How to Configure Pacing Control Strategy Groups


Pacing is the rate at which the budget is spent. Pacing Control is a part of the Strategy Group that allows you to easily monitor campaign pacing and control budgets without the need to manually track spend. You can analyze the pacing rate of the spend for a smooth monthly/weekly spend target across campaigns. 

In this article, we will walk you through the Pacing Control configuration and the calculations of Pacing Control metrics.

Pacing Control vs. Pacing Group & Budget Source

  • Pacing Control combines Pacing Group and Budget Source capability and goes beyond.

  • Pacing Control does away with any restrictions on how old Campaigns can be tagged.

  • You also have Automated Pacing mode as an option for Pacing Control.

  • Pacing Control will take into account any spend that has happened since the Start Date of the Pacing Control (even if it is applied on a campaign after a few days). This is, however, not the case with Budget Sources. For example, if Pacing Control is for 1st January to 31st January; even if the Pacing Control is applied on a campaign on 15th January, it will take into account the spend on the campaign from 1st January onwards.

To Configure Pacing Control

1. In the New Strategy Group pane to the right, provide the Basic Details for your Strategy Group.

2. Check the box alongside Pacing Control and click the Pacing Control option from the left pane to configure it manually.

3. On the Pacing Control window, choose how you wish to use Pacing Control and fill in the required details. For more information, see Configure Pacing Control — Field Descriptions .

  • Note: Pacing Control (manual and automated) will consider the Start Date for pacing on the basis of when the Campaign/Ad Set spends for the first time.

  • If there is no spend over the lifetime, Pacing Control will use the normal Start Date.

  • You can apply a Pacing Control-only Strategy Group to campaigns of any currency and timezone.

  • This will work irrespective of the Pacing Control configured for All or individual channels. The system will automatically match the currency of the applied campaigns.

Configuring Pacing Control

4. Once done follow the outlined steps to complete the process. For more information, see Create a Strategy Group.

Configure Pacing Control — Field Descriptions

Start Date

Set a start date when you wish to start budget control.

End Date

Set an end date when you wish to end budget control.

Optimization Metric

It will be pre-filled. You can change it under the Strategy Group section.

Volume Goal

Enter the total goal metric value for the selected metric.

Allow Pausing of Campaign when any Spend Limits or End Date is reached

Slide the Toggle icon to pause campaigns when the assigned spend limit or end date is reached. This will avoid any overspend.

For example, if your total budget over a lifetime is $250, your campaign will be paused if your set spend limit of 98% (i.e. $245) is reached.


  • We have governance options to make mandatory Pacing Controls with the 'Pause' toggle. To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

  • You cannot disable a Pacing Control Strategy Group applied to a campaign having mandatory Pacing Control. Additionally, you will not be allowed to remove the Pacing Control feature from the Strategy Group.

Lifetime Spend Limit

Enter your lifetime spend limit. This limit will ensure the Allow Pausing Campaigns when Spend Limit is reached action.

It is mandatory to enter either Lifetime Spend Limit or Daily Spend Limit.

Daily Spend Limit

Enter your daily spend limit. This limit will ensure the Allow Pausing Campaigns when Spend Limit is reached action.

It is mandatory to enter either Lifetime Spend Limit or Daily Spend Limit.

You can also configure your day-over-day spend by clicking 

Customize Day Wise Spend in the right-hand corner

Add Custom Duration Limit

Select to customize a spend limit duration for your Pacing Control. You can create multiple spend limit durations within a Pacing Control.

Start Date

Set a start date when you wish to start budget control.

End Date

Set an end date when you wish to end budget control.

Spend Limit

Enter your spending limit for the set duration.

Note: It is mandatory to enter the Lifetime Spend Limit to be able to use the Customized Duration Spend Limit.

Receive notifications when - Check the box alongside the desired option. You can also set notifications manually.
Optimization Metric

It will be pre-filled. You can change it from the Strategy Group window.

Volume Goal

Enter the total goal metric value for the selected metric.

Receive notifications when - Check the box alongside the desired option. You can also set notifications manually.