View Reporting for Global Filtering in Distributed


Distributed users with access to the same ad account are able to view all the data corresponding to all the
other users/stores. However, the admins have control over what Distributed users are creating and spending in reporting dashboards. Admins can determine that the Distributed users can see only the data corresponding to their location/store. The ads reporting data is filtered based on the custom field set to the respective paid initiative, and the global filtering will be done based on the custom field associated with the Paid Initiatives.

User Persona: Store Marketing Managers, Distributed End Users, Ads Managers

Steps to View Reporting for Selected Custom Field in Use Global Filtering

  1. Log in to the Distributed environment.

  2. Click the Global Filtering dropdown icon below the Sprinklr logo at the top of the menu bar to the left.

  3. Select the preferred Custom Field(Store/Location) from the dropdown.

  4. Click Ads Reporting in the menu bar to the left in the Distributed platform.

    In the Ads Reporting Dashboard, you can view reporting for the selected custom field (Store/Location).