Add Adjustments for Future Events to a Forecast
Adjustments are predefined events that are applied to a forecast to influence the volume
based on knowledge of such events.
For example, if there is an upcoming Marketing Campaign which will affect specific queues, the same can be
applied to the Forecast to get the impact of the event included in the volume for better accuracy.
Step 1:
On the View Forecast landing page, Click on Adjustments to fine tune the forecast.
You can even access Adjustments by switching to Table View.
Use this to accommodate any future events such as product launch, marketing campaigns that may impact your
case volumes (or even SLA, Occupancy, AHT).
The adjustments can be added when the report is in unreleased state. If the report is released,
first unrelease it to incorporate any further changes.
Read more aboutreleasing/unreleasing a forecast here:
Step 2:
On the Adjustments record manager page, click on “Create Adjustment” to add a new adjustment
and fill in the required details:
Adjustment Name: Use the name that matches the event such as ‘Football Finals’, ‘New product release’s etc.
Description: Provide some description of the event.
Date Range: Select the start date & time and end date and time of the impact, the event will likely cause. For example, ‘a new product launch’ may impact the inbound volume by +/- x%.The adjustment can be added at a week level, day level or at a 30-minute interval.
Adjustment Scores: Select the Workload that will be affected. Select the impact as a percentage or absolute number and enter a value by which the volumes will be impacted.
Impact Options:
You can select "Absolute" or "Percentage" options for adjusting forecasted case volumes.
Note: A tooltip has been added to the impact field on the forecast adjustment page to provide a clearer explanation for you. The tooltip states "Please add the percentage/absolute impact of the above parameter on the selected workload. Value could be negative or positive.”
Granularity for Absolute Values:
When the "Absolute" option is selected, users can specify granularity (e.g., 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 1 day) for precise adjustment applications.
AI Processing:
The AI system will process input values from both percentage and absolute fields and apply adjustments accordingly.
For absolute value adjustments, changes will be applied based on the specified granularity.
Example Scenarios:
Percentage Adjustment: If the base forecast is 200 cases, a 20% adjustment results in 240 adjusted cases.
Absolute Adjustment: If the base forecast is 200 cases and an absolute value adjustment of 240 is applied, the forecast will be updated to 240 cases.
You can add multiple workloads to add the individual impact. This can be used when a specific event impacts only one Channel and one workload or the impact of specific events on workloads / Channels differs.
Step 3:
Click on Create to submit this event.Users can run a simulation by enabling or disabling the adjustment with a toggle button and multiple adjustments can be added and applied to a forecast at multiple time intervals.
Step 4:
Click on Predict to apply changes to the forecast.Navigate back to the Forecast by clicking the back arrow on the top left corner. Once the Prediction is complete, users can view the forecast values with & without adjustment. Every instance an adjustment is added or removed, click on predict to apply the changes.