Notification Preferences for Project Management


In project management, you can choose which notifications you want to receive and where you want to receive them. The following table describes the types of notification you recieve in project management tool.

Notification Type


Task assigned

Notifies you when a task is assigned to you

Task unassigned

Notifies you when you are unassigned from a task

New attachments on task

Notifies you when a task assigned to you has new attachments added

Task due date passed

Notifies you when the due date on a task assigned to you has passed

Task due date approaching

Notifies you one day before the due date of a task assigned to you

Task due date changed

Notifies you when the due date of a task assigned to you is updated

Mentions on tasks

Notifies you when someone @mentions you in task comments

Mentions on task alerts

Notifies you when you are @mentioned in a task alert

Update requests on tasks

Notifies you when you are requested to update a task

Comments on tasks

Notifies you when a new comment is added on a task assigned to you

Comments on collaborating tasks

Notifies you when a new comment is added on a task where you have already added a comment

Direct reply to my comments

Notifies you when a comment you made on any task receives a reply

Task completed

Notifies you when the status of a task assigned to you is marked as completed

Task status updated

Notifies you when the status of a task assigned to you is updated

Task marked as blocker

Notifies you when a task assigned to you is marked as blocking another task

Task marked as blocked

Notifies you when a task assigned to you is marked as being blocked by another task

Task reminder

Notifies of task reminders that you set up on tasks assigned to you or any other user

Task exports

Notifies you when a task sheet export is completed

Project access

Notifies you when you are added to a project as a collaborator

Portfolio access

Notifies you when you are added to a portfolio as a collaborator


Notifications are sent to the Inbox (in project management app), on the platform, and via email. Please note that Inbox notifications are fixed and cannot be deactivated. Rather, you can apply filters to see specific type of notifications in your inbox. To know more about inbox filters, read Filter Notifications in Inbox.

However, preferences for platform and email notifications can be customized. To adjust these settings, please follow the instructions provided below:

  1. Click on your profile icon on top right of your browser screen.

  2. Click on icon with your name’s initial.

  3. Navigate to Notification Preferences.

  4. From left pane, select "Project Management". You will see all notification types with checkboxes. Uncheck the notification corresponding to Platform/Email which you do not want to receive.

Note: Permission to manage notifications is not given to all the users by default. If you cannot see notification preferences in your profile tabs, contact your global admin for the same.