Create Schedule


The key objective of this module is to schedule the staff based on forecasted case/call volume and available staffing to bring maximum efficiency & productivity.

​Contact center scheduling is a workforce management activity in which agent work schedules are created based on various factors, such as expected contact volume, agent availability, and skillset.

Use cases of Scheduling

  • Supervisors can create & publish schedules which can be auto-generated using any staffing report.

  • Supervisors can also update the schedule as part of their Intraday Management activities.

  • They can view if the schedule violates any of the business constraints.

For Supervisors

Create Schedule

  1. Click Scheduling from the left pane of the Supervisor Console.

  2. Now, click Create Schedule at the top right of the Scheduling page to create a new schedule.

  3. On the Create Schedule window, fill in the details and click Create at the bottom right.



    Schedule Name

    Name of the Schedule.

    Staffing Report

    Select the staffing report using which a schedule needs to be created.

    Date Range

    Date range will be auto populated basis the staffing report selected. You can also select a date range that falls within the auto populated one.


    Queue(s) will be auto populated basis the staffing report selected. You can also remove the queues, if required.

  4. Once the schedule is created, you will receive a on screen pop-up that the schedule has been created. After that, the schedule will go into a Processing state.


Click Refresh to check the status of the schedule.

Once the processing is complete, the schedule goes into a Draft state and becomes ready to view.

View Schedule

1. Hover over the Options icon against the schedule that you want to view and select View Schedule.

2. On the View Schedule page

Day View - Shows the Staffing levels for the day selected across all the 24 one-hour intervals of the day.

  • Date Selector - Select a particular day for which you want to view the staffing levels.

  • Day/Week View Selector - Switch between Day & Week view.

  • Filter - Filter on the basis of Queue, Skill, etc.

Bar Graph Widget

This widget shows the aggregate staffing levels for all the associated queues across all the 24 one-hour intervals of the day.

Hovering on a particular interval gives information about the overstaffing & understaffing levels for all the queues.

Table Widget

This widget shows the queue wise understaffed & overstaffed intervals for all the intervals of the day.

Hovering on a particular interval shows details about the overstaffing & understaffing levels in the particular queue.

Week View - Shows the staffing levels for the week selected across all the 24 one-hour intervals.

  • Date Selector - Select a particular week range for which they want to view the staffing levels.

  • Day/Week View Selector - Switch between the Week view & Day view.

  • Filter - Filter on the basis of Queue, Skill, etc.

Bubble Graph Widget

This widget shows the aggregate staffing levels for all the associated queues for all 7 days of the week across all the 24 one-hour intervals of each day.

Hovering on a particular bubble shows the number of understaffed & overstaffed details for that specific interval of a day aggregated for all the queues.

Table Widget

This widget shows the queue wise understaffed & overstaffed intervals across all the 7 days of the week.

Hovering on a particular day shows the number of understaffed & overstaffed intervals for that particular day.

3. Click the Open Details icon to open the agent schedule view for that particular queue.

Day View

Week View

4. Day View - View the agent's schedule for the day selected. Also, view the start & end time of a schedule on a high level and the over & under staffing level for each of the interval.

Week View - View the agent's schedule for the week selected. Also, view the start & end time of a schedule on a high level and the over & under staffing level for each of the interval.

Update Schedule

Day View

Hover over a particular agent's shift to open the shift details pop-up. From there, you can update the following items:

  • Toggle Shift On & Off

  • Shift Start & End Time

  • Activity Start & End Time

  • Add / Delete any activity

Once the above updates are made, the details are autosaved and the shift is updated. The same can be seen on the UI.

Week View

Hover over a particular agent's shift for a day to open the shift details pop-up. From there, you can update the following items:

  • Toggle Shift On & Off

  • Shift Start & End Time

  • Activity Start & End Time

  • Add / Delete any activity

Once the above updates are made, the details are autosaved and the shift is updated. The same can be seen on the UI.

Request Approval

  1. Click Request Approval in the top right corner from the Schedule page to open the approval path selection pop-up.

  2. Select the appropriate approval path and click Submit at the bottom right.

  3. Once the approval has been requested, the schedule goes into the Approval Pending status and the same can be seen on the Schedules page.

Approve Schedule

  1. Open the schedule that is awaiting approval from the Schedule page.

  2. On the View Schedule page, if the supervisor has relevant approval permissions, then they can Approve and Reject the schedules from the top right of the screen.

  3. Once selected, the supervisor can add the necessary notes in the Add a Note section before they approve or reject the schedule.

  4. Once Approved or Rejected, the same can be seen in the Status column of that particular schedule.

Release Schedule

  1. Open the schedule that is Approved from the records page.

  2. Click Release in the top right corner to release the schedule.

  3. Click Release again to confirm the Release Schedule action.

For Agents

View My Schedule

Click My Schedule from the left pane.

Agents land on the week view of their schedule by default. They can view their schedule for the week that's selected. They can also adjust the week dates to see their past or future schedules

Week View - Hover over a particular shift on any day to view the activities inside a schedule.

Month View - Hover over a particular shift on any day to view the activities inside a schedule.

Schedule Notifications

Agents may now receive a notification 'x' minutes before (or at) the start time of an activity.

Additionally, they can receive a notification 'x' minutes before (or at) the start of their working periods, including both the first working period and subsequent periods following any activity.

To enable this feature and set the notification timing, please contact Sprinklr Support at