Repeat Parent Reply Node



The 'Repeat Parent Reply' node is supported only for the dialogue trees deployed in Fallback Bots (Deployment Settings). In case of fallback, if the dialogue tree deployed in the fallback settings has this node, then the bot will publish the last bot reply on which the fallback happened.

Use case

If a bot sends a reply with 2 options to select from, but the customer sends some invalid reply, then the fallback bot will take over.

If that fallback bot has the 'Repeat Parent Reply' node, then the bot will publish the last bot reply (with 2 options) on which the fallback happened.

To add Repeat Parent Reply node in the fallback bot

  1. Click the Addition icon  and select Repeat Parent Reply.

  2. Now if fallback happens, then the bot will publish the last bot reply on which the fallback happened.

What next?

Now we know all about repeat parent reply node, So we are ready to explore