Nominating Messages on Community to Create Articles


A community moderator can nominate a community post to be converted into a Knowledge Base article to promote collaborative knowledge building. Next, using Nominations Manager, content moderators can review/accept/decline all the community posts nominated for article conversion in a seamless manner.


  • Users must have the appropriate permission to nominate a post on the community. To learn more, see Roles and Permissions.

  • To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

To Nominate a Post on Community

Hover over the Options icon alongside the desired post and select Nominate Post.

Once nominated, the Nomination Pending status will appear on the post.

Once the nominated post is published as an article, the Nomination Published status will appear on the post.

To Create an Article

The content moderators can view these nominated messages within the Knowledge Base builder.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, select Knowledge Base within Resolve.

  2. Switch to the Nominated Messages tab on the left to view all the nominations.

  3. Hover over the Options icon alongside the desired nominated message and select View Details to open the article details in the third pane.

  4. Select Decline Nomination to decline the request. Selecting Delete will decline the request and also remove the request from here.

  5. As a content moderator, you can initiate the article creation process by selecting Create KB Article. The content of the nominated post will be prefilled in the builder where you can make edits and customize the content based on your brand voice.

  6. Once published, the article will start appearing on the community.