Multi-lingual Support in Live Chat


In Sprinklr live chat, the capability to add support for multiple languages within a single live chat application is available. There are various methods for defining the language of the live chat, enabling brands to adapt to the diverse needs of their users or customers. This feature facilitates smoother and more effective interactions, allowing brands to cater to a larger and more diverse audience.

Supported languages include Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bokmal (Norwegian), Bosnian, Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

Setup Steps

  1. While creating the Live Chat application, navigate to the "Configure your Live Chat" section. Specify the required languages under Additional languages as depicted in the screenshot below.

  2. Provide translations for all labels that can be set from the Live Chat builder. For example, translate "Hi! How can I help you?" to "Salut! Comment puis-je vous aider?" for French.

    Compile the list of verbiages in different languages and reach out to the support team at for further assistance.

  3. After this, you have three different methods by which you can choose the locale for translation:

    • Translate Based on User Browser Locale:

      • The Live Chat application will be translated based on the user’s web browser locale. If the customer’s browser locale is not listed in the additional language(s) section, the Live Chat application will default to the specified default language. This feature is enabled by default and requires no changes to the embedded code.

    • Translate Using Value Passed by Brand:

      • Modify the embedded code to pass a locale value.

        <script> window.sprChatSettings = { ​
        ​ appId: "xxxxxxx", ​
        ​ skin: "MODERN", //MODERN, CLASSIC ​
        ​ locale: "en", ​
        ​}; </script> <script> ​
        ​(function() { ​
        ​ var w = window; ​
        ​ //.. standard code ​
        ​})() </script>

      • To switch the Live Chat application to a particular language, change the locale value (e.g., locale: “es” for Spanish) and re-embed the entire script.

      • Assumption: When the user switches their language, the entire page is refreshed. Without a page refresh, the Live Chat script cannot be re-embedded effectively.

    • Allow Customers to Select Their Preferred Language:

      • Enable customers to select their preferred language regardless of their browser locale or website language settings. Customers can choose their language using the chat actions (3 dots menu) on the home screen or conversation screen.

      • Upon selecting a different locale, all verbiages for which the brand has provided translations will be updated. If a translation is not available, the default language verbiage will be displayed.

Note: Please note that changing the language will NOT affect previous cases or translations of fan/brand messages already sent in the current case. They will remain in the language in which they were originally sent.