How to View a Schedule


Scheduling in Workforce Management (WFM) is a pivotal process that involves the strategic allocation of resources to optimize operational efficiency. it ensure the right people with the appropriate skills are assigned to specific tasks, facilitating a seamless workflow and meeting organizational objectives.

Prerequisites for Viewing a Schedule:

Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment and your user should have access to Workforce Planner Persona along with View permission under the scheduling section in the workforce management module.

View a Schedule:

Once a schedule is created, supervisors can click on the eye icon beside the schedule name on the Records Screen to view the schedule. They can view the number of staffed agents and also view the agents' schedules.

Major Components:

View Selector: - Supervisors can switch between Day view and Week view. If they opt for Day view, they can select a specific date from the Date Selector​ and view the Staffing Levels on an hourly basis in a color coded bar graph format. They can also view the agents' daily schedule for the chosen date. If they opt for Week view, they can select select a start date for the week from the Date Selector and view the Staffing Levels on a daily basis in a color coded bubble graph format. They can further view the agents' weekly schedule for the chosen week.

Date Selector: - Supervisors can select a specific date from the date range for which the schedule is created. They can use the previous and next buttons to navigate to different months and also use the year's drop-down menu to select the year. Further, they can choose a timezone from the Timezone Selector to view agents' schedules in that particular timezone.

Staffing Graph: - The widget comes from the staffing report which displays the staffing levels on an hourly basis in the day view and on a daily basis in the week view. Supervisors can hover on an hour's timestamp and view the required staff, scheduled staff and the difference between these as overstaffing or understaffing color coded in blue and red respectively.

Similary, supervisors can hover on a particular day's hourly timestamp to view the overstaffing and understaffing color coded in blue and red respectively bifurcated by the workloads used to generate the schedule. The size of the bubble depicts the magnitude of difference between the required and scheduled staff.

When shifts or activities are modified, rescheduled, or moved via drag-and-drop, the Staffing Graph updates dynamically. This ensures that scheduled staffing levels and information on over/understaffing reflect real-time changes, empowering supervisors and planners to make more informed decisions.

Toggle Staffing Report: - Supervisors can hide or unhide the Staffing Graph widget using the "Toggle Staffing Report" button present at the top right beside Request Approval icon.

Agents' Schedule: - Supervisors can view agents' schedules at a daily level by selecting a particular date and timezone from the Date Selector in Day view. They could hover on an agent's daily schedule to view their shift timings and duration along with their scheduled intraday activities' timings and duration.

Filters: - Supervisors can further filter the generated schedule based on combination of Name, Skills, Supervisors, Shift Timings, Workloads or users' custom fields and properties from the top right beside the Refresh icon.

Drag-and-Drop Activities from the Catalogue to Shifts in a Day View

The Scheduling page in day view has been enhanced to improve user efficiency by introducing drag-and-drop functionality for activities from a newly integrated catalogue. Click the Add Activities icon at the top and select activities from the catalogue on the right, which are represented as distinct blocks with color coding and abbreviated names. You can then drag these activities to the desired agent's shift at the preferred time. Hovering over an activity displays its full name for clarity.