Decision Box Node


Before we begin

We need to understand what are Dialogue trees.


A decision box node in Sprinklr's chatbot system is like a crossroad in a conversation, where the bot makes decisions based on certain conditions. It enables the bot to understand and respond differently depending on user inputs or predetermined factors.In this guide, we will go over how to define Decision Boxes within a Dialogue Tree.

Note: In the Conversational AI, the terms "Decision Box" and "Condition Box" are used interchangeably.

Steps to configure a Decision Box

  1. To create a decision box, select Decision Box from the dropdown.

  2. To add a path, follow these steps:

    • Give the path a name

    • Add multiple conditions to the path if needed.

    • Click "Save"


Please note that a decision box always includes a default path. This means that if none of the configured conditions are met, the bot will take the default path.

Note: Double quotes don't work with containing operator in the decision box. 

Decision Box — Field Descriptions




Provide a Label to your Decision Box.


Provide a description of your Decision Path.

Define Path

Define a path for your Decision Box by setting conditions.

Name the Path

Provide a name for your path.


Set a condition for your path:

  • Field - Select a field from Outbound Message Fields, Tasks Fields, and Workflow Engine Fields available in the dropdown menu.

  • Operator - Select a relevant operator depending on the field type selected. The operator's value may vary as per the field selected. For more information, see Operator Type — Field Descriptions.

  • Value - Select a value from the available dropdown options.

Add Condition

Click to set more than one condition for the same path.

Add New Path

Click if you want to set more than one path for your Decision Box

Operator Type — Field Descriptions


Operator Type

Outbound Message Fields

If the condition to be applied is Date or Number type custom field.

The operator type will be:

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or Equal to

  • Less than

  • Less than or Equal to

  • Equals

If the condition to be applied is Text or TextArea type custom field

The operator type will be:

  • Equals

  • Starts With

  • Not Containing

  • Contains (only allows single value)

If the condition to be applied is Picklist type custom field

The operator type will be:

  • Containing

  • Not Containing

  • Contains (only allows single value)

If the condition to be applied is Textmulti or Picklist Multiselect type custom field

The operator type will be:

  • Containing

  • Not Containing

Retain Workflow on Deletion of Decision Box

Upon deleting the decision box within the workflow, rest assured that the sub-tasks and other action items will not be removed. To prevent the necessity of reconstructing the entire workflow, it is advisable to retain the nodes and branches originating from the decision box.

  1. Please place your cursor over the Decision Box and then click on the Options icon.

  2. Choose either "Move Element With Subtree" or "Copy Element With Subtree".

  3. Select the target Destination Node where you wish to Move or Attach the copied nodes.

  4. Finally, click on "Save as Draft" or "Save & Deploy".

Whats Next?

Now we know all about decision box node, So we are ready to explore

No changes are required in the existing condition box. They will work as as per the expected workflow. However, if you edit the condition box, the default path will get exposed in the UI. You can set End Conversation in your existing workflows as default path was present in the past but only in the backend with default value as End Conversation. The same is now exposed in the UI and configurable, hence you can set End Conversation in the existing workflows.