OnScreen Pending ACW


1. Overview: -  

This feature is all about having Pending ACW available on every screen and consuming some extent of the screen to nudge RM to fill the ACW and thus increase the submission count.  


1.1. Objective:-  


The objective of this feature is to increase the percentage of After-Call Work (ACW) submissions by agents by implementing methods to encourage the timely completion of ACWs. 

1.2. Functionality: - 

Providing more visibility to agents about Pending ACW lying in their bucket and consuming a certain extent of their screen, nudging RM to complete the PACW. 


2. Use Cases: -  

The Use case of this feature is to reduce the PACW count to zero by regularly nudging the RM to fill it and reduce it, despite 2-3 clicks away we are now making PACW accessible just a click away.  


3. Configuration Steps: - 

Enablement note:

To enable Consistent PACW on every screen follow the path mentioned below, please work with your Success Manager.

Search for All Settings in Launchpad --> Manage Customer --> Persona App Manager --> Double click on the persona where you want to do the change --> Settings (button at top right) -->Add Configuration --> After Call Work Section --> Boolean Show PACW List upfront 


4. Quick Video Walkthrough of this feature

5. Implementation Details: 


A). ACW Notification Tiles: 

  - When an agent has pending ACWs, notification tiles for each pending ACW will pop up on the screen. 

  - These tiles or tabs will provide a visual reminder of pending ACWs, ensuring agents are aware of outstanding tasks. 


B). Disappearance of Tiles upon Submission: 

  - Once an agent submits an ACW, the corresponding tile or tab for that ACW will disappear from the screen. 

  - This provides a clear indication to agents that the task has been completed and removes visual clutter from the interface. 


C). Controlled Notification Enablement: 

  - The ability to enable or disable these tiles is controlled at the Persona level. 

  - Admin may choose to enable or disable these reminders based on their workflow preferences. 


D) Display of Timer Information: 

  - The notification tiles should display essential timer information related to ACWs. 

  - If auto-wrap is configured, it will show the auto-wrap timer with minimal auto-wrap time. 

  - If auto-wrap is not configured, the ACW timer will be displayed instead. 

  - An indicator will be present to signify if the ACW timer has been paused, providing agents with real-time status updates. 


E)  Sorting of ACW Tiles 

  - ACW tiles will be sorted by date and timewise in Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order. 

  - Each tile should display details such as the customer name/phone number and the corresponding timer information. 


6. Conclusion: 

By implementing these features, we aim to provide agents with effective tools and reminders to encourage the timely submission of ACWs. The visual cues and timer information help agents manage their tasks efficiently, ultimately leading to improved productivity and customer service quality.