Capacity Planning Algorithms supported by Sprinklr


Accurate Capacity Planning is vital for Sprinklr to optimize resources within Workforce Management (WFM). It ensures efficient alignment of human and technological resources with dynamic customer demands thereby improving operational effectiveness and sustaining higher service standards. Some of the Capacity Planning algorithms that Sprinklr employs are detailed as:

1. Erlang C:

The Erlang C model is a widely used mathematical model in contact centers to calculate the number of agents required based on call traffic and service level objectives. It considers the probability that a caller will have to wait for service and is particularly useful for scenarios with large number of call volumes.

Key Features:

Queueing Theory: - Erlang C is grounded in queueing theory, a branch of operations research that studies the behavior of queues. This provides a fundamental theoretical foundation for estimating the number of agents required by considering the probability of callers waiting in a queue.

Service Level Consideration: - It calculates the probability that a caller will have to wait for service, enabling contact centres to optimize their staffing levels to meet specified service level targets. This is crucial for maintaining CSAT and operational efficiency.

Assumes Poisson Distribution: - Erlang C assumes that calls arrive according to a Poisson process, a statistical distribution often used to model random events. This assumption helps in simplifying the necessary calculations and predict approximate staffing levels.

Use Case:

Erlang C is utilized in WFM Capacity Planning to calculate the optimal number of contact center agents needed to meet service level targets, considering call arrival patterns and the probability of callers waiting in queues.

2. Erlang X:

Erlang X is an extension of the Erlang C formula that incorporates the concept of abandonment. It considers scenarios where callers may abandon the queue before receiving service, providing a more complex estimate of the number of required agents in the contact center.

Key Features:

Abandonment Modelling: - Each caller in a queuing model with abandonment is assumed to have a patience time, longest period of time they're willing to wait to recieve service. If their waiting time exceeds their patience, they will depart the queue. This functionality is especially crucial in contact centres where desertion rates and caller patience are major factors.

Versatility: - Erlang X is versatile and applicable to both inbound and outbound contact centres. It can accommodate different contact centre structures and types of interactions, making it a flexible tool for estimating agent requirements in various scenarios.

Queue Dynamics: - Considering both served and unserved calls, Erlang X provides insights into queue dynamics. This allows contact centers to understand not only the number of agents needed but also the potential impact on customer wait times and abandonment rates.

Use Case:

Erlang X is applied in WFM Capacity Planning scenarios where understanding and mitigating the impact of caller abandonment is crucial, providing a detailed estimate of agent requirements by considering both served and unserved calls in the queue.

3. Unitary Method:

The Unitary Method is a straightforward mathematical approach used to estimate the number of contact centre agents required based on the relationship between the number of calls and the corresponding workload. It involves determining the work produced by one unit and then extrapolating it to calculate the resources needed for a given workload.

Key Features:

Simplicity: - The Unitary Method is a simple linear relationship which is easy to understand and implement, thereby making it a quick and accessible method for estimating agent requirements in scenarios where a basic linear relationship holds.

Linear Scaling: - Unitary Method assumes a Linear Scaling, i.e., it assumes a constant relationship between the number of calls and the amount of work performed by each contact centre agent. While this simplicity is an advantage for quick estimates, it may not capture the complexities of real-world contact centre dynamics, where workload-resource relationships can be more intricate.

Use Case:

The Unitary Method is employed in WFM Capacity Planning for quick and initial estimations, especially when a basic linear relationship between call volume and workload is sufficient, providing a rapid assessment of staffing needs.