Agent Unified Insights


Supervisors access all agent-level data in one centralized location with Agent Unified Insights. This holistic view of agent performance assists supervisors in making informed decisions to improve performance and increase the efficiency of service center operations. The key benefits include:

Comprehensive Agent Overview

Provides an at-a-glance summary of the agent's status, current capacity, and time since login, enabling quick assessments and informed decisions.

Detailed Agent Activity & Assignment Tracking

Allows supervisors to effectively monitor agent activities and workloads, improving transparency and accountability.

Performance Metrics & Visualizations

Simplifies performance evaluation and helps identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement through easy-to-understand visual data.

Agent Timeline & Staffing Management

Facilitates efficient workforce management by providing insights into agent schedules and leave requests, aiding in better resource allocation.

Agent C-360 View

Within the Agent C-360 View tab, Supervisors can do the following:

  • Apply Time Filters:

    • From the top right corner, supervisors apply a time filter to access agent performance insights for the selected time period.

  • Access Key Metrics:

    • Total Time Spent on Calls: View the cumulative time the agent has spent on calls.

    • Average Response Time: See the agent’s average response time.

    • Consumed Capacity: Check the percentage of the agent’s capacity that has been utilized.

    • Time Since Login: View the duration since the agent last logged in.

  • Agent Summary:

    • On the left side, supervisors view a summary of the agent, including CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score), AHT (Average Handle Time), and details of the next shift.

  • Properties:

    • See the user groups the agent is part of.

    • View the skills assigned to the agent.

  • Schedule Overview:

    • Access the agent’s schedule, including upcoming schedules such as scheduled callbacks.

  • Case Management:

    • View all cases assigned to the agent and their status.

  • Activity Log:

    • Monitor activities performed by the agent, such as login and logout times, status updates, and other actions.

Agent KPIs

Supervisors view metrics such as the agent’s response times, call handling times, resolution rates, customer satisfaction scores (CSAT), and other critical performance metrics. This tab helps supervisors assess the agent's effectiveness and productivity.

Agent Schedule

Supervisors view the agent’s current and upcoming shifts, scheduled callbacks, and any breaks or time-off requests. This tab allows supervisors to make adjustments to the schedule if needed and ensure that the agent's working hours are optimized for operational efficiency.

If WFM functionality is enabled, please raise a support ticket at to get this tab enabled.

Agent Skills and Courses

Supervisors assign new skills to the agent, track their progress in ongoing training programs, and evaluate the effectiveness of completed courses. This tab ensures that the agent's skill set is up-to-date and aligned with the organization's requirements. It also helps in identifying any skill gaps and planning further training accordingly.

If Lyearn functionality is enabled, please raise a support ticket at to get this tab enabled.