What is Agent Analytics View?


Agent Performance Management is an important aspect of Quality Management, as it provides agent-level analytics to measure and evaluate the performance of individual agents and identify areas of improvement.

The goal is to ensure that agents deliver high-quality customer service and that they meet the standards and expectations set by the organization. This is typically done through the use of metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), such as customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores, quality scores, call resolution rates, and so on.

The results of Agent Performance Management are used to provide targeted coaching and training to individual agents and to improve overall performance and customer satisfaction.

Note: The Voice Reports, Macro Reports, and Process Execution Reports are also supported in the Agent Analytics view.

Agent Analytics

Agent Summary - The Agent Summary widget provides an overview of the performance of the agent in terms of metrics such as calls or cases handled, talk time, average handle time, customer satisfaction scores, and so on. This information can be used to evaluate the performance of individual agents and identify areas for improvement.

Areas of Improvement (AI and Manual) - The Areas of Improvement (AI and Manual) widget highlights specific areas in which agents need to improve their performance. It is designed to help contact center managers and supervisors identify trends and patterns in agent behavior that may be impacting the customer experience. The information displayed in the widget is used to provide targeted coaching and training to individual agents, and to track progress over time.

Areas of Strength (AI and Manual) - The Areas of Strength (AI and Manual) widget highlights specific strengths exhibited by agents in their performance. It serves as a valuable tool for contact center managers and supervisors to recognize positive trends and patterns in agent behaviors that contribute positively to the customer experience. The insights presented in the widget can be leveraged to acknowledge and reinforce areas of strength in individual agents, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence over time.

Scores Trend - The Scores Trend widget is a graphical representation of the trend in customer satisfaction scores and quality scores over time, and helps to identify any changes that may indicate a need for coaching or training. It provides an overview of how customers have rated their interactions with agents, and how those scores have changed over time.

The quality score is a measure of how well an agent has performed in terms of meeting certain standards and guidelines for customer interactions.

Skill-wise Performance - The Skill-wise Performance widget displays the customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores and quality scores of individual agents, broken down by skills. This information is used to identify which skills are associated with higher levels of customer satisfaction and quality, and which skills may need improvement. To get this widget enabled, please reach out to Sprinklr support at tickets@sprinklr.com.

Lowest Rated Evaluations - The Lowest Rated Evaluations widget identifies cases or interactions with customers where the agent has received low ratings on quality scores, along with evaluators' details who handled those evaluations.

Channel wise Score Breakdown - The Channel wise Score Breakdown widget provides a detailed breakdown of audit scores specific to different communication channels. It allows users to analyze and compare how well agents are performing across various channels, such as email, live chat, phone, or social media.