Asset Reporting Use Cases


Use Cases of Asset Reporting in Paid

Split (A/B) Testing (Report on Image Assets)

For multiple variations of the same image, you can test the performance by launching different versions and optimizing towards the best-performing image.You can report on your image posts using Paid metrics within Ads Reporting. This will provide you with results like the total engagements/impression, etc. on posts that are using the image. Similarly metrics like Cost per Engagement, Engagement Rate can also be reported likewise.

Split (A/B) Testing (Report on Video Assets)

You can report on your video posts using Paid metrics within Ads Reporting. This will provide you with results like the total engagements/impression, etc. on posts that are using the video. Similarly metrics like Cost per Engagement, Engagement Rate can also be reported likewise.For multiple variations of the same video in a campaign, you can test the performance by launching different versions and optimizing towards the best-performing video.

Asset Usage Reporting

You can report on your Asset usages using DAM engine and report on metrics such as Asset Count, %age of Asset published, %age of Asset Reused etc and track the performance of assets.

Asset Custom Properties

  • You can tag assets based on localization (country, region, language). Group on this custom field and identify which assets were adopted by different regions and what was their performance.

    • Assets not performing well leads to less reinvestment on them.

    • Assets performing well can be reinvested in other regions, languages, etc.

    • Assets that were never used can be identified to avoid production spends on such assets.

  • You can group on brand, category, sub-category, or type of product to identify which type of asset is getting the highest engagement.

    • For example, if you are a health and lifestyle company and you have a variety of categories, then you can tag the assets while uploading and post publishing compare which category gets the highest engagement.

  • You can tag with the subject of the asset to perform A/B tests and understand what kind of asset works best for your brand.

    • For example, run an ad with an image showing the product and another ad with an image showing the model wearing/using the product.

    • After 2-3 weeks of testing, compare which type of subject resonates with the audience.

Custom Properties Paid metrics on Asset level within Ads Reporting


Is it possible to use Asset level custom properties in Ads Reporting?

Yes. You can view and report on the Asset level custom properties in Ads Reporting, Ads Manager, and Ads Pivot.