Tutorial (Total No.)

Complete Tutorial (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Complete Tutorial

Tiktok Cost per Complete Tutorial

Cost per Complete Tutorial (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Complete Tutorial

Tiktok Value per Complete Tutorial

Value per Complete Tutorial (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Complete Tutorial Value

Tiktok Total Complete Tutorial Value

Total Complete Tutorial Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Create Group

Tiktok Unique Create Group

The number of unique times a user created a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Create Group

Tiktok Cost per Unique Create Group

The average cost for each unique create group event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Create Group Rate (%)

Tiktok Create Group Rate (%)

The percentage of unique create group events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Create Group (Total No.)

Tiktok Create Group (Total No.)

Create Group (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Create Group

Tiktok Cost per Create Group

Cost per Create Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Create Group

Tiktok Value per Create Group

Value per Create Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Create Group Value

Tiktok Total Create Group Value

Total Create Group Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Join Group

Tiktok Unique Join Group

The number of unique times a user joined a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Join Group

Tiktok Cost per Unique Join Group

The average cost for each unique join group event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Join Group Rate (%)

Tiktok Join Group Rate (%)

The percentage of unique join group events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Join Group (Total No.)

Tiktok Join Group (Total No.)

Join Group (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Join Group

Tiktok Cost per Join Group

Cost per Join Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Join Group

Tiktok Value per Join Group

Value per Join Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Join Group Value

Tiktok Total Join Group Value

Total Join Group Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Create Role

Tiktok Unique Create Role

The number of unique times a user created a character or role in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Create Role

Tiktok Cost per Unique Create Role

The average cost for each unique create role event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Create Role Rate (%)

Tiktok Create Role Rate (%)

The percentage of unique create role events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Create Role (Total No.)

Tiktok Create Role (Total No.)

Create Role (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Create Role

Tiktok Cost per Create Role

Cost per Create Role (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Create Role

Tiktok Value per Create Role

Value per Create Role (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Create Role Value

Tiktok Total Create Role Value

Total Create Role Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Spend Credit

Tiktok Unique Spend Credit

The number of unique times a user spent credit in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Spend Credit

Tiktok Cost per Unique Spend Credit

The average cost for each unique spend credits event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Spend Credit Rate (%)

Tiktok Spend Credit Rate (%)

The percentage of unique spend credits events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Spend Credit (Total No.)

Tiktok Spend Credit (Total No.)

Spend Credit (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Spend Credit

Tiktok Cost per Spend Credit

Cost per Spend Credit (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Spend Credit

Tiktok Value per Spend Credit

Value per Spend Credit (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Spend Credit Value

Tiktok Total Spend Credit Value

Total Spend Credit Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Achieve Level

Tiktok Unique Achieve Level

The number of unique times a user achieved a level in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Achieve Level

Tiktok Cost per Unique Achieve Level

The average cost for each unique achieve level event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Achieve Level Rate (%)

Tiktok Achieve Level Rate (%)

The percentage of unique achieve level events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Achieve Level (Total No.)

Tiktok Achieve Level (Total No.)

Achieve Level (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Achieve Level

Tiktok Cost per Achieve Level

Cost per Achieve Level (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Achieve Level

Tiktok Value per Achieve Level

Value per Achieve Level (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Achieve Level Value

Tiktok Total Achieve Level Value

Total Achieve Level Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Unlock Achievement

Tiktok Unique Unlock Achievement

The number of unique times that a user unlocked an achievement in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Unlock Achievement

Tiktok Cost per Unique Unlock Achievement

The average cost for each unique unlock achievement event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unlock Achievement Rate (%)

Tiktok Unlock Achievement Rate (%)

The percentage of unique unlock achievement events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unlock Achievement (Total No.)

Tiktok Unlock Achievement (Total No.)

Unlock Achievement (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Unlock Achievement

Tiktok Cost per Unlock Achievement

Cost per Unlock Achievement (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Unlock Achievement

Tiktok Value per Unlock Achievement

Value per Unlock Achievement (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Unlock Achievement Value

Tiktok Total Unlock Achievement Value

Total Unlock Achievement Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Generate Lead

Tiktok Unique Generate Lead

The number of unique leads generated in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Generate Lead

Tiktok Cost per Unique Generate Lead

The average cost for each unique generate lead event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Generate Lead Rate (%)

Tiktok Generate Lead Rate (%)

The percentage of unique generate lead events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Generate Lead (Total No.)

Tiktok Generate Lead (Total No.)

Generate Lead (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Generate Lead

Tiktok Cost per Generate Lead

Cost per Generate Lead (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Generate Lead

Tiktok Value per Generate Lead

Value per Generate Lead (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Generate Lead Value

Tiktok Total Generate Lead Value

Total Generate Lead Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Login

Tiktok Unique Login

The number of unique logins in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Login

Tiktok Cost per Unique Login

The average cost for each unique login event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Login Rate (%)

Tiktok Login Rate (%)

The percentage of unique login events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Login (Total No.)

Tiktok Login (Total No.)

Login (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Login

Tiktok Cost per Login

Cost per Login (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Rate

Tiktok Unique Rate

The number of unique ratings in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Rate

Tiktok Cost per Unique Rate

The average cost for each unique rate event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Rate Rate (%)

Tiktok Rate Rate (%)

The percentage of unique rate events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Rate (Total No.)

Tiktok Rate (Total No.)

Rate (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Rate

Tiktok Cost per Rate

Cost per Rate (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Rate

Tiktok Value per Rate

Value per Rate (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Rate Value

Tiktok Total Rate Value

Total Rate Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Search

Tiktok Unique Search

The number of unique searches in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Search

Tiktok Cost per Unique Search

The average cost for each unique search event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Search Rate (%)

Tiktok Search Rate (%)

The percentage of unique search events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Search (Total No.)

Tiktok Search (Total No.)

Search (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Search

Tiktok Cost per Search

Cost per Search (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Unique Subscribe

Tiktok Unique Subscribe

The number of unique subscriptions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Cost per Unique Subscribe

Tiktok Cost per Unique Subscribe

The average cost for each unique subscribe event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Subscribe Rate (%)

Tiktok Subscribe Rate (%)

The percentage of unique subscribe events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Subscribe (Total No.)

Tiktok Subscribe (Total No.)

Subscribe (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Subscribe

Tiktok Cost per Subscribe

Cost per Subscribe (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Subscribe

Tiktok Value per Subscribe

Value per Subscribe (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Subscribe Value

Tiktok Total Subscribe Value

Total Subscribe Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Cost per Start Trial

TikTok Cost Per Start Trial

Cost per Start Trial (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Place an Order

TikTok Place an Order

The number of place an order events.

Purchase Rate (%)

TikTok Purchase Rate (%)

The percentage of unique purchase event out of all the app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Unique Purchase

TikTok Purchases

The number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)

Real-time App Install

TikTok Real-time Install

The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.)

Cost per Real-time App Install

TikTok Real-time Install Cost

The average cost for each app install event. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.)

Registration Rate (%)

TikTok Registration Rate (%)

The percentage of unique registration events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)


TikTok Results (Time Attributed)

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. As a campaign may have different optimization goals, the total number of result is not supported in campaign section now ,Please go to the ad group section to view the result.(The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.)

Total Add to Cart

TikTok Total Add To Cart

Add to Cart (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Add to Cart Value

TikTok Total Add to Cart Value

Total Add to Cart Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Checkout Value

TikTok Total Checkout Value

Total Checkout Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Checkout

TikTok Total Checkouts

Checkout (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total View Content

TikTok Total Content Views

View Content (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Purchase Value

TikTok Total Purchase Value (Time attributed)

Total Purchase Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Purchase (Total No.)

TikTok Total Purchases

Purchase (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Registration

TikTok Total Registrations

Registration (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Start Trial (Total No.)

TikTok Total Start Trial

Start Trial (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Value per Purchase

TikTok Value per Purchase

Value per Purchase (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

Total Purchase Value / Purchase(Total No.)

Playlist Visit

TikTok Playlist Visit

The number of profile visits the paid ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for spark ads.

Playlist Visit Rate

TikTok Playlist Visit Rate

The rate of profile visits per impression the paid ad drove during the campaign, this metric is only for spark ads.

Page Event

Total Complete Payment

Complete Payment

The number of complete payment events.

Product Details Page Browse

TikTok Product Details Page Browse

The number of product details page browse events.

Total Complete Registration

TikTok User Registrations

The number of user registration events.

Total Add to Wishlist

Tiktok Total Add To Wishlist

The number of add to wishlist events that are attributed to your ads.

Cost per Add To Wishlist

Tiktok Cost per Add To Wishlist

The average cost of each add to wishlist event.

Add To Wishlist Rate

Tiktok Add to Wishlist Rate

The percentage of add to wishlist events out of all click events.

Value per Add To Wishlist

Tiktok Value per Add to Wishlist

The average value returned from each add to wishlist event.

Total Add To Wishlist Value

Tiktok Total Add to Wishlist Value

The total value returned from all add to wishlist events.


Total Subscribe (SKAN)

Tiktok Total Subscribe (SKAN)

The number of subscriptions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Cost per Subscribe (SKAN)

Tiktok Cost per Subscribe (SKAN)

The average cost for each subscribe event that is attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Subscribe Value (SKAN)

Tiktok Total Subscribe Value (SKAN)

The value of subscribe events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Add to Cart (SKAN)

Tiktok Total Add to Cart (SKAN)

The number of times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Cost per Add to Cart (SKAN)

Tiktok Cost per Add to Cart (SKAN)

The average cost for each add to cart event that is attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Add to Cart Value (SKAN)

Tiktok Total Add to Cart Value (SKAN)

The value of add to cart events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

App Install (SKAN)

Tiktok App Install (SKAN)

The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Cost per App Install (SKAN)

Tiktok Cost per App Install (SKAN)

The average cost for each app install event.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique Add to Cart (SKAN)

TikTok Add to Cart (SKAN)

The number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique Checkout (SKAN)

TikTok Checkout (SKAN)

The number of unique times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Conversions (SKAN)

TikTok Conversion (SKAN)

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome based on the objective and settings you selected.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API.

Cost Per Result (SKAN)

TikTok Cost Per Result (SKAN)

The average cost for each result from your ads. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the cost per result.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Cost per Unique In-App Ad Click (SKAN)

TikTok Cost per In App Ad Click (SKAN)

The average cost for each unique in-app ad click event that is attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique In-App Ad Click (SKAN)

TikTok In App Ad Click (SKAN)

The number of unique in-app ad click events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique In-App Ad Click Rate (%) (SKAN)

TikTok In App Ad Click Rate (%) (SKAN)

The percentage of unique in-app ad click events out of all app install events.The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API.

Unique Purchase (SKAN)

TikTok Purchase (SKAN)

The number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique Registration (SKAN)

TikTok Registration (SKAN)

The number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique Registration Rate (SKAN)

TikTok Registration Rate (SKAN)

The percentage of unique registration events out of all app install events.The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API.

Result (SKAN)

TikTok Result (SKAN)

The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API.

Result Rate (%) (SKAN)

TikTok Result Rate (%) (SKAN)

The percentage of results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads. The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API.

Total Add to Cart (SKAN)

TikTok Total Add to Cart (SKAN)

The total value of purchase events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Add to Cart Value (SKAN)

TikTok Total Add to Cart Value (SKAN)

The value of add to cart events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Checkout (SKAN)

TikTok Total Checkout (SKAN)

The number of times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Checkout Value (SKAN)

TikTok Total Checkout Value (SKAN)

The value of checkout events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Purchase (SKAN)

TikTok Total Purchase (SKAN)

The number of purchases in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API.

Total Purchase Value (SKAN)

TikTok Total Purchase Value (SKAN)

The total value of purchase events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total Registration (SKAN)

TikTok Total Registration (SKAN)

The number of registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Total View Content (SKAN)

TikTok Total View Content (SKAN)

The number of times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported

Unique View Content (SKAN)

TikTok View Content (SKAN)

The number of unique times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

The total count is based on when the events are returned through the SKAdNetwork API. There may be a delay between the actual conversion time and when the conversion is reported


CTA Conversion

TikTok CTA Conversions

The number of in-app app install event that occurred on your mobile app and are attributed to the amount of clicks.

CTA Purchase

TikTok CTA Purchase

The number of in-app payment event that attribute to click, based on information received from your measurement partner.

CTA Registration

TikTok CTA Registration

The number of in-app registration event that attribute to click, based on information received from your measurement partner.

Cost per CTA Registration

TikTok Cost per CTA Conversion

The average cost for each app install event that attribute to clicks.

Cost per CTA Purchase

TikTok Cost per CTA Purchase

The average cost for each payment event that attribute to clicks.

Cost per CTA Registration

TikTok Cost per CTA Registration

The average cost for in-app registration event that attribute to clicks.

Cost per VTA Conversion

TikTok Cost per VTA Conversion

The average cost for each app install event that attribute to impression.

Cost per VTA Purchase

TikTok Cost per VTA Purchase

The average cost for each payment event that attribute to impression.

Cost per VTA Registration

TikTok Cost per VTA Registration

The average cost for each registration event that attribute to impression.

VTA Conversion

TikTok VTA Conversions

The percentage of app install events you received out of all the clicks of your ads.

VTA Purchase

TikTok VTA Purchase

The number of in-app payment event that attribute to impression, based on information received from your measurement partner.

VTA Registration

TikTok VTA Registration

The number of registration event that attribute to impression, based on information received from your measurement partner.