Paid Rule Conditions & Actions


Automate workflows, save time and increase the efficiency of your campaigns using Sprinklr's Paid Rule Engine.

The Sprinklr Rule Engine is a powerful tool that can be used to automate workflows, assignments, properties, and more. By configuring rules, you can increase efficiency by transforming manual processes into automatic actions that execute according to the conditions you set.

Paid rules provide various functionalities for controlling the running of your campaign or pausing it based on the conditions you set. For example, you can choose to run an ad based on weather changes, and so on. This lets you distribute the right content to specific audiences at the correct time and ensures maximum consumption and better ad performance. You can create a Paid rule at the Customer level. To learn about the navigation to Rule Engine, see About the Rule Engine.

To create a Paid Rule

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, provide the rule details and click Next.

  4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and set the Conditions and Actions.

Paid Rule Option Descriptions & Notes



Rule Scope

Set the scope of your rule to Customer as Paid Rules work at the partner level.


Select Paid as the rule context to determine which type of asset the Rule will be executed upon.

Pre Condition

Set an account pre-condition to your rule. You will need to select an ad account for the rule to run in as a pre condition before being able to save it.

Enablement note: To make the Pre Condition mandatory in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Internal note: Use the DPs

  • PAID_RULE_ENGINE_PRE_CONDITIONS_ENABLED to enable the Pre Condition field

  • PAID_RULE_ENGINE_ACCOUNT_PRE_CONDITIONS_MANDATORY to make the Pre Condition field mandatory in your environment.

Activation Date

This refers to the date when the rule is created.

Rule Execution Batch

Select a rule execution batch. Rule batches are used to categorize and organize rules to make them run in a particular sequence. Rule batches run in sequence from left to right; and within a rule batch, the rules run in sequence from top to bottom. For more information, refer to this article.

Rule Type

This will be set to Standard to ensure the rules trigger automatically as per rule configuration.



Name and Description

Provide a name and optional description for your rule condition.

Reporting Period

Select the period to limit your reporting conditions on metrics. By default, it will be set to Total. For more information, refer to this article.

Set the condition based on the following Ads campaign properties:




Select ad objectives.

Ad Account

Select ad account/account groups.

Ad Account/Account Group Name

Define an ad account/account groups condition based on individual names using operators such as starts with, contains, regex, etc.


Select the social channel.


Select the ad account currency.

Budget Source

Select the campaign budget source being used.

Sprinklr Campaign

Select the Sprinklr organic campaign being used.

Sprinklr Sub-Campaign

Select the Sprinklr sub campaign being used.

LinkedIn Account Type

Select whether the LinkedIn account type is Business or Enterprise.

Set the condition based on the following Paid Initiative attributes:



Creation Source (Paid Initiative)

Select a creation source for your Paid Initiative such as Sprinklr Created (Cloned).


Select or type and press comma/enter to input tags that are added to the ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Strategy Group

Select the Strategy Group applied to the ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Strategy Group Name

Define a condition based on the Strategy Group name applied to ad campaigns using operators such as starts with, contains, regex, etc.

Paid Initiative Pacing for X

Select Standard or Accelerated pacing as the condition for X campaign pacing.

Lifetime Budget

Define a lifetime budget condition using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Daily Budget

Define a daily budget condition using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Paid Initiative Dynamic Daily Budget (TikTok)

Define a dynamic daily budget condition for TikTok CBO-enabled campaigns using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Monthly Budget

Define a monthly budget condition using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.


Select user/user groups.

Paid Initiative Name

Define a condition based on the ad campaign name using operators such as starts with, contains, regex, etc.

Paid Initiative Status

Select the status of the ad campaign.

Bid Strategy (Facebook)

Select a Facebook bid strategy.

Funding Instrument for X

Select a X funding instrument applied to an ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Start Date

Define a start date condition with operators such as from, to, and between.

Paid Initiative End Date

Define an end date condition with operators such as from, to, and between.

Bid Type (Only for Line)

Select a bid type applicable for a LINE ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Live Duration

Define the duration an ad campaign was live in hours.

Facebook Run Status (Paid Initiative)

Select the run status of a Facebook ad campaign.

Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage

Enter the audience reach percentage for a Facebook ad set.

Enablement note: To enable the Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage metric in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Facebook Ad Set Lifetime Reach

Enter the lifetime reach for a Facebook ad set.

Paid Initiative Created Date

Choose the creation date of the Ad Campaign in Sprinklr from, up to or between certain dates

Paid Initiative Channel Created Date

Choose the creation date of the Ad Campaign in the Channel from, up to or between certain dates

Set the condition based on the following Ad Set attributes:



Creation Source (Ad Set)

Select a creation source for your ad set such as Sprinklr Created (Cloned).

Ad Set Tags

Select or type and press comma/enter to input tags that are added to the ad set.

Min Targeting Age

Select the minimum targeting age set in the ad set.

Max Targeting Age

Select the maximum targeting age set in the ad set.

Geo Country

Select the targeting locations set in the ad set.

Daily Budget

Define a daily budget condition using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Dynamic Daily Budget (TikTok)

Define a dynamic daily budget condition for TikTok campaigns using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Minimum Daily Budget (Facebook)

Define a minimum daily budget condition for Facebook using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Maximum Daily Budget (Facebook)

Define a maximum daily budget condition for Facebook using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Lifetime Budget

Define a lifetime budget condition using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Minimum Lifetime Budget (Facebook)

Define a minimum lifetime budget condition for Facebook using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Maximum Lifetime Budget (Facebook)

Define a maximum lifetime budget condition for Facebook using operatiors such as greater than, less than, etc.

Optimization Goal

Select an optimization goal.

Facebook Publisher Platform

Select a Facebook publisher platform placement such as Instagram, Messenger, etc.

Facebook Platform Position

Select a Facebook platform position such as Instagram Feed, Facebook Stories, etc.

Facebook Device Platform

Select a Facebook device platform from Desktop and Mobile.

Ad Set Pacing For Facebook and X (Delivery Type)

Select Standard or Accelerated pacing as the condition for Facebook/X ad set pacing.

Ad Set Strategy Group Name (LinkedIn Only)

Define a condition based on the Strategy Group name applied to a LinkedIn ad set using operators such as starts with, contains, regex, etc.

Ad Set Strategy Group (LinkedIn Only)

Select the Strategy Group applied to a LinkedIn ad set.

Charge By

Select a pay by for the goal towards which an ad set is optimizing.

Max Bid

Select the maximum bid set in an ad set.

Bid Type

Select the bid type set in an ad set.

Bid Amount

Define a condition based on the bid amount applied to an ad set using operators such as greater than, less than, etc.

Target Cost (Average Bid) Enabled

Select Yes/No to define whether average bid is enabled for an ad set.

Auto Bid (Lowest Cost) Enabled

Select Yes/No to define whether lowest cost is enabled for an ad set.


Select placement/s defined in an ad set.

Ad Set Name

Define a condition based on the ad set name using operators such as starts with, contains, etc.

Ad Set Status

Select the status of the ad set.

Ad Set Learning Status

Define whether the ad set is in learning phase, exited learning phase, or learning limited phase.


Select the target audience defined in an ad set.

Keyword (X)

Select or type and press comma/enter to input X keywords that are defined in an ad set.

Ad Set Start Date

Define a start date condition with operators such as from, to, and between.

Ad Set End Date

Define an end date condition with operators such as from, to, and between.

LinkedIn Ad Set Objective

Select the objective defined in a LinkedIn ad set.

Ad Set Live Duration

Define the duration an ad set was live in hours.

Facebook Run Status (Ad Set)

Select the run status of a Facebook ad set.

Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage

Enter the audience reach percentage for a Facebook ad set.

Enablement note: To enable the Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage metric in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Facebook Ad Set Lifetime Reach

Enter the lifetime reach for a Facebook ad set.

DMA Targeting (X)

Select multiple DMAs that appear in the dropdown.

Ad Set Created Date

Choose the creation date of the Ad Set in Sprinklr from, up to or between certain dates

Ad Set Channel Created Date

Choose the creation date of the Ad Set in the Channel from, up to or between certain dates

Tracking Pixel

Check which X tracking pixel used in the Ad Set, if any.

Set the condition based on the following Ad Variant attributes:



Creation Source (Ad Variant)

Select a creation source for your ad variant such as Sprinklr Created (Cloned).

Ad Tags

Select or type and press comma/enter to input tags that are added to the ad variant.

Social Message Id

Select or type and press comma/enter to input the social message ID of an Ad.

Ad Variant Name

Define a condition based on the ad variant name using operators such as starts with, contains, etc.

Creative Name

Define a condition based on the Ad Creative name using operators such as starts with, contains, etc.

Ad Variant Start Date

Define a start date condition with operators such as from, to, and between.

Ad Variant End Date

Define an end date condition with operators such as from, to, and between.

Ad Creative Text

Define a condition based on the Ad Creative copy using operators such as starts with, contains, etc.

Ad Variant Status

Select the status of the ad variant.

Ad Variant Positive Comments

Enter the number of positive comments received on an Ad based on which you want to take an action.

Ad Variant Negative Comments

Enter the number of negative comments received on an Ad based on which you want to take an action.

Ad Variant Neutral Comments

Enter the number of neutral comments received on an Ad based on which you want to take an action.

Creative Format Type

Select the creative format of an ad such as X Website Card, Facebook PAC, etc.

Creative Type

Select the creative post type of an ad such as Carousel, Event ad, etc.

Start of Day

Select an ad account. This condition will only satisfy at the first run of the rule based on the selected ad account timezone between 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 hrs.

Ad Variant Live Duration

Define the duration an ad variant was live in hours.

Facebook Run Status (Ad Variant)

Select the run status of a Facebook ad variant.

All Text in Ad

Select the keyword list you have created to automate the tagging of ad variants. For more information, refer to this article.

Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage

Enter the audience reach percentage for a Facebook ad set.

Enablement note: To enable the Facebook Ad Set Audience Reached Percentage metric in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Facebook Ad Set Lifetime Reach

Enter the lifetime reach for a Facebook ad set.

Ad Ad Variant Created Date

Choose the creation date of the Ad Variant in Sprinklr from, up to or between certain dates

Ad Variant Channel Created Date

Choose the creation date of the Ad Variant in the Channel from, up to or between certain dates

Website URL (Landing Page URL)

Check if the Landing Page URLs of the ad variants contain or do not contain a given string.

Tracking Pixel

Check which Facebook or TikTok tracking pixel used in the Ad Variant, if any.

Set the condition based on the following Outbound Post attributes:



Filter out Dark Posts

Select to filter out dark posts from your condition.


Select the account/account groups that the posts belong to.

Set the condition based on the following Weather attributes:




Select the city where you want to check the weather condition.

Max Temperature(C)

Set the forecasted maximum temperature.

Min Temperature(C)

Set the forecasted minimum temperature.

Snowfall (in cm)

Set the forecasted snowfall.

Max Humidity (%)

Set the maximum humidity.

Min Humidity (%)

Set the minimum humidity.

Wind Speed (KPH)

Set the wind speed in kilometers per hour based on operators such as 'Greater than or equal to for any city'.

Wind Speed (MPH)

Set the wind speed in miles per hour based on operators such as 'Greater than or equal to for any city'.

Precipitation (in mm)

Set the level of precipitation.


Weather Rules are based on the Aeris Weather feed and syncs every 6 hours. For more information on Weather Rules, refer to this article.

Metric Properties of the Account

Select from the list of Ad Account metric properties.

Metric Properties of the Paid Initiatives

Select from the list of Paid Initiative metric properties.

Metric Properties of the Ad Set

Select from the list of Ad Set metric properties.

Metric Properties of the Ad Variant

Select from the list of Ad Variant metric properties.

Set the condition based on the following Time attributes:



Hour of the day for time zone

Select an hour of the day based on the defined timezone.

Day of the week

Select a day of the given week.

Time zone

Select the timezone.


Define an exact date.



Name and Description

Provide a name and optional description for your rule action.

Action Assignment Duration

Enter duration for a periodic action of your rule. If you set an Action Assignment Duration to the rule action, the rule will run as soon as it is enabled. It will then honor the action assignment you have set. For more information, refer to this article.

Set the action based on the following Approval attributes:



Approval User for Paid Initiative

Select the user who will approve the ad campaign.

Approval Path for Paid Initiative

Select the approval path that the ad campaign will follow.

Approval User for Ad Set

Select the user who will approve the ad set.

Approval Path for Ad Set

Select the approval path that the ad set will follow.

Approval User for Ad Variant

Select the user who will approve the ad variant.

Approval Path for Ad Variant

Select the approval path that the ad variant will follow.

Send Email notification

Select the users/user groups who should receive an email notification if the rule is satisfied.

Email Subject

Enter the subject of the email notification that will be sent.

Set the action based on the following Paid Initiative attributes:




Select or type and press comma/enter to input tags that will be set to the ad campaign.

Reporting Benchmark

Set a reporting benchmark metric for your ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Strategy Group

Apply a Strategy Group to the ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Cost Benchmark

Select a cost benchmark metric for the ad campaign. For more information, refer to this article.

Paid Initiative Cost Benchmark Value

Define the cost benchmark value for the ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Rate Benchmark

Select a rate benchmark metric for the ad campaign. For more information, refer to this article.

Paid Initiative Rate Benchmark Value

Define the rate benchmark value for the ad campaign.


Tag a Sprinklr organic campaign to the ad campaign.

Sprinklr Sub Campaign

Tag a Sprinklr organic sub campaign to the ad campaign.

Paid Initiative Lifetime Budget

Adjust the ad campaign lifetime budget using operator such as increment by.

Paid Initiative Monthly Budget (Only for Line)

Adjust the LINE ad campaign monthly budget using operator such as increment by.

Paid Initiative Daily Budget

Adjust the ad campaign daily budget using operator such as increment by.

Paid Initiative Dynamic Daily Budget (TikTok)

Adjust the TikTok ad campaign dynamic daily budget using operator such as increment by.

Pause Initiative

Select to pause the ad campaign from running.

Activate Paid Initiative

Select to activate the ad campaign.

Delete Initiative

Select to delete the ad campaign.

Archive Initiative - Facebook Only

Select to archive a Facebook ad campaign.

PI budget pacing for X

Define the budget pacing (standard/accelerated) for a X ad campaign.

Naming Convention

Apply a naming convention to the ad campaign.

LINE Bid Optimization Type

Select the bid optimization for a LINE ad campaign.

LINE Bid Optimization Type Goal

Select the bid optimization goal for a LINE ad campaign.

Set Controlled Custom Field

Set the controlled custom field value depending on the controlling custom field.

Controlling Custom Field

Set the controlling custom field value.

Map Paid Initiative Custom Fields

Select the custom fields to map values to the ad campaign custom properties.
Custom Properties (Paid Initiative)
Copy the custom property values from Sprinklr organic campaign, sub campaign, ad set, or ad variant.
Enablement note:
To copy the custom field values from Ad Variant/Ad Set to Campaign, please work with your Success Manager.

Set the action based on the following Ad Set attributes:



Ad Set Tags

Select or type and press comma/enter to input tags that will be set to the ad set.

Ad Set Strategy Group (LinkedIn Only)

Apply a Strategy Group to the LinkedIn ad set.

Ad Set Cost Benchmark

Select a cost benchmark metric for the ad set. For more information, refer to this article.

Ad Set Cost Benchmark Value

Define the cost benchmark value for the ad campaign.

Ad Set Rate Benchmark

Select a rate benchmark metric for the ad set. For more information, refer to this article.

Ad Set Rate Benchmark Value

Define the rate benchmark value for the ad campaign.

Bid Info

Adjust the bid info with operators such as increment by.

Bid Amount

Adjust the bid amount with operators such as increment by.

Optimization Goal

Apply an optimization goal to the ad set.

Charge By

Apply a pay by for the goal towards which an ad set is optimizing.

Daily Budget

Adjust the ad set daily budget using operator such as increment by.

Dynamic Daily Budget (TikTok)

Adjust the TikTok ad set dynamic daily budget using operator such as increment by.

Minimum Daily Budget (Facebook)

Adjust the Facebook minimum ad set daily budget using operator such as increment by.

Maximum Daily Budget (Facebook)

Adjust the Facebook maximum ad set daily budget using operator such as increment by.

Lifetime Budget

Adjust the ad set lifetime budget using operator such as increment by.

Minimum Lifetime Budget (Facebook)

Adjust the Facebook minimum ad set lifetime budget using operator such as increment by.

Maximum Lifetime Budget (Facebook)

Adjust the Facebook maximum ad set lifetime budget using operator such as increment by.

Activate Ad Set

Select to activate the ad set.

Pause Ad Set

Select to pause the ad set from running.

Delete Ad Set

Select to delete the ad set.

Archive Ad Set - Facebook Only

Select to archive a Facebook ad set.

Ad Set pacing for Facebook and X

Apply an ad set budget pacing (standard/accelerated) for Facebook/X.

Set Controlled Custom Field

Set the controlled custom field value depending on the controlling custom field.

Controlling Custom Field

Set the controlling custom field value.

Map Ad Set Custom Fields

Select the custom fields to map values to the ad set custom properties.

Tracking Pixel

Set the X Tracking Pixel for the Ad Set

Custom Properties (Ad Set)
Copy the custom property values from ad campaign or audience.
Enablement note: To copy the custom field values from Ad Variant to Ad Set, please work with your Success Manager.

Set the action based on the following Ad Variant attributes:



Ad Tags

Select or type and press comma/enter to input tags that will be set to the ad variant.

Ad Variant Cost Benchmark

Select a cost benchmark metric for the ad variant. For more information, refer to this article.

Ad Variant Rate Benchmark Value

Define the cost benchmark value for the ad variant.

Ad Variant Cost Benchmark

Select a rate benchmark metric for the ad variant. For more information, refer to this article.

Ad Variant Cost Benchmark Value

Define the rate benchmark value for the ad variant.


Adjust the bid amount with operators such as increment by.

Pause Ad

Select to pause the ad from running.

Activate Ad

Select to activate the ad.

Delete Ad

Select to delete the ad.

Archive Ad - Facebook Only

Select to archive a Facebook ad.

Reporting Benchmark

Set a reporting benchmark metric for your ad variant.

Set Controlled Custom Field

Set the controlled custom field value depending on the controlling custom field.

Controlling Custom Field

Set the controlling custom field value.

Map Ad Variant Custom Fields

Select the custom fields to map values to the ad variant custom properties.

Custom Properties (Ad Variant)

Copy the custom property values from ad campaign or ad set.

Tracking Pixel (Facebook, TikTok)

Apply a Facebook or TikTok Tracking Pixel to the Ad Variant.

Set the action based on the following Outbound Post attributes:



Apply an organic campaign directly from what is set at the ad campaign using 'Campaign (from Paid Initiative)' or select other custom properties.

Using this option will override existing values (if available) for the outbound posts. Please stay in sync with your organic publishing team when using this option. Learn more about tagging outbound posts in

this article


Map Ad Account Custom Field Values to Paid Initiative

Select from the list of ad account custom property values to map with the Paid Initiative custom properties.

Map Paid Initiative Custom Field Values to Ad Set

Select from the list of Paid Initiative custom property values to map with the Ad Set custom properties.

Map Ad Set Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Select from the list of Ad Set custom property values to map with the Ad Variant custom properties.

Map Post Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Select from the list of Post custom properties to map with the ad variant custom properties.

Map Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Post

Select from the list of Ad Variant custom properties to map with the outbound post custom properties.

Map Media Asset Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Select from the list of media asset level custom properties to map with the ad variant custom properties.

Map Ad Variant Custom Fields to Media Assets

Select from the list of Ad Variant custom fields to map with the media assets.

  • Live campaigns are processed by the Rule Engine every 30 minutes. A campaign is considered live if all these conditions are met:

    • It is not DeletedArchived, or in a Draft state.

    • It has Ad Sets.

    • Its Start Date is not set or is in the past.

    • Its End Date is not set or is in the future.

  • Completed campaigns are processed by the Rule Engine every 3 hours. A campaign is considered completed if all these conditions are met:

    • Its status says Completed.

    • Its End Date is not set or is within the past X days (X is configurable with default being 30).

  • If a campaign is live according to the first point, the rule acts on its Ad Sets that meet these conditions:

    • Status is not Archived or Deleted.

    • Start Time is not set or is in the past.

  • For campaigns that are completed according to the second point, rules act on all its non-deleted Ad Sets and Ad Variants.

  • To view your funding instruments while using the condition Funding Instrument for X, please ensure that you have selected one or more X ad accounts in the Ad Account condition under Common Properties.

  • If you increase/decrease the budget at the Ad Set level, you must increase/decrease the budget at the Campaign level by a similar amount as it acts as a cap and if the campaign budget is limited, the ad set budget will not increase.

  • If you wish to optimize your ad campaigns based on certain metrics, such as CPC, it is recommended that you analyse you rhistorical campaigns to figure out what the typical distributions of your KPIs are by brand, country, channel, etc.

  • To easily see which ads have been acted on by a given rule, you could make a Custom Field with a name such as "Rule Note Tags" with values such as "Paused by Rule" or "Budget Increased by Rule", etc. Then you can filter the Ads Manager by this Custom Field to see which ads were edit by Rules.

  • If you want to perform an action based on the fulfillment of multiple conditions (let's say perform action E if all the conditions A, B, C, and D are met) and you wish to perform an action F otherwise, you must ensure to put one of the conditions separately, else you might end up performing action F for more than required instances.

    • For example, in the image below, the user wishes to increase the budget of ad sets belonging to a specific account and campaign and have an engagement rate greater than 1.67. With this structure, the budget will increase when all 4 conditions are met. But, for all the other cases, the other action (i.e. Pause Ad Set) will get performed. This rule will pause the ad sets for all accounts other than the one specified. It will also pause the Ad Sets of Campaigns other than the one specified.

      Tip: It is recommended to refrain from using an Exact match on the Paid Initiative name, since the rule would only apply to one campaign, negating all scalability.


The user will only receive an email for a rule configured to send email notifications.

No. Sport Triggers for Paid Rules is no longer supported.