Pause & Resume After Call Work


1. Pause & Resume Overview: 

This feature prioritizes customer incoming calls over filling After Call Work (ACW) forms. Admins configure capacity settings to ensure ACW is overwritten by incoming calls in unified routing.  

The feature pauses the ACW timer during incoming calls, not affecting the Autowrap Timer. When agents reopen pending ACW, the timer resumes. ACW timer consumption is reported only when agents use it. 

1.1. Functionality: 

This feature gives time to an agent to fill ACW which got interrupted by an incoming call. With Proper reporting metrics such as total interrupts, Total time for which ACW is interrupted, Current Interruption status, the counter of ACW which gets interrupted and resumed back, and many more both at the call level and at the agent level.  


1.2. Boundaries: 

This feature pauses the ACW timer only thus providing sufficient time to resume and fill the ACW that got interrupted but it won’t pause the Autowrap timer that means if not resumed before the autowrap timer expiry ACW will get autowrapped in pending ACW  

If an agent resumes paused ACW during the last interval of autowrap then even if the ACW Timer remaining is greater than the autowrap timer, ACW will get automatically wrapped in the defined autowrapped timer, even ACW timer remaining and doesn’t expire.

2. Use Cases with Example:- 

This feature prioritizes incoming customer calls over completing After Call Work (ACW) forms, while also ensuring that agents have enough time to finish any interrupted ACW tasks. For clients operating primarily in call centres where most leads are generated through incoming calls, this functionality is extremely beneficial. 

It ensures that customer calls are always attended to promptly, maximizing lead conversion opportunities.

3. Configuration Steps: -  

Unified Routing--> Capacity Configuration --> Add Capacity Profile (from the top right button) --> Do the config as shown below 

After doing this config, ACW will get overwritten by an incoming call and the previous ACW Timer will get paused and will resume once the agent re-opens it from pending ACW.

4. Reporting Metrics Available for this feature: - 

A) Is ACW Interrupted: - with value as true, false:- This metric would give the current status of ACW, if true that means ACW is in still paused state else resumed. 

B) Total ACW Interrupts (Agent):- with numeric count as 0,1,2, 3,.. and so on: - This metric gives a count about how many times ACW gets interrupted or paused. 

C) Total ACW Interrupted Time:- This measurement would give the time for which ACW is in a pause state, i.e. sum of all the times for which ACW gets paused, for instance, it gets interrupted thrice and resumed, this metric would be sum of all time for which it’s paused. 

D) Is ACW Submitted: - with value as true, false: - This metric would give the submission status of ACW  

E) ACW Submitted Reason: - it will give values as Submitted by Agent, Auto Wrapped, Submitted by Curl, etc. 

Using the above metrics, dimensions we could make the desired reporting as per client need such as Count of Paused ACW Resumed, Count Of Paused ACW Resumed & Auto Wrapped, etc.

5. Success Story 

Using this feature client solves most of the issues/concerns in the first call only as FCR, as now incoming calls are being given top priority simultaneously giving the agent, Sufficient time to wrap the previous ACW as well.