Create a Naming Convention



Naming Conventions automatically assign a name to Projects, Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns and Messages based on the specific configuration of that convention. Naming Conventions help standardize names across your organization and enable better tracking and reporting of Campaigns, Sub-Campaigns, Projects, or Messages. They also make it easier to filter, sort and search for particular entities .


To view and create Naming Conventions you will need the View permission for Naming Conventions and the Create permission for Naming Conventions respectively. Contact your Global or Workspace Admin if you do not have these permissions.

Create New Naming Convention

1. Click New Tab. Under the Marketing Tab in Sprinklr Marketing, navigate to Plan > Planning and Reuse > Naming Conventions.

2. In the Naming Conventions window, click the Create Naming Convention button on the top right corner of the window.


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3. In the next window, give your Naming Convention a title, select the entities to which the Convention will apply.

4. Select the properties that will be used for the Naming Convention and add relevant separators between them.

5. You can also type in which Multi-Value Separators you want to use to separate entries from multi-value fields used in the Convention. Choose whether to remove or replace spaces in the name, and the case in which the name will be written.

Note: Separator and Multi-Value Separator are distinct components in a Naming Convention. Refer to Glossary below for details.


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6. For example, you can select Region, Start Date and Campaign ID as the properties defining the Naming Convention for a Campaign, '_'(underscore) as the separator, replace spaces with '&', and set case as lowercase.

Then for a Campaign where APAC and ME is selected as the Region, 6th June is the Start Date and 5798 is the Campaign ID, it's name according to the Naming Convention will be apac&me_6june_5798.





The various fields that will be used to auto-populate the name once the Naming Convention is applied.

Standard Field

Standard Fields available for use in a Naming convention for any given entity.

Custom Field

Additional custom fields that can be used as a Property for Naming Conventions.


Characters that are used to separate Properties in a Naming Convention.

Multi-Value Separator

Characters used to separate the values of a multi-select field used as a Property in a Naming Conventions

Replace Space

Choose whether to keep spaces in a Property, remove them or replace with a character.

Character Limit

Set a character limit for your Naming Convention. Names cannot exceed this limit.


Set a case for your Naming Convention.

Note: Assets as an Entity for Naming Conventions will be added in upcoming releases.